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English Quizzes, for SBI/IBPS PO Prelims 2021 – 18th November – Miscellaneous

English Quizzes, for SBI/IBPS PO Prelims 2021 – 18th November – Miscellaneous | Latest Hindi Banking jobs_3.1

TOPIC: Miscellaneous 

Directions (1-5): In each of the questions given below, two parts of the sentence are given in bold which is then followed by four possible alternatives. You have to choose the option which fits the sentence most appropriately. If all the four alternatives are incorrect choose option (e) as your correct choice.

Q1. Satyagraha is Gandhi’s greatness in gifting mankind. Etymologically, the term means passion for, or firmness in Truth satya in Sanskrit means Truth and agraha that define passion and firmness.
(a)greatest gifts to mankind; denoting passion and firmness
(b)one of the great gifts of mankind; resemble passion and firmness
(c)greatest gift to mankind; denotes passion or firmness
(d)gifting to a mankind; which denote passion or firmness
(e)No correction required

Q2. The AIP module is not part of the original Scorpene contract but the Navy has been keen on having them fitted on the last two of the six Scorpene submarines being manufactured by Mazgaon Docks Limited (MDL) in Mumbai.
(a)is keen to have them fit; manufactured by
(b)keening on have them fit; which is manufactured at
(c)have been keen to have them fitted; which is manufactured by
(d)is keening on having them fit; manufacturing in
(e)No correction required

Q3. The Trump administration’s renewed focus on hard approaches to counter terrorism could provide these elites with more excuses in continuation of living in their mental comfort zones.
(a)to countering terrorism; more excuses to continue living
(b)to counter terrorism; better excuse to continue to live
(c)counter of terrorism; more excuses for continuation to live
(d)in countering terrorism; more excuses continuing to live
(e)No correction required

Q4. In the parliamentary democratic system of governance in India, the responsibility for running the administration rest with the electing representatives of the people.
(a)in India; is resting with the elected
(b)as in India; rests with the elected
(c)of India; do rest with the elected
(d)like India; rests in the elected
(e)No correction required

Q5. The Shanghai Cooperation Organisation (SCO) was an early initiative by China to knit together important regional countries in Asia in an organisation that had significant security overtones.
(a)had been an early initiative by China; with significant
(b)is an early initiative for China; signifying
(c)has been an early initiative by China; which signified
(d)was an early initiative for China; to signify
(e)No correction required

Directions (6-15): In the following passage there are blanks, each of which has been numbered and one word has been suggested alongside the blank. These numbers are printed below the passage and against each, five options are given. In four options, one word is suggested in each option. Find out the appropriate word which fits the blank appropriately. If the word written alongside the blank fits the passage, choose option ‘e’ (No correction required) as the correct choice.

Summer is one of the toughest periods of the year for anyone completing (6) from school. This means we are talking about almost one crore students who gave their class XII exam. With an investiture(7) ratio of around 24.3%, we are looking at almost 30 lakh students rapidly(8) trying to obtain good scores in their XII board exams or sitting for entrance examinations for various higher education institutions(9). If their scores are not good, their careers will be found(10) to be dead.

Thirty lakh students! This is a/an terrifying(11) figure for the Darwinian struggle they know they will be getting into. Why? Because the higher education system in India is a binary phenomenon(12). You either have intellectually(13) elite colleges, a handful of them, or a vast majority of exceptional(14) ones which have lost their ability to even signal the quality of their students — one of the most basic purposes for an educational institution to exist. The trajectory to professional success then crucially rest(15) on your ability to secure a seat in one of the good colleges.

(e)No correction required

(e)No correction required

(e)No correction required

(e)No correction required

(e)No correction required

(e)No correction required

(e)No correction required

(e)No correction required

(e)No correction required

(e)No correction required



S1. Ans. (c)
Sol. “greatest gift to mankind, denotes passion or firmness” is the correct set of phrases in context of the sentence structure and subsequent grammar usage.

S2. Ans. (e)
Sol. As the sentence is in passive form, “has been keen on having them fitted, being manufactured by” are the correct phrases in context of the sentence structure and grammatical usage. Hence it doesn’t require any correction.

S3. Ans. (a)
Sol. “to countering terrorism, more excuses to continue living” is the correct set of phrases in context of the sentence structure and subsequent grammar usage.

S4. Ans. (b)
Sol. “as in India, rests with the elected” is the correct set of phrases in context of the sentence structure and subsequent grammar usage.

S5. Ans. (e)
Sol. The given sentence is grammatically correct.

S6. Ans. (c)
Sol. “graduating” is the correct word replacement as it means successfully completing an academic degree, course of training, or high school.

S7. Ans. (b)
Sol. “enrolment” is the correct word replacement as it means the action of enrolling or being enrolled.

S8. Ans. (d)
Sol. “desperately” is the correct word replacement as it means used to emphasize the extreme degree of something.

S9. Ans. (e)
Sol. “institutions” is the correct word and it does not require any replacement as the word is in plural form (i.e. various higher education institutions)

S10. Ans. (b)
Sol. “perceived” is the correct word replacement as it means interpret or regard (someone or something) in a particular way.

S11. Ans. (a)
Sol. “astounding” is the correct word replacement as it is in positive sense than other given options.

S12. Ans. (e)
Sol. “phenomenon” is the correct word as it doesn’t require any correction as it means a fact or situation that is observed to exist or happen, especially one whose cause or explanation is in question.

S13. Ans. (e)
Sol. “intellectually” is the correct word as it does not require any correction as it means cleverly.

S14. Ans. (c)
Sol. “mediocre” is the correct word replacement as it means of only average quality; not very good.

S15. Ans. (d)
Sol. “hinges” is the correct word replacement as the verb should be singular in particular with the subject of the sentence. Hinge means attach or join with or as if with a hinge.

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English Quizzes, for SBI/IBPS PO Prelims 2021 – 18th November – Miscellaneous | Latest Hindi Banking jobs_6.1