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English Quizzes For SBI Clerk Prelims 2022 : 23rd May – Single Fillers

English Quizzes For SBI Clerk Prelims 2022 : 23rd May – Single Fillers | Latest Hindi Banking jobs_3.1

TOPIC: Single Fillers


Directions (1-15): There has been a word
omitted from the following sentences which prevents the particular sentence
from becoming meaningful. Choose the option which contains the correct word to
be placed in the filler. If no word is likely to fit in the sentence, then
choose (e) none of these are your answer.


Q1. The ________________ of appeasing
North Korea is over and any new talks between Seoul and Pyongyang must be
initiated by North Korean leader Kim Jong Un, South Korea’s new conservative
President Yoon Suk Yeol said on Monday.

(a) altercation

(b) age

(c) melancholy

(d) sanctity

(e) None of these


Q2. US President Joe Biden has warned China is
“flirting with danger” over Taiwan, and vowed to ________________ militarily
to protect the island if it is attacked.

(a) intervene

(b) absorb

(c) publicize

(d) accessorize

(e) None of these


Q3. A thunderstorm in India’s capital, Delhi,
led to an/a ________________ drop in sizzling temperatures and caused
power blackouts in several areas on Monday

(a) sympathetic

(b) limitless

(c) euphoric

(d) steep

(e) None of these


Q4. President Joe Biden says North Korea has not
responded to a US offer of Covid vaccines, as the country ________________ its
first acknowledged outbreak.

(a) coaxes

(b) soothes

(c) battles

(d) limps

(e) None of these


Q5. It’s less than eight years before the sale
of new petrol and diesel cars is ________________ in the UK – and sales
of electric vehicles have been rising steeply.

(a) lightened

(b) contemplated

(c) magnified

(d) banned

(e) None of these


Q6. The Indian men’s hockey team is set to take
on ________________ Pakistan in the first match for both teams at the
Asia Cup on Monday.

(a) arch-rival

(b) reform

(c) ubiquitous

(d) boost

(e) None of these


Q7. Prime Minister Narendra Modi addressed the
Indian ________________ in Tokyo on Monday during his two-day visit to
Japan to attend the Quad Summit.

(a) retention

(b) wrath

(c) diaspora

(d) fallacy

(e) None of these


Q8. President Ram Nath Kovind appointed Vinai
Kumar Saxena as the Lieutenant Governor of NCT Delhi with effect from the date
he ________________ charge of his office.

(a) assumes

(b) copes

(c) finalizes

(d) sensitizes

(e) None of these


Q9. An Indian ship carrying ________________ relief
supplies like rice, life-saving medicines and milk powder for the people of
crisis-hit Sri Lanka arrived in Colombo on Sunday.

(a) immortal

(b) primary

(c) flawed

(d) urgent

(e) None of these


Q10. The Taliban has begun ________________ the
order requiring all female TV news anchors in Afghanistan to cover their faces
while on-air.

(a) measuring

(b) enforcing

(c) postponing

(d) withholding

(e) None of these


Q11. The French environment ministry warned that
more water restrictions would be imposed in the event of ________________ water

(a) growling

(b) residual

(c) foreseeable

(d) acceptable

(e) None of these


Q12. Hubble has studied 42 mile-stones in space
and shown that the universe is expanding mysteriously and is on its course to ________________
in size.

(a) preoccupy

(b) double

(c) encase

(d) proofread

(e) None of these


Q13. Amid Russian invasion of Ukraine,
Belarusian President Alexander Lukashenko on Monday ________________ Poland
and NATO of attempting to dismember Ukraine.

(a) bartered

(b) garnished

(c) resumed

(d) accused

(e) None of these


Q14. Beijing on Monday extended work-from-home
orders for its residents, ________________ calling for mass testing to
curb the rise of COVID-19 cases.

(a) famously

(b) mysteriously

(c) additionally

(d) boastfully

(e) None of these


Q15. The number of people forced to flee
conflict, violence, human rights violations and persecution has ________________
the milestone of 10 crore for the first time on record, UN Refugee Agency
has said.

(a) exceeded

(b) gestured

(c) glanced

(d) reunited

(e) None of these



S1. Ans (b)

Sol. The appropriate word that will be used to
fill the blank is age. It means a distinct period of history.

Altercation- a noisy argument or disagreement,
especially in public.

Melancholy- a feeling of pensive sadness,
typically with no obvious cause.

Sanctity- the state or quality of being holy,
sacred, or saintly.

S2. Ans (a)

Sol. The appropriate word that will be used to
fill the blank is intervene.

Intervene- come between so as to prevent or
alter a result or course of events.

Absorb- take in or soak up (energy or a liquid
or other substance) by chemical or physical action.

Publicize- make (something) widely known.

Accessorize- provide or complement (a garment)
with a fashion accessory.

S3. Ans (d)

Sol. The appropriate word that will be used to
fill the blank is steep.

Steep- (of a price or demand) not reasonable;

Sympathetic- feeling, showing, or expressing

Limitless- without limit; boundless.

Euphoric- characterized by or feeling intense
excitement and happiness.

S4. Ans (c)

Sol. The appropriate word that will be used to
fill the blank is battles.

Battle- fight or struggle tenaciously to achieve
or resist something.

Coax- gently and persistently persuade (someone)
to do something.

Sooth- gently calm (a person or their feelings).

Limp- walk with difficulty, typically because of
a damaged or stiff leg or foot.

S5. Ans (d)

Sol. The appropriate word that will be used to
fill the blank is banned.

Ban- officially or legally prohibit.

Lighten- make or become lighter in weight,
pressure, or severity.

Contemplate- look thoughtfully for a long time

Magnify- make (something) appear larger than it
is, especially with a lens or microscope.

S6. Ans (a)

Sol. The appropriate word that will be used to
fill the blank is arch-rival.

the chief rival of a person, team, or organization.

Boost- an increase or growth

Reform- an improvement.

Ubiquitous- found everywhere.

S7. Ans (c)

Sol. The appropriate word that will be used to
fill the blank is diaspora.

Diaspora- a group of
people who spread from one original country to other countries, or the act of
spreading in this way.                                    

Retention- the act of keeping something.

Wrath- anger.

Fallacy- false belief.

S8. Ans (a)

Sol. The appropriate word that will be used to
fill the blank is assumes.

Assume- suppose to be the case, without proof.

Cope- (of a person) deal effectively with
something difficult.

Finalize- produce or agree on a finished and
definitive version of.

Sensitize- cause (someone or something) to
respond to certain stimuli; make sensitive.

S9. Ans (d)

Sol. The appropriate word that will be used to
fill the blank is urgent.

Urgent- requiring
immediate action or attention.             

Immortal- living forever; never dying or

Primary- of chief importance; principal.

Flawed- blemished, damaged, or imperfect in some

S10. Ans (b)

Sol. The appropriate word that will be used to
fill the blank is enforcing.

Enforce- to make people obey a law, or to make a
particular situation happen or be accepted.

Measure- estimate or assess the extent, quality,
value, or effect of (something).

Postpone- cause or arrange for (something) to
take place at a time later than that first scheduled.

Withhold- refuse to give (something that is due
to or is desired by another).

S11. Ans (c)

Sol. The appropriate word that will be used to
fill the blank is foreseeable.

Foreseeable- able to be foreseen or predicted.

Growling- (of an animal, especially a dog)
making a low guttural sound in the throat that indicates hostility.

Residual- remaining after the greater part or
quantity has gone.

Acceptable- able to be agreed on; suitable.

S12. Ans (b)

Sol. The appropriate word that will be used to
fill the blank is double.

Double- become twice as much or as many.

Preoccupy- to be the main thought in someone’s
mind, causing other things to be forgotten.

Encase- enclose or cover in a case or
close-fitting surround.

Proofread- read (written or printed material)
and mark any errors.

S13. Ans (d)

Sol. The appropriate word that will be used to
fill the blank is accused.

Accuse- charge (someone) with an offense or

Barter- exchange (goods or services) for other
goods or services without using money.

Garnish- decorate or embellish (something,
especially food).

Resume- begin to do or pursue (something) again
after a pause or interruption.

S14. Ans (c)

Sol. The appropriate word that will be used to
fill the blank is additionally.

Additionally- as an extra factor or

Famously- excellently.

Boastfully- showing excessive pride and
self-satisfaction in one’s achievements, possessions, or abilities.

Mysteriously- in a way that is difficult or
impossible to understand, explain, or identify.

S15. Ans (a)

Sol. The appropriate word that will be used to
fill the blank is exceeded.

Exceed- be greater in number or size than (a
quantity, number, or other measurable thing).

Gesture- make a gesture.

Glance- take a brief or hurried look.



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English Quizzes For SBI Clerk Prelims 2022 : 23rd May – Single Fillers | Latest Hindi Banking jobs_6.1