Meaning: physically harmful or destructive to living beings
अर्थ: प्राणियों के लिए शारीरिक रूप से हानिकारक या विनाशकारी
Synonyms: unhealthy, noisome
Antonyms: healthy, healthful
Usage: They died from inhaling noxious fumes.
Meaning: having a feeling of superiority that shows itself in an overbearing attitude
अर्थ: श्रेष्ठता की भावना होना जो अपने आप में एक शानदार रवैया दिखाता है
Synonyms: cavalier, pompous
Antonyms: modest, humble
Meaning: to spend extravagantly or ostentatiously.
अर्थ: फालतू या आडंबरपूर्वक खर्च करना।
Synonyms: squander, fling, dissipate, disburse.
Antonyms: accumulate, hoard, conserve, preserve.
Usage: I feel like splurging on a new dress.
Meaning: of or typical of a despot; tyrannical.
अर्थ: या एक निरंकुश के ठेठ; अत्याचारी।
Synonyms: autocratic, dictatorial, totalitarian, authoritarian,
Antonyms: democratic, accountable
Usage: Under orders from the despotic ruler, citizens were denied freedom of speech.
Meaning: not easily convinced; having doubts or reservations.
अर्थ: आसानी से आश्वस्त नहीं; संदेह होना।
Synonyms: dubious, doubtful, unconvinced
Antonyms: certain, convinced, optimistic
Usage: it’s good to be skeptical about what you see on TV.
Meaning: frighten or overawe (someone), especially in order to make them do what one wants.
अर्थ: भयभीत करना या ओवरवेट करना (कोई), विशेष रूप से उन्हें ऐसा करने के लिए जो कोई चाहता है।
Synonyms: dishearten, dismay, terrify
Antonyms: please, praise
Usage: Her boss intimidates her
Meaning: feel or express discontent; fret.
अर्थ: असंतोष महसूस करना या व्यक्त करना; झल्लाहट।
Synonyms: mope, languish, despondent, lament.
Antonyms: complacent, fulfilled, rejoice, contented.
Usage: The soldiers repine for their families when they are stationed overseas.