Bankersadda आपको Daily Vocabulary प्रदान करता है जिससे आप आगामी परीक्षाओं के लिए तैयारी कर सकते हैं. हम आपको यहाँ 6 मार्च, 2020 की वोकेबलरी प्रदान कर रहे हैं.
Meaning: to pay attention especially through the act of hearing
अर्थ: विशेष रूप से सुनवाई के माध्यम से ध्यान देना
Synonym: attend, harken, hear, hearken, heed, listen, mind
Antonym: ignore, tune out
Usage: Upon hearing the offending ringing, the teacher sarcastically cried, “Hark! Could that possibly be a cell phone?”
Meaning: a gradual sinking and wasting away of mind or body
अर्थ: एक क्रमिक डूबना और मन या शरीर को बर्बाद करना
Synonym: decaying, declension, decline, degeneration, descent, deterioration
Antonym: comeback, improvement, rally, recovery, recuperation, rehabilitation
Usage: Daily exercise can help to halt some of the enfeeblement that comes with advanced years.
अर्थ: एक ही समय में होने वाली या विद्यमान दो या अधिक घटनाओं या परिस्थितियों का तथ्य।
Synonym: beans, bounce, brio, dash, drive, energy, Esprit
Antonym: lethargy, listlessness, sluggishness, torpidity
Usage: Voters were attracted to the young challenger’s dynamism, charisma, and progressive ideas.
अर्थ: भावना की बड़ी गर्मजोशी और ईमानदारी
Synonym: ardor, passion, zeal.
Antonym: impassiveness, impassivity, insensibility, insensibleness
Usage: Surprised by the fervor that her parents’ old love letters contained when she discovered them in the attic.
अर्थ: एक धर्म (विशेषकर ईसाई धर्म) के लिए (एक समूह या क्षेत्र) बदलने की कोशिश करना।
Synonym: lecture, platitudinize, preach, preachify, sermonize
Antonym: deconvert, dissuade, endure, hold, idle, keep
Usage: The missionaries set out to evangelize the world.
अर्थ: अभी शुरू हुआ और इसलिए पूरी तरह से गठित या विकसित नहीं हुआ; अल्पविकसित।
Synonyms: budding, inceptive, incipient, nascent.
Antonyms: developed, full-fledged, evolved, ripened.
Usage: Having just come into existence a few years ago, the new political party is considered inchoate by many historians.
अर्थ: विचित्र और भयावह तरीके से।
Synonyms: hauntingly, creepily, scarily, spookily.
Antonyms: dulcetly, pleasingly, pleasantly, agreeably.
Usage: In front of him stood a masked man clutching a knife in one hand, grinning eerily at him.
Meaning: possessing or showing courage or determination.
अर्थ: साहस या दृढ़ संकल्प रखना या दिखाना।
Synonyms: brave, fearless, courageous, valorous
Antonyms: cowardly, irresolute
Usage: Firemen are valiant individuals who put their lives on the line to save others.
Meaning: praise enthusiastically.
अर्थ: उत्साहपूर्वक प्रशंसा करना।
Synonyms: eulogize, acclaim
Antonyms: criticize
Usage: I got angry when my mother would extol my brother’s accomplishments and ignore all the good things I did.
Meaning: limit or qualify (something) by conditions or exceptions.
अर्थ: शर्तों या अपवादों द्वारा सीमा (योग्यता) (कुछ)।
Synonyms: confine, restrict, limit, hinder, obstruct,
Antonyms: absolute, certainty
Example: She was hedged in by her imperfect education.
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