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Vocabulary Words: Improve Your Vocabulary with Antonyms & Synonyms: 27th August 2021


Vocabulary Words: Improve Your Vocabulary with Antonyms & Synonyms: 27th August 2021 | Latest Hindi Banking jobs_3.1

Vocabulary Words: For most banking Aspirants, vocabulary is a nightmare but it carries a great amount of importance in every competitive exam. It is very important to have a good hold on the vocabulary to increase efficiency in the language section and also to increase your overall scores. That is why Adda247 has started a new initiative to improve the vocabulary of the aspirants with the Visual vocabulary words and their meaning.

Visual Vocabulary Words:

  1. Rampant (adjective)

Meaning; Unrestrained or unchecked, usually in a negative manner.

Vocabulary Words: Improve Your Vocabulary with Antonyms & Synonyms: 27th August 2021 | Latest Hindi Banking jobs_4.1

Synonyms; uncontrolled, frequent

Antonyms; controlled, limited


  1. Clinch (verb)

            Meaning; To hold firmly; to clench or to make certain; to finalize

Vocabulary Words: Improve Your Vocabulary with Antonyms & Synonyms: 27th August 2021 | Latest Hindi Banking jobs_5.1

Synonyms: finalize, settle

Antonyms: confuse, unsettle


  1. Telltale (adjective)

            Meaning; A machine or contrivance for indicating or recording something

Vocabulary Words: Improve Your Vocabulary with Antonyms & Synonyms: 27th August 2021 | Latest Hindi Banking jobs_6.1

Synonyms: reflective, denotative

Antonyms: informative, secretive


  1. Spiralling (verb)

Meaning; increasing continually.

Vocabulary Words: Improve Your Vocabulary with Antonyms & Synonyms: 27th August 2021 | Latest Hindi Banking jobs_7.1

Synonyms: rising, increasing

Antonyms: falling, decreasing


  1. Foist (verb)

Meaning; To force another to accept especially by stealth or deceit.

Vocabulary Words: Improve Your Vocabulary with Antonyms & Synonyms: 27th August 2021 | Latest Hindi Banking jobs_8.1

Synonyms: Inflict, impose

Antonyms: prevent, help


  1. Plaudit (noun)

Meaning; A mark or expression of applause; praise

Vocabulary Words: Improve Your Vocabulary with Antonyms & Synonyms: 27th August 2021 | Latest Hindi Banking jobs_9.1

Synonyms: commendation, appreciation

Antonyms: condemnation, criticism


  1. Corpus (noun)

Meaning; A collection of writings, a body, a collection.

Vocabulary Words: Improve Your Vocabulary with Antonyms & Synonyms: 27th August 2021 | Latest Hindi Banking jobs_10.1

Synonyms: compilation, collection

Antonyms: sole, individual


  1. Sack (verb)

Meaning; To discharge from a job or position; to fire.

Vocabulary Words: Improve Your Vocabulary with Antonyms & Synonyms: 27th August 2021 | Latest Hindi Banking jobs_11.1

Synonyms: terminate, dismiss

Antonyms: recruit, hire


  1. Malady (noun)

Meaning; Any ailment or disease of the body

Vocabulary Words: Improve Your Vocabulary with Antonyms & Synonyms: 27th August 2021 | Latest Hindi Banking jobs_12.1

Synonyms: illness

Antonyms: health

Importance of Vocabulary Words in the English Language

  • The reading comprehension from which 50% of the English language section questions are based requires the candidate to have good reading skills and requires a good hold on the English vocabulary. A good vocabulary will give the candidates of a better understanding of the comprehension which will benefit them in scoring maximum marks.
  • A good vocabulary also helps a candidate to crack the interview round of the banking exams. The candidate can form a sentence perfectly if he/she has a good vocabulary.
  • Apart from the reading comprehension section, there are multiple English tests where vocabulary can be used.
Vocabulary Words: Improve Your Vocabulary with Antonyms & Synonyms: 27th August 2021 | Latest Hindi Banking jobs_14.1