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SBI PO 2019 Reasoning Quiz: 28th May | In Hindi

प्रिय उम्मीदवारों,

SBI PO 2019 Reasoning Quiz: 28th May

Reasoning Questions for SBI PO Prelims 2019

SBI PO प्रारंभिक परीक्षा कुछ ही दिनों में आयोजित होने वाली है और आपकी तैयारी के लिए Bankersadda परीक्षा उत्तीर्ण करने में आपकी मदद करने के लिए 18 दिनों का क्रैश कोर्स शुरू कर रहा है। यहाँ Adda247 द्वारा रीज़निंग एबिलिटी पर एक क्विज़ दिया जा रहा है जो आपको SBI PO PRE परीक्षा 2019-20 के लिए नवीनतम पैटर्न रीज़निंग प्रश्नों का सबसे अच्छा अभ्यास करने देता है। वीडियो सॉल्यूशंस भी मुफ्त में उपलब्ध कराए जाएंगे

Directions (1-5): निम्नलिखित जानकारी को ध्यानपूर्वक पढ़िए और नीचे दिए गए प्रश्नों के उत्तर दीजिये:
आठ व्यक्ति A, B, C, D, E, F, G और H विभिन्न महीनो अर्थात जनवरी, अप्रैल, जून, अक्टूबर में 16 और 24 को पैदा हुए थे. एक तिथि पर केवल एक व्यक्ति पैदा हुआ था. उन सभी को विभिन्न रंग पसंद है अर्थात नीला, हरा, लाल, गुलाबी, बैंगनी, सफ़ेद, काला, नारंगी लेकिन आवश्यक नहीं की इसी क्रम में हों.
A उस माह में पैदा हुआ था जिसमें 30 दिन होते हैं. H और काला पसंद करने वाले व्यक्ति के मध्य केवल एक व्यक्ति पैदा हाउ था और उनमें से कोई भी जनवरी में पैदा नहीं हुआ था. दो व्यक्ति काला और सफ़ेद पसंद करने वाले के मध्य पैदा हुए थे. पांच व्यक्ति C और F के मध्य पैदा हुए थे, जो C के बाद पैदा हुआ था B सबसे छोटा नहीं है. E, G के पहले पैदा हुआ था और वे दोनों एक ही महीने में पैदा हुए थे. लाल पसंद करने वाले के पहले कोई भी पैदा नहीं हुआ था. D और हरा पसंद करने वाले के मध्य कोई पैदा नहीं हुआ था. D को हरा पसंद नहीं है. चार व्यक्ति F जिसे बैंगनी पसंद है और गुलाबी पसंद करने वाले के मध्य पैदा हुए थे. जून में पैदा हुए एक व्यक्ति को नीला रंग पसंद है. वह व्यक्ति जो 24 अप्रैल को पैदा हुआ था उसे हरा पसंद है. E को नीला पसंद नहीं है.  C को सफ़ेद पसंद नहीं है.

Q1. निम्नलिखित में से किसे गुलाबी पसंद है?
इनमें से कोई नहीं
The one who was born on 24th April likes Green. No one is born between D and the one who likes Green. D does not like Green. Five persons were born between C and F, who was born after C. Four persons were born between F, who likes Purple and the one who likes Pink. No one was born before the one who likes Red. E was born before G and both of them were born in the same month. From these statements we get four possibilities:
SBI PO 2019 Reasoning Quiz: 28th May | In Hindi | Latest Hindi Banking jobs_4.1
A was born in a month having 30 days. Only one person was born between H and the one who like Black and none of them was born in January. One of the persons born in June likes Blue. B was not the youngest. E doesn’t like blue. From all these statements case 1, Case 2 gets cancelled. Two persons was born between the ones who like Black and White. C doesn’t like white, by using this condition case-4 will be cancelled. And we get the final solution:
SBI PO 2019 Reasoning Quiz: 28th May | In Hindi | Latest Hindi Banking jobs_5.1
Q2. बैंगनी पसंद करने वाले और E के ठीक मध्य में कौन पैदा हुआ था?
इनमें से कोई नहीं
The one who was born on 24th April likes Green. No one is born between D and the one who likes Green. D does not like Green. Five persons were born between C and F, who was born after C. Four persons were born between F, who likes Purple and the one who likes Pink. No one was born before the one who likes Red. E was born before G and both of them were born in the same month. From these statements we get four possibilities:
SBI PO 2019 Reasoning Quiz: 28th May | In Hindi | Latest Hindi Banking jobs_4.1
A was born in a month having 30 days. Only one person was born between H and the one who like Black and none of them was born in January. One of the persons born in June likes Blue. B was not the youngest. E doesn’t like blue. From all these statements case 1, Case 2 gets cancelled. Two persons was born between the ones who like Black and White. C doesn’t like white, by using this condition case-4 will be cancelled. And we get the final solution:
SBI PO 2019 Reasoning Quiz: 28th May | In Hindi | Latest Hindi Banking jobs_7.1

Q3. D को निम्नलिखित में से कौन सा रंग पसंद है?
इनमें से कोई नहीं
The one who was born on 24th April likes Green. No one is born between D and the one who likes Green. D does not like Green. Five persons were born between C and F, who was born after C. Four persons were born between F, who likes Purple and the one who likes Pink. No one was born before the one who likes Red. E was born before G and both of them were born in the same month. From these statements we get four possibilities:
SBI PO 2019 Reasoning Quiz: 28th May | In Hindi | Latest Hindi Banking jobs_4.1
A was born in a month having 30 days. Only one person was born between H and the one who like Black and none of them was born in January. One of the persons born in June likes Blue. B was not the youngest. E doesn’t like blue. From all these statements case 1, Case 2 gets cancelled. Two persons was born between the ones who like Black and White. C doesn’t like white, by using this condition case-4 will be cancelled. And we get the final solution:
SBI PO 2019 Reasoning Quiz: 28th May | In Hindi | Latest Hindi Banking jobs_7.1
Q4. निम्नलिखित में से कौन सा संयोजन सत्य है?
D- गुलाबी
F- बैंगनी
E- सफ़ेद
इनमें से कोई नहीं
The one who was born on 24th April likes Green. No one is born between D and the one who likes Green. D does not like Green. Five persons were born between C and F, who was born after C. Four persons were born between F, who likes Purple and the one who likes Pink. No one was born before the one who likes Red. E was born before G and both of them were born in the same month. From these statements we get four possibilities:
SBI PO 2019 Reasoning Quiz: 28th May | In Hindi | Latest Hindi Banking jobs_4.1
A was born in a month having 30 days. Only one person was born between H and the one who like Black and none of them was born in January. One of the persons born in June likes Blue. B was not the youngest. E doesn’t like blue. From all these statements case 1, Case 2 gets cancelled. Two persons was born between the ones who like Black and White. C doesn’t like white, by using this condition case-4 will be cancelled. And we get the final solution:
SBI PO 2019 Reasoning Quiz: 28th May | In Hindi | Latest Hindi Banking jobs_7.1
Q5. A से पूर्व कितने व्यक्ति पैदा हुए थे?
इनमें से कोई नहीं
The one who was born on 24th April likes Green. No one is born between D and the one who likes Green. D does not like Green. Five persons were born between C and F, who was born after C. Four persons were born between F, who likes Purple and the one who likes Pink. No one was born before the one who likes Red. E was born before G and both of them were born in the same month. From these statements we get four possibilities:
SBI PO 2019 Reasoning Quiz: 28th May | In Hindi | Latest Hindi Banking jobs_4.1
A was born in a month having 30 days. Only one person was born between H and the one who like Black and none of them was born in January. One of the persons born in June likes Blue. B was not the youngest. E doesn’t like blue. From all these statements case 1, Case 2 gets cancelled. Two persons was born between the ones who like Black and White. C doesn’t like white, by using this condition case-4 will be cancelled. And we get the final solution:
SBI PO 2019 Reasoning Quiz: 28th May | In Hindi | Latest Hindi Banking jobs_7.1

Directions (6-10): नीचे दिए गए प्रश्नों में दिए गए कथनों में विभिन्न तत्वों के मध्य समंधों को दर्शाया गया है. इन कथनों के नीचे कुछ निष्कर्ष दिए गए हैं.

Q6.  कथन: X ≥ G = H; G > J ≥ L; J ≥ K < Y

I. Y > L
II. K < X

यदि केवल निष्कर्ष I सत्य है
यदि केवल निष्कर्ष II सत्य है
यदि या तो निष्कर्ष I या II सत्य है
यदि न तो निष्कर्ष I न ही II सत्य है
यदि दोनों I और II सत्य हैं

Q7 . कथन: A > B = R ≥ S ≥ T; X < J ≤ K < T
I. T > X
II. A > J
 यदि केवल निष्कर्ष I सत्य है

 यदि केवल निष्कर्ष II सत्य है
 यदि या तो निष्कर्ष I या II सत्य है
 यदि न तो निष्कर्ष I न ही II सत्य है
 यदि दोनों I और II सत्य हैं

Q8.  कथन: M > L ≥ K ≤ J; N ≥ R ≥ S = M
I. N > J
II. J ≥ N 
 यदि केवल निष्कर्ष I सत्य है

 यदि केवल निष्कर्ष II सत्य है
 यदि या तो निष्कर्ष I या II सत्य है
 यदि न तो निष्कर्ष I न ही II सत्य है
 यदि दोनों I और II सत्य हैं

Q9. कथन: C ≥ D = E; A = B ≤ S ≥ C
I. E < A
II. B ≤ D

यदि केवल निष्कर्ष I सत्य है

 यदि केवल निष्कर्ष II सत्य है
 यदि या तो निष्कर्ष I या II सत्य है
 यदि न तो निष्कर्ष I न ही II सत्य है
 यदि दोनों I और II सत्य हैं

Q10.  कथन: X ≥ G > H ≥ I; M > H ≥ L  
I. X > L
II. M > I
 यदि केवल निष्कर्ष I सत्य है

 यदि केवल निष्कर्ष II सत्य है
 यदि या तो निष्कर्ष I या II सत्य है
 यदि न तो निष्कर्ष I न ही II सत्य है
 यदि दोनों I और II सत्य हैं
Directions (11-15): निम्नलिखित जानकारी को ध्यानपूर्वक पढ़िए और नीचे दिए गए प्रश्नों के उत्तर दीजिये:
एक निश्चित कूट भाषा में
“Entire Money Board Perfect” को “F5  P3  P3  O3 ” लिखा जाता है,
“Sleeve Washing World Stories” को “M3   B5    P4     U4” लिखा जाता है,
“Moving Partly Falls Objects” को “P4    B5     B4     C5” लिखा जाता है,

Q11. दी गई कूट भाषा में ‘Radio’ किस प्रकार लिखा जाएगा?
इनमें से कोई नहीं
SBI PO 2019 Reasoning Quiz: 28th May | In Hindi | Latest Hindi Banking jobs_14.1
Q12.  दी गई कूट भाषा में ‘Rising Normal’ का कूट क्या है?
J4 P6
J4 N6
P4 J4
J5 S5
इनमें से कोई नहीं
SBI PO 2019 Reasoning Quiz: 28th May | In Hindi | Latest Hindi Banking jobs_14.1
Q13. यदि दी गई कूट भाषा में ‘they forward _____’ को ‘P5  I3  U3’ लिखा जाएगा तो अज्ञात पद ज्ञात कीजिये?
दोनों a और c
SBI PO 2019 Reasoning Quiz: 28th May | In Hindi | Latest Hindi Banking jobs_14.1
Q14.  दी गई कूट भाषा में ‘Elegant’ का कूट क्या है?
इनमें से कोई नहीं
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Q15. दी गई कूट भाषा में ‘Thar’ का कूट क्या है?
इनमें से कोई नहीं
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