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English Language Quiz for SBI, IBPS Prelims 2021- 20th March

English Language Quiz for SBI, IBPS Prelims 2021- 20th March | Latest Hindi Banking jobs_3.1

Directions (1-5): Below each sentence there are five pairs of words denoted by numbers (a), (b), (c), ,(d) and (e). Find out which pair of words can be filled up in the blanks in the sentence in the same sequence to make the sentence grammatically correct and meaningfully complete.

Q1. Although religion does not __________ the acquisition of wealth, the tenor of its teaching is to __________ an attitude of indifference to world things

(a) proclaim. prohibit
(b) inhibit, induce
(c) manifest, proud
(d) delink, develop
(e) allow, critics

Q2. We should move towards a system where the banks can_______capital in the market with_______safeguard so that they continue to be public sector banks.
(a) improve, proper
(b) strengthen, durable
(c) raise, adequate
(d) stimulate, effective
(e) provide, delicate

Q3. Human Resource Management is an________of mind rather than a_________of techniques.
(a) outstanding, proposes
(b) attempt, mix
(c) evolution, measure
(d) attitude, set
(e) expertise, collection

Q4. It is accurate to refer to poets as dreamers but it is not __________to infer that the dreams of poets have no practical value beyond the __________ of literary diversion.
(a) possible, shadow
(b) sensible, object
(c) discerning, realm
(d) valuable, field
(e) comparable, circle Infer

Q5. Every __________ step man takes in any field of life, is first taken along the dreamy __________ of imagination.
(a) calculated, vision
(b) outward, base
(c) forward, path
(d) initial, thought
(e) parallel, extent

Directions (6-10): Rearrange the following six sentences (A), (B), (C), (E) and (F) in the proper sequence to form a meaningful paragraph; then answer the questions given below them.

(A) There are a number of items in the atomic energy programme which are being made indigenously.
(B) Given the overall energy situation in India, the use of nuclear power in some measure is inescapable
even while thermal and hydro power continue to be the dominant elements.
(C) However, commercial aspects of exploiting nuclear capabilities, especially for power-generation
programmes, have been recently given high priority.
(D) Atomic energy programmes have been subject to severe restrictions for very obvious reasons as the
Department of Atomic Energy is becoming self-reliant in areas in which only a few countries have such
(E) Even to meet these nuclear power requirements, India critically requires a commercial-level power-
generation capability, with its commensurate safety and nuclear waste management arrangements.
(F) Thus, in the Indian context energy security is also crucial, perhaps much more than it is for the USA,
because India imports a good part of its crude oil requirements, paying for it with precious foreign

Q6. Which of the following will be the FIFTH sentence after rearrangement?
(a) A
(b) B
(c) C
(d) D
(e) E

Q7. Which of the following will be the THIRD sentence after rearrangement?
(a) A
(b) B
(c) C
(d) D
(e) E

Q8. Which of the following will be the SECOND sentence after rearrangement?
(a) A
(b) B
(c) C
(d) D
(e) E

Q9. Which of the following will be the FIRST sentence after rearrangement?
(a) A
(b) B
(c) C
(d) D
(e) E

Q10. Which of the following will be the FOURTH sentence after rearrangement?
(a) A
(b) B
(c) C
(d) D
(e) E

Directions (11-15): In the following passage, some of the words have been left out, each of which is indicated by a number. Find the suitable pair of words from the options given against each number and fill up the blanks with appropriate pair to make the paragraph meaningfully complete

In July, the New York Times (11) _______________________ ‘Searching for Saraswati’, a 20-minute documentary, directed by Shirley Abraham and Amit Madheshiya. The extremely well made and (12) _______________________ documentary (13) _______________________ the state-sanctioned search for a mythical river, Saraswati, in two villages in Haryana. The filmmakers (14) _______________________ draw a picture of people hypnotised by blind faith, and the opportunistic politicians and religious leaders (15) _______________________ down on the villages for profit and propaganda.

(a) published/ researched
(b) released / broadcasted
(c) developed/ uncovered
(d) created/ dug
(e) outsourced/ troubled

(a) catchy / producing
(b) tedious / fascinating
(c) occupying / taming
(d) engaging / engrossing
(e) captivating / dull

(a) telecasts / plants
(b) shows / burrows
(c) studies/ conceals
(d) expresses / checks
(e) captures / records

(a) deftly / proficiently
(b) skillfully / crudely
(c) adeptly / poorly
(d) clumsily / weakly
(e) wrongly / ineptly

(a) jumping / growing
(b) worrying / concerning
(c) swooping / pouncing
(d) leading / dropping
(e) appreciating / raiding


S1. Ans. (b)
Sol. ‘inhibit, induce’ fits the sentence most appropriately where inhibit means to restrain, or prevent (an action or process) and induce means succeed in persuading or leading (someone) to do something.

S2. Ans. (c)
Sol. ‘raise, adequate’ fits the sentence most appropriately where adequate means satisfactory or acceptable in quality or quantity.

S3. Ans. (e)
Sol. ‘expertise, collection’ fits the sentence most appropriately where expertise means expert skill or knowledge in a particular field.

S4. Ans. (b)
Sol. ‘sensible, object’ fits the sentence most appropriately where sensible means done or chosen in accordance with wisdom or prudence.

S5. Ans. (c)
Sol. ‘forward, path’ fits the sentence most appropriately.

S6. Ans. (e)
Sol. The proper sequence of sentences to form a meaningful paragraph will be BDACEF

S7. Ans. (a)
Sol. The proper sequence of sentences to form a meaningful paragraph will be BDACEF

S8. Ans. (d)
Sol. The proper sequence of sentences to form a meaningful paragraph will be BDACEF

S9. Ans. (b)
Sol. The proper sequence of sentences to form a meaningful paragraph will be BDACEF

S10. Ans. (c)
Sol. The proper sequence of sentences to form a meaningful paragraph will be BDACEF

S11. Ans. (b)
Sol. The paragraph describes about the release of a documentary “Searching for Saraswati’”. It further mentions all the cast and the storyline of the documentary. The most appropriate pair of words that may fill the blank is “released / broadcasted”. Both the words are apt to provide coherence to the paragraph. Since, all the other pairs of words fail to form a meaningful paragraph, option (b) is the most suitable answer choice.

S12. Ans. (d)
Sol. The paragraph describes about the release of a documentary “Searching for Saraswati’”. It further mentions all the cast and the storyline of the documentary. It is to be noted the phrase “well made” compliments the documentary, therefore the word connected to this phrase with the conjunctions “and” should also denote positive meaning. Therefore the pair with both the words satisfying this rationale is “engaging/engrossing” which means absorb all the attention or interest of. Hence, option (d) is the most suitable answer choice.
Tedious means too long, slow, or dull; tiresome or monotonous.
Captivating means capable of attracting and holding interest; charming.
Taming means make less powerful and easier to control.

S13. Ans. (e)
Sol. The paragraph describes about the release of a documentary “Searching for Saraswati’”. It further mentions all the cast and the storyline of the documentary. The most suitable pair of word that will fill the blank is “captures/records” as they form a grammatically correct and contextually meaningful paragraph. All the other pairs of words are incoherent; hence, option (e) is the most suitable answer choice.

S14. Ans. (a)
Sol. The paragraph describes about the release of a documentary “Searching for Saraswati’”. It further mentions all the cast and the storyline of the documentary. The most suitable pair of word that will fill the blank is “deftly / proficiently” as they form a grammatically correct and contextually meaningful paragraph. All the other pairs of words are incoherent; hence, option (a) is the most suitable answer choice.
Deftly means in a way that is neatly skillful and quick in movement.
Proficiently means competent or skilled in doing or using something.
Ineptly means without skill or aptitude for a particular task or assignment
Crudely means in an offensively coarse or rude way, especially in relation to sexual matters.
Clumsily means in an awkward and careless way.

S15. Ans. (c)
Sol. The paragraph describes about the release of a documentary “Searching for Saraswati’”. It further mentions all the cast and the storyline of the documentary. The most suitable pair of word that will fill the blank is “swooping / pouncing” as they form a grammatically correct and contextually meaningful paragraph. All the other pairs of words are incoherent; hence, option (c) is the most suitable answer choice.
Swooping means carry out a sudden attack, especially in order to make a capture or arrest.
Pouncing means spring forward suddenly so as to attack or seize someone or something.
Raiding means quickly and illicitly take something from (a place).

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English Language Quiz for SBI, IBPS Prelims 2021- 20th March | Latest Hindi Banking jobs_4.1

English Language Quiz for SBI, IBPS Prelims 2021- 20th March | Latest Hindi Banking jobs_5.1