Vocabulary अब हर Competitive Exam का महत्वपूर्ण हिस्सा बन चुकी हैं. चाहे बात बैंकिंग की हो या SSC की या किसी अन्य प्रतियोगी परीक्षा की सभी परीक्षाओं में vocabulary एक important part होती है. Reading comprehension को Solve करने से लेकर किसी भी को Solve करने के लिए Vocabulary अच्छी होना ज़रूरी है. इसलिए, Hindi Bankersadda आपको Daily Vocabulary प्रदान करता है जिससे आप आगामी परीक्षाओं की तैयारी को और बेहतर बना सकते हो. हम आपको यहाँ Daily Use Words with Hindi Meanings 4th March, 2020 की Vocabulary दे रहे हैं.
Vacuum : शून्य स्थान
- Meaning: a space entirely devoid of matter. (Noun)
- अर्थ: एक अंतरिक्ष पूरी तरह से पदार्थ से रहित।
- Synonyms: void, emptiness, vacancy
- Antonyms: fullness, abundance
- Usage in a Sentence: The writer criticized the moral vacuum in society.
Disconcerting : चिंताजनक
- Meaning: tending to cause discomfort, uneasiness or alarm; unsettling; troubling; upsetting.
- अर्थ: असुविधा, बेचैनी या अलार्म पैदा करने की प्रवृत्ति; बेचैन; परेशान कर; परेशान।
- Synonyms: unsettling, disturbing, embarrassing
- Antonyms: soothing, affable, comforting
- Usage in a Sentence: I found it very disconcerting to be in the function in which I was not invited.
Proxy : प्रतिनिधि
- Meaning: the authority to represent someone else, especially in voting.
- अर्थ: विशेष रूप से मतदान में किसी और का प्रतिनिधित्व करने का अधिकार।
- Synonyms: substitute, surrogate, deputy, representative
- Usage in a sentence: Your proxy will need to sign the form on your behalf.
Stark : नितांत)
- Meaning: severe or bare in appearance or outline.
- अर्थ: दिखने या रूपरेखा में गंभीर या नंगे।
- Synonyms: crisp, distinct, obvious
- Antonyms: fuzzy, indistinct, pleasant
- Usage in a sentence: The remains of the building stand as a stark reminder of the fire.
- Meaning: having or involving very modern technology or design.
- अर्थ: बहुत आधुनिक तकनीक या डिजाइन का होना या उसमें शामिल होना।
- Synonyms: innovative, modern, cutting edge, visionary
- Antonyms: old, retro.
- Usage: It almost seems futuristic in design, but you can have it right now.
- Meaning: frighten or overawe (someone), especially in order to make them do what one wants.
- अर्थ: भयभीत करना या ओवरवेट करना (कोई), विशेष रूप से उन्हें ऐसा करने के लिए जो कोई चाहता है।
- Synonyms: dishearten, dismay, terrify
- Antonyms: please, praise
- Usage: Her boss intimidates her
COUP (noun)तख्तापलट
- Meaning: an instance of successfully achieving something difficult.
- अर्थ: सफलतापूर्वक कुछ कठिन हासिल करने की एक मिसाल।
- Synonyms: accomplishment, achievement, attainment, triumph.
- Antonyms: debacle, failure, downfall, fiasco.
- Usage: Since our team is usually eliminated early in the competition, we considered it a major coup when we won the championship.:
MELLOW (adjective)मधुर
- Meaning: (especially of a sound, flavour, or color) pleasantly smooth or soft; free from harshness.
- अर्थ: (विशेषकर ध्वनि, स्वाद, या रंग) सुखद रूप से चिकना या नरम; कठोरता से मुक्त।
- Synonyms: dulcet, euphonious, melodious, mellifluous, mellifluent.
- Antonyms: rugged, abrading, gruff, abrasive, harsh.
- Usage: His mellow voice and his qualitative speech made everyone applaud him.
REPINE (verb)विलाप करना
- Meaning: feel or express discontent; fret.
- अर्थ: असंतोष महसूस करना या व्यक्त करना; झल्लाहट।
- Synonyms: mope, languish, despondent, lament.
- Antonyms: complacent, fulfilled, rejoice, contented.
- Usage: The soldiers repine for their families when they are stationed overseas.
PRECARIOUS (adjective)अनिश्चित
- Meaning: dependent on chance; uncertain.
- अर्थ: संयोग पर निर्भर; अनिश्चित।
- Synonyms: unsure, unpredictable, doubtful, dubious.
- Antonyms: certain, stable, confirmed, definite.
- Usage: As Finance Secretary I found that the finances of the state were in a precarious condition.
Saving grace : विशेष गुण
- Meaning: the redeeming grace of God.
- अर्थ: ईश्वर की कृपा से छुड़ाने वाली कृपा।
- Synonyms: good point, attractive aspect, advantage
- Antonyms: weak point, disadvantage, difficulty, weakness
- Usage in a Sentence: Dogs are a man’s best friend and a cop’s saving grace.
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