अपनी अंग्रेजी भाषा की पकड़ को मजबूत करने के लिए आपको हर दिन अपने शब्दकोश में नए और प्रभावी शब्दों को जोड़ना होगा। यदि आप हर दिन शब्दकोश में शब्दों को खोजेंगे , तो यह एक कठिन काम है। Adda247 आपके लिए लगातार और कुशलता से सीखने का एक कॉम्पैक्ट तरीका लेकर आया है। यह शब्दावली उन उम्मीदवारों के लिए है जो विभिन्न बैंकिंग परीक्षाओं की तैयारी कर रहे हैं। IBPS क्लर्क मेंस , RBI असिस्टेंट प्रीलिम्स आदि आगामी परीक्षाओं में से कुछ हैं जिन्हें डेली वोकैब की सहायता से तैयार किया जा सकता है। वोकैब आपको न केवल परीक्षाओं में बल्कि आपकी अंग्रेजी के शब्द ज्ञान को भी बेहतर बनाने में आपकी मदद करेगा, साथ ही उन परीक्षाओं के इंटरव्यू के दौर से गुजरने में आपकी मदद करेगा जिनकी आप तैयारी कर रहे हैं। हम आशा करते हैं कि आप Daily Vocabulary के माध्यम से परीक्षाओं में अपना प्रदर्शन बेहतर कर सकेंगे. इस उद्देश्य की पूर्ति करता है। हम आपको यहाँ 1 जनवरी, 2020 की वोकेबलरी प्रदान कर रहे हैं.
TREPIDATION (noun) : घबराहट
Meaning: a feeling of fear or anxiety about something that may happen.
अर्थ: किसी चीज़ को लेकर भय या चिंता की भावना।
Synonyms: fear, apprehension, dread, fearfulness.
Antonyms: contentment, bravery, happiness, delight.
Usage: As the earthquake bared down, I was overpowered with trepidation.
Synonyms: fear, apprehension, dread, fearfulness.
Antonyms: contentment, bravery, happiness, delight.
Usage: As the earthquake bared down, I was overpowered with trepidation.
NAB (verb) : दबोचना
Meaning: catch (someone) doing something wrong.
Meaning: catch (someone) doing something wrong.
अर्थ: कुछ गलत करते हुए (किसी को) पकड़ना।
Synonyms: seize, apprehend, arrest, restrain.
Antonyms: emancipate, free, liberate, unchain.
Usage: A bank robber was nabbed because he made the classic mistake of returning to the scene of the crime.
Synonyms: seize, apprehend, arrest, restrain.
Antonyms: emancipate, free, liberate, unchain.
Usage: A bank robber was nabbed because he made the classic mistake of returning to the scene of the crime.
CULLING (verb) : चुनाव करें
Meaning: select from a large quantity; obtain from a variety of sources.
Meaning: select from a large quantity; obtain from a variety of sources.
अर्थ: बड़ी मात्रा से चयन करें; विभिन्न स्रोतों से प्राप्त करें।
Synonyms: elect, select, choose, pick.
Antonyms: reject, disapprove, repudiate, spurn.
Usage: In nine months, we as a group, tracked an unknown number of missing children, culling out two hundred and eleven Howie attempted to locate.
Synonyms: elect, select, choose, pick.
Antonyms: reject, disapprove, repudiate, spurn.
Usage: In nine months, we as a group, tracked an unknown number of missing children, culling out two hundred and eleven Howie attempted to locate.
Meaning:able to express thoughts and feelings easily and clearly
Meaning:able to express thoughts and feelings easily and clearly
अर्थ: विचारों और भावनाओं को आसानी से और स्पष्ट रूप से व्यक्त करने में सक्षम
Synonyms:expressive, eloquent
Antonyms: misrepresented, unclear
Example:She gave a witty, entertaining, and articulate speech.
Synonyms:expressive, eloquent
Antonyms: misrepresented, unclear
Example:She gave a witty, entertaining, and articulate speech.
FURTIVE : चुराया हुआ
Meaning: Done in a quiet and secretive way to avoid being noticed
Meaning: Done in a quiet and secretive way to avoid being noticed
अर्थ: ध्यान देने से बचने के लिए एक शांत और गुप्त तरीके से किया गया
Synonyms: shady, sneaky
Antonyms: honest, open
Example:The look in his eyes became furtive
Synonyms: shady, sneaky
Antonyms: honest, open
Example:The look in his eyes became furtive
PUMMEL : कूटना
Meaning:to hit someone or something repeatedly, esp. with your fists
Meaning:to hit someone or something repeatedly, esp. with your fists
अर्थ: किसी को या किसी चीज को बार-बार मारना (अपनी मुट्ठी के साथ), जासूसी करना।
Synonyms:bash, batter
Antonyms:lose, surrender
Example:She hates watching boxers pummel and be pummeled in the ring.
Antonyms:lose, surrender
Example:She hates watching boxers pummel and be pummeled in the ring.
PRUDENCE (Noun) : चेतावनी
Meaning: the quality of being prudent; cautiousness.
Meaning: the quality of being prudent; cautiousness.
अर्थ: विवेकपूर्ण होने का गुण; सतर्क।
Synonyms: wisdom, judgment, sagacity, shrewdness
Antonyms: folly, recklessness
Example: Maybe you’ll exercise a little more financial prudence next time.
Synonyms: wisdom, judgment, sagacity, shrewdness
Antonyms: folly, recklessness
Example: Maybe you’ll exercise a little more financial prudence next time.
DOLE (Noun) : भत्ता
Meaning: benefit paid by the state to the unemployed.
Meaning: benefit paid by the state to the unemployed.
अर्थ: बेरोजगारों को राज्य द्वारा दिया गया लाभ।
Synonyms: unemployment benefit, allowance, welfare
Example: Though he is receiving unemployment, Gary wants to find a job so he can get off the dole immediately.
Synonyms: unemployment benefit, allowance, welfare
Example: Though he is receiving unemployment, Gary wants to find a job so he can get off the dole immediately.
POLEMICAL (Adjective) : विवादात्मक
Meaning: of or involving strongly critical or disputatious writing or speech.
Meaning: of or involving strongly critical or disputatious writing or speech.
अर्थ: दृढ़ता से महत्वपूर्ण या विवादित लेखन या भाषण को शामिल करना।
Synonyms: critical, hostile, bitter, polemic, virulent
Example: Unlike most academic philosophy much of it is personal, polemical, poetical or allusive.
Synonyms: critical, hostile, bitter, polemic, virulent
Example: Unlike most academic philosophy much of it is personal, polemical, poetical or allusive.