प्रिय पाठको,
आईबीपीएस विपणन अधिकारी परीक्षा के लिए तैयारी करने के लिए इस प्रश्नावली के साथ अपने विपणन व्यावसायिक ज्ञान का परीक्षण करें. आईबीपीएस एसओ (मार्केटिंग) मुख्य परीक्षा मे उम्मीदवार को मार्केटिंग प्लानिंग, न्यू प्रोडक्ट लाइफ साइकल, सेगमेंटेशन, कंज्यूमर बिहेवियर, ब्रांड मैनेजमेंट आदि का पर्याप्त ज्ञान होना चाहिए. इस प्रश्नोत्तरी में विपणन परीक्षा में पूछे जाने वाले महत्वपूर्ण अध्याय शामिल हैं.
Q1. With regard to elasticity of a product, the type whose volume of demand increases greatly following a small reduction in price is termed as___________
(a) Inelastic Product
(b) Highly Elastic Product
(c) Highly Inelastic Product
(d) Perfectly Elastic Product
(e) None of the above
Q2.Which of the following can be said about the Test Marketing Stage?
(a) prevents competitors from copying the product.
(b) is an extension of the screening stage.
(c) is a sample launching of the entire marketing mix.
(d) ensure that the product will not fail.
(e) should immediately after business analysis.
Q3. Brand logo is a graphical mark used to identify a company, organization, product or brand. All of the following are true about it EXCEPT:
(a) It should not be overcomplicated.
(b) It is a classic design that does not need to be updated to keep it in tune with styles & fashions.
(c) It stresses particular advantages of a product or organisation.
(d) It should encapsulate the values of a brand and provide an immediate reminder of the brand at all time.
(e) All are true.
Q4. Which among the following options is the step that a marketer should take during the growth stage of a product life cycle?
(a) Move to extensive distribution.
(b) Fortify the product position.
(c) Raise the price.
(d) Move to exclusive distribution.