Meaning: not hindered or obstructed.
अर्थ: रुकावट या बाधा नहीं।
Synonym: straight, non-stop
Antonym: Incomplete, indirect
Meaning: Gentle and kind.
अर्थ: कोमल और दयालु।
Synonyms: Favorable, Gentle, mild, amiable
Antonyms: Harmful, Unkind, Violent.
Usage:Most seizures are benig
Meaning: experiencing or inducing feelings of isolation or estrangement.
Synonym: disaffect, disgruntle
Antonym: endear, ingratiate
Usage:The Prime Minister’s policy alienated many of her followers.
अर्थ: कार्रवाई की कमी जहां कुछ अपेक्षित या उचित है।
Synonyms: inertia, passivity, stagnation, acedia
Antonyms: busyness, energy, happiness, liveliness
Usage: Now every minute’s inaction increased this spirit of restlessness.
Castigated(Verb) : आलोचना
Meaning: reprimand (someone) severely.
अर्थ: बुरी तरह फटकारना (किसी को)।
Synonym: reprimand, rebuke
Antonym: praise, commend
Usage:He castigated himself for being so stupid.
Meaning: an official pardon for people who have been convicted of political offences.
अर्थ: राजनीतिक अपराधों के दोषी लोगों के लिए एक आधिकारिक क्षमा।
Synonyms: forgiveness, immunity, reprieve, absolution
Antonyms: acquittal, amnesty, compurgation, exculpation
Usage: It’s a thieves’ amnesty at this moment, and I must not lose the opportunity.
Meaning: a cause of great distress or annoyance.
अर्थ: बड़े संकट या झुंझलाहट का कारण।
Synonyms: scourge, plague, ruination, destruction.
Antonyms: benefit, blessing, boon, felicity.
Usage: That evil is malevolent violence, a curse that is the bane of our human existence.
Meaning: spoil or impair the quality or efficiency of.
अर्थ: की गुणवत्ता या दक्षता को खराब या ख़राब करना।
Synonyms: annihilate, negate, quash
Antonyms: allow, permit
Usage: You made a good decision, so don’t vitiate it by boasting about your success.
अर्थ: (कुछ) जारी रखना; कब्जा रखना
Synonyms: keep, hold, preserve
Antonyms: abandon, release
Usage in a sentence: The union needs to retain the allegiance of all its members for the strike to succeed
Meaning: having or marked by sympathy and consideration for others.
अर्थ: दूसरों के लिए सहानुभूति और विचार द्वारा चिह्नित या चिह्नित करना।
Synonyms: benevolent, compassionate, humane, kindhearted.
Antonyms: atrocious, brutal, callous, fiendish.
Usage: The queen had a benignant reputation and was loved for her caring treatment of others.