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IBPS PO के लिए सिलेक्टेड Ayushi Kumari की Success Story

IBPS PO के लिए सिलेक्टेड Ayushi Kumari की Success Story | Latest Hindi Banking jobs_3.1

Hello aspirants,

इंस्टिट्यूट ऑफ़ बैंकिंग पर्सनेल सेलेक्शन ने सफलतापूर्वक IBPS PO के Result की घोषणा कर दी है. Adda247, उन सभी उम्मीदवारों को बधाई देता हैं, जिन्होंने IBPS PO में सफलता प्राप्त की है. Adda247 वर्षों से बैंकिंग क्षेत्र के उम्मीदवारों की मदद का हर संभव प्रयास करता है ताकि वो अपने सपने पूरे कर सकें. जब हमारी मदद से कोई स्टूडेंट्स बैंकिंग परीक्षा में सफलता प्राप्त करता हैं, तो हमें सबसे ज्यादा ख़ुशी होती है. हम उन सभी सफ़ल उम्मीदवारों को अपनी सक्सेस स्टोरी Hindi Bnakersadda के साथ Share करने के लिए invite करते हैं, जिन्होंने बैंकिंग की परीक्षा में सफलता प्राप्त की है.

आगामी बैंक परीक्षाओं की प्रिपरेशन करने वाले उम्मीदवारों की मदद के लिए हम Adda247 से जुड़े सफल उम्मीदवारों की Success Story यहाँ शेयर करते हैं, जिससे स्टूडेंट्स खुद को motivate कर सकें. हम यहाँ इस लेख के माध्यम से IBPS PO के लिए सिलेक्टेड Ayushi Kumari की सक्सेस स्टोरी साझा कर रहे हैं.

Success Story of Ayushi Kumari

IBPS PO के लिए सिलेक्टेड Ayushi Kumari की Success Story | Latest Hindi Banking jobs_4.1

Hi all. I am Ayushi Kumari from New Delhi. I cleared IBPS PO 2020 and allotted to Punjab National Bank, which is my 1st preference. It feels extremely amazing to share my success story with you guys.

Presently, I am pursuing my master’s in Statistics from Hindu College, University of Delhi. Along with my masters, I was preparing for this examination for the last 6 months. I want to thank almighty for this and dedicate all my success to my family and friends, who supported me throughout this journey. I hope my success story could be of little help to the banking aspirants.

While preparing for Prelims, I always focussed on my speed as Prelims is all about maximum attempt with accurate accuracy. I gave a lot of mocks from Practicemock, Oliveboard, Adda247, Gradeup, Ixambee, Testbook, etc. to increase my speed.

For Mains, my strategy was not different. I adopted the same methodology. But I feel Mains is all about selecting the right questions and how clear your concepts are. It’s a test of aptitude and patience.
Now here, I will explain my section-wise strategy. For Reasoning, I used to solve miscellaneous questions first and then I switch to puzzles. I practiced various mini mocks from adda247, which helped me a lot in my preparation. For Quant, I used to be very selective. I solve questions from my strong areas first, and then I switch to difficult questions. For General Awareness, I followed Affairscloud monthly pdfs and Adda247 capsules. For English, I practiced lots of mocks and improved my weak areas. Some of the good mocks for the Mains Examination are Practicemock, Oliveboard, Gradeup, and Adda247. I scored 117.50 marks in mains, which is one of the highest!! (The cutoff for General is 83.50 marks).

For the Interview, I focussed mainly on my profile, educational background, banking awareness, and current affairs. The Interview is mainly a test of your alertness and awareness. So keep yourself ready for both. And most important, Be Confident!!

At last, I just want to say that time management is very important, along with a proper strategy. Stay positive, work hard and get your desired success.

Thank You!

Thank you Adda247 for helping me in this journey!



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IBPS PO के लिए सिलेक्टेड Ayushi Kumari की Success Story | Latest Hindi Banking jobs_6.1