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English Quizzes For Bank Foundation 2023- 30th January

Directions (1-8): In the following questions, a word is given in bold followed by three sentences. Choose the appropriate option mentioning the sentence(s) that uses the highlighted word in a grammatically correct and contextually meaningful manner.

(I)We are unnecessarily killing this industry in a manner and way that is not conducive for our industry.
(II)Royal Marines are required to undergo one of the longest and most physically demanding specialist infantry training conducivein the world.
(III)Before induction into a specific branch of the armed forces, recruits undergo at least 9 weeks of basic military conducive.

(a) Only (I)
(b) Only (II)
(c) Only (III)
(d) Both (II) and (III)
(e) Both (I) and (III)

(I)I think that the kids caught in the act of vandalism or anything deterrence should be handcuffed and taken to the police station.
(II)The bill proposed making joyriding a deterrence offence and provided penalties of up to seven years in prison.
(III) There are several factors which control criminal activity and deterrence is only one of them.
(a) Only (I)
(b) Only (II)
(c) Only (III)
(d) Both (II) and (III)
(e) Both (I) and (III)

(I)Politicians cynicismpopular sovereignty as a means of entrusting the issue to citizens of new territories.
(II) Citrin and other experts say cynicism actually seems to be a political motivator, increasing both activism and voter turnout.
(III)The cynicismfactory shutdown would only exacerbate our unemployment problems.

(a) Only (I)
(b) Only (II)
(c) Only (III)
(d) Both (II) and (III)
(e) Both (I) and (III)

(I)Elsevierand Tencent are pleased to announce the signing of a strategic agreement to accelerate the dissemination of global health information in China.
(II)A crater was disseminationat the point where the meteor impacted the planet’s surface.
(III)Section 4 of the Act calls for pro-active and voluntary dissemination of information, but only a few Central and State institutions have published relevant information.

(a) Only (I)
(b) Only (II)
(c) Only (III)
(d) Both (II) and (III)
(e) Both (I) and (III)

(I)We saw more murders and kidnappings than ever before, and violent remorsetook a quantum leap.
(II)Mrs Reilly didn’t show any remorse for her behaviour – which placed vulnerable people at “at risk of emotional harm”.
(III)Bill Cosby says he has no remorse about his actions and believes his trial was a “set up” with “imposters” for jurors.

(a) Only (I)
(b) Only (II)
(c) Only (III)
(d) Both (II) and (III)
(e) Both (I) and (III)

(I)A Philippines lower court found the perpetrators of the massacre guilty of multiple counts of murder and sentenced to life without the possibility of parole.
(II)For Lanzmann, the tendency by scholars to try to understand perpetrators of gross human rights violations represents an obscenity.
(III)Kayla yelped in shock and perpetratorsat the scene they were displaying to innocent bystanders.

(a) Only (I)
(b) Both(I) and (II)
(c) Only (III)
(d) Both (II) and (III)
(e) Both (I) and (III)

(I)The conference will give us an opportunity to exchange retribution with other researchers.
(II)Citizens took their own lives rather than face the shame of retribution after Hitler was defeated
(III)The demographic retribution shows that the population increased but the average income went down.

(a) Only (I)
(b) Only (II)
(c) Only (III)
(d) Both (II) and (III)
(e) Both (I) and (III)

(I)Thedatasets are our primary source of foster on global climate change outside of instrumental data.
(II)Both the Soviets and the current government have promoted his wisdom in efforts to foster nationalism over tribalism.
(III)Positive reinforcement can strengthen your child’s self-esteem and foster a sense of independence.
(a) Only (I)
(b) Only (II)
(c) Only (III)
(d) Both (II) and (III)
(e) Both (I) and (III)

Directions (9-13): In the questions given below a sentence is given with two blanks in each.
Corresponding to each question two columns are given with three words in each column. Which combination of words from the two columns will perfectly fit into the blanks to make the sentence contextually correct and meaningful.

Q9. China’s ___________ of the CPEC has been rejected by India as it passes through Pakistan Occupied Kashmir. Straws in the wind suggest that China may have realised that the CPEC was a hasty decision, without proper ____________ with India.

(A) endorsement
(B) transgression
(C) specious

(D) succinct
(E) consultations
(F) insolence

(a) A-D & C-F
(b) B-F
(c) A-E
(d) C-E & B-F
(e) None of these

Q10. The idea of higher fines as a/an___________ to traffic crashes is based on the assumption that a driver is careless and that the fear of a higher penalty will __________ “careful” behaviour while on the road.

(A) innate
(B) deterrent
(C) concord

(D) exhort
(E) indict
(F) castigate

(a) A-D & C-E
(b) B-D
(c) B-F
(d) A-E & B-F
(e) A-D, C-E, B-F

Q11. Since the August 5 decision by the government on Article 370 and the bifurcation of Jammu and Kashmir, and Ladakh, and the strong reaction from China, these positive steps seemed to have been_____________ . If Beijing’s decision to raise the Indian government’s move at the UNSC was a clear break from the “Wuhan Spirit”, its subsequent statements including at the UN General Assembly have ______________ New Delhi further.

(A) mortified
(B) stalled
(C) hamstrung

(D) accorded
(E) alienated
(F) estranged

(a) C-F & B-E
(b) A-E & B-D
(c) C-D & A-F
(d) B-E & C-F
(e) none of these

Q12. The International Monetary Fund has some words of advice for global leaders on how to ____________ the faltering global economy. On Tuesday, its new managing director KristalinaGeorgieva singled out India, along with Brazil, as witnessing a “pronounced” growth slowdown as global growth experiences a “synchronised”___________ .

(A) resuscitate
(B) ennoble
(C) reinvigorate

(D) downswing
(E) gloomy
(F) distraught

(a) B-D & C-E
(b) Only A-F
(c) Only C-D
(d) A-E &B-F
(e) A-D & C-D

Q13.What the IMF chief did not get into during her speech, was the failure of even the ___________ period of extremely loose monetary policy to sustain global growth. The global economy has been helped by a whole decade of historically low interest rates, yet the recovery that ___________ after the global financial crisis was the slowest in history and seems to be in trouble already.

(A) germane
(B) protracted
(C) prolonged

(D) ensued
(E) detained
(F) salvaged

(a) C-D & B-D
(b) C-F & A-D
(c) B-E
(d) A-F
(e) A-F & C-E

Directions (14-15): In each of the following questions a sentence is given with a word given in BOLD. Corresponding to each question three sentences are given with the use of the same word. From the options choose the sentences which give a DIFFERENT MEANING for the word used in the sentence above. The meaning used in the sentence(s) should be different from the one used in the main sentence.

Q14. Hurricane Dorian put on a damper on last week’s schedule, forcing a few cancellations and postponements, including Atlantic’s game against Clearwater Academy.

(A) Changes in the level of subsidies and feed-in tariffs can put a damper on activity.
(B) The rain here in Tampa, though not yet at tropical-storm levels, has put a damper on the now delayed convention.
(C) After a very dry end to the summer, autumn has been damper than we are accustomed to in the East.

(a) Both B & C
(b) Both A & B
(c) Only C
(d) Only A
(e) None of these

Q15. The chairman conceded that shareholders had been “impacted by the decline in market prices”.

(A) Hysen handled the ball and conceded the penalty that gave Manchester United the lead.
(B) After citing multiple studies, the inquiry conceded that a clear, causal link was yet to be established between loot boxes and problem gambling.
(C) A strike by some ten thousand bank employees has ended after the government conceded some of their demands.

(a) Both B & C
(b) Both A & B
(c) Only B
(d) Only A
(e) None of these


S1. Ans. (a)
Sol. Conducive means ‘Making a certain situation or outcome likely or possible;
Good for, Helpful to.’ Statement (I) uses conducive in a grammatically correct and contextually meaningful manner. Hence, option (a) is the right answer choice.

S2. Ans. (c)
Sol. Deterrence means The action of discouraging an action or event through instilling doubt or fear of the consequences;Prevention, Obstruction.
Statement (III) uses deterrence in a grammatically correct and contextually meaningful manner. Hence, option (c) is the right answer choice.

S3. Ans. (b)
Sol. cynicism means An inclination to believe that people are motivated purely by self-interest; Scepticism, Doubt.
Statement (II) uses cynicism in a grammatically correct and contextually meaningful

S4. Ans. (e)
Sol. Dissemination means The action or fact of spreading something, especially information, widely; Spreading, Circulation.
Both Statement (I) and (III) use dissemination in a grammatically correct and contextually meaningful manner. Hence, option (e) is the right answer choice.

S5. Ans. (d)
Sol. Remorse means Deep regret or guilt for a wrong committed;Contrition, Deep regret.
Both Statement (II) and (III) use Remorse in a grammatically correct and contextually meaningful manner. Hence, option (d) is the right answer choice.

S6. Ans. (b)
Sol. Perpetrators means A person who carries out a harmful, illegal, or immoral act;Assassin, Criminal.
Both Statement (I) and (II) use perpetrators in a grammatically correct and contextually meaningful manner. Hence, option (b) is the right answer choice.

S7. Ans. (b)
Sol. Retribution means Punishment inflicted on someone as vengeance for a wrong or criminal act;Punishment, Penalty.
Statement (II) uses retribution in a grammatically correct and contextually meaningful manner. Hence, option (b) is the right answer choice

S8. Ans. (d)
Sol. Foster means Encourage the development of something, especially something desirable; Promote, Further.
Both Statement (II) and (III) use foster in a grammatically correct and contextually meaningful manner. Hence, option (d) is the right answer choice

S9. Ans. (c)
Sol. Among the given options, both ‘endorsement’ and ‘transgression’ can fit in the first blank. ‘Specious’ will make the statement contextually incorrect and therefore options (a) and (d) will be eliminated. Going further, considering the second blank, only ‘consultations’ can fit in. Therefore, option (b) will also be eliminated. The correct combination will be ‘A-E’. Hence, option (c) is the most suitable answer choice.
Endorsement: the action of endorsing someone or something.
Consultations: the action or process of formally consulting or discussing.
Transgress: an act that goes against a law, rule, or code of conduct; an offence.
Specious: superficially plausible, but actually wrong.
Succinct: (especially of something written or spoken) briefly and clearly expressed.
Insolence: rude and disrespectful behaviour.

S10. Ans. (b)
Sol. Among the given options, only ‘deterrent’ can fit in the first blank to make the statement grammatically and contextually correct. So we will now have to choose between options (b) and (c). Going further, we can infer that higher penalties would help drivers to avoid careless behavior on roads. Therefore, to make the statement contextually and grammatically correct, we will fill the second blank with exhort. Hence, option (b) will be the most suitable answer choice.
Deterrent: a thing that discourages or is intended to discourage someone from doing something.
Innate: inborn; natural.
Concord: agreement or harmony between people or groups.
Exhort: strongly encourage or urge (someone) to do something.
Indict: formally accuse of or charge with a crime.
Castigate: reprimand (someone) severely.

S11. Ans. (d)
Sol. The above paragraph mentions the steps that have been taken by China which have halted the positive stance it was taking regarding India and how its further actions in UNSC have left India isolated.
Stalled: stop or cause to stop making progress. For the first blank, both ‘stalled’ and ‘hamstrung’ are the suitable to make the statement grammatically and contextually correct. Also, for the second blank, both ‘alienated’ and ‘estranged’ can fit in the blank. Therefore, the most suitable answer choice will be option (d).
Hamstrung: severely restrict the efficiency or effectiveness of.
Alienated: make (someone) feel isolated or estranged.
Estranged: cause (someone) to be no longer on friendly terms with someone.
Mortified: cause (someone) to feel very embarrassed or ashamed.
Accorded: give or grant someone (power, status, or recognition).

S12. Ans. (e)
Sol. among the given words, both ‘reinvigorate’ and ‘resuscitate’ can fit in contextually and grammatically in the first blank. But, only ‘downswing’ can fit in the second blank to make the statement correct. Hence, option (e) is the most suitable answer choice.
Resuscitate: make (something) active or vigorous again.
Reinvigorate: give new energy or strength to.
Downswing: a decline in economic, business, or other activity.
Ennoble: give (someone) a noble rank or title.
Gloomy: dark or poorly lit, especially so as to appear depressing or frightening.
Distraught: very worried and upset.

S13. Ans. (a)
Sol. Among the given words, both ‘protracted’ and ‘prolonged’ can fit in the first blank which indicated something that has continued for a long time. So the given statement mentions the failure of continued loose monetary policy to maintain global growth. Further, it mentions the steps that were taken to boost global economy and mentions the recovery that followed the global financial crisis was also slow. So for the second blank, only ‘ensued’ can be filled in. Therefore, option (a) will be the most suitable answer choice.
Protracted: lasting for a long time or longer than expected or usual.
Prolonged: continuing for a long time or longer than usual; lengthy.
Ensued: happen or occur afterwards or as a result.
Germane: relevant to a subject under consideration.
Salvaged: retrieve or preserve (something) from potential loss or adverse circumstances.
Detained: keep (someone) from proceeding by holding them back or making claims on their attention.

S14. Ans. (c)
Sol. Among the given statements, only the statement (C) has the usage of damper in different context where, it has been used in context of ‘slightly wet’. The meanings of damper that can be inferred from the statements given above are:
(i) a person or thing that has a subduing or inhibiting effect.
(ii) slightly wet.
Hence, option (c) is the most suitable answer choice.

S15. Ans. (d)
Sol. In the statements given above, conceded has been used to infer two different meanings:
(i) to admit that you have lost in a competition
(ii) admit or agree that something is true after first denying or resisting it.
Except the statement (A), all other statements have been based on the second meaning of the word ‘conceded’, as given above. Hence, option (d) is the most suitable answer choice.

English Quizzes For ESIC- UDC, Steno, MTS Prelims 2022: 8th January_70.1

English Quizzes For ESIC- UDC, Steno, MTS Prelims 2022: 8th January_80.1



English Quizzes For Bank Foundation 2023- 29th January