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SBI PO 2019 Reasoning Quiz: 17th April | IN HINDI

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SBI PO 2019 Reasoning Quiz: 17th April | IN HINDI | Latest Hindi Banking jobs_3.1

Reasoning Questions for SBI PO prelims 2019:

तार्किक क्षमता (रिजिनिंग) एक बड़ा अनुभाग है। प्रश्नों की बढ़ती जटिलता के साथ, इसे आसानी से पास करना  मुश्किल हो जाता है।  परीक्षाओं में इस विशेष अनुभाग में ग्रेड बनाने का एकमात्र तरीका अपने पूरे दिल और आत्मा के साथ लगातार अभ्यास करना है और आपको नवीनतम पैटर्न प्रश्नों के साथ अभ्यास करने प्रदान करने के लिए, यहां परीक्षाओं में पूछे जाने वाले प्रश्नों के सटीक समान पैटर्न के आधार पर Adda247 रीज़निंग क्विज दी गयी है। 

Directions (1-5): निम्नलिखित जानकारी का ध्यानपूर्वक अध्ययन कीजिए और नीचे दिए प्रश्नों के उत्तर दीजिए। 
एक शब्द और संख्या व्यवस्था मशीन को जब शब्दों और संख्याओं की एक इनपुट पंक्ति दी जाती है, तो वह प्रत्येक चरण में एक निश्चित नियम का अनुसरण करते हुए उन्हें व्यवस्थित करती है। निम्नलिखित इनपुट और पुनर्व्यवस्था का एक उदहारण है:
इनपुट: army 31 choose another 22 47 world 11 62 epic 35
चरण I: 11 army 31 choose another 22 47 world 62 35 epic
चरण II: 11 31 army choose another 22 47 62 35 world epic
चरण III: 11 31 47 army another 22 62 35 choose world epic
चरण IV: 11 31 47 22 army 62 35 another choose world epic
चरण  V: 11 31 47 22 35 62 army another choose world epic
चरण  V उपर्युक्त व्यवस्था का अंतिम चरण  है। उपर्युक्त दिए गए चरणों में अनुसरण किये गए नियमों के अनुसार, दिए गए इनपुट के लिए निम्नलिखित प्रत्येक प्रश्न में उपयुक्त चरण  ज्ञात कीजिये। 

इनपुट : visit 17 48 grand black 23 opinion 61 25 science 16
Q1. चरण IV में निम्न में से कौन सा तत्व बाएं सिरे से तीसरे तत्व तथा दायें सिरे से पांचवें तत्व के ठीक मध्य में है?
In this input output question two numbers are arranged in each step following a certain pattern. Let us understand the logic behind it-
(i) For Words: Words are arranged according to the place value of the last letter in the alphabetical series from right to left in the right end. The word which has the last letter, which comes 1st in alphabetical series, is arranged first and so on. For example, “epic and choose” in which we can see that “c” and “e” are last letters of both words, but c comes 1st, so “epic” will be arranged 1st.
(ii) For Numbers: They are arranged in increasing order. The prime numbers are arranged first followed by composite numbers from left to right in left end.
Input: visit 17 48 grand black 23 opinion 61 25 science 16
Step I: 17 visit 48 black 23 opinion 61 25 science 16 grand
Step II: 17 23 visit 48 black opinion 61 25 16 science grand
Step III: 17 23 61 visit 48 opinion 25 16 black science grand
Step IV: 17 23 61 16 visit 48 25 opinion black science grand
Step V: 17 23 61 16 25 48 visit opinion black science grand
Q2. चरण II में, ‘17’ का सम्बन्ध ‘black’ से है और ‘visit’ का सम्बन्ध ‘61’ से है. इसी प्रकार ‘opinion’ का सम्बन्ध किससे है? 
In this input output question two numbers are arranged in each step following a certain pattern. Let us understand the logic behind it-
(i) For Words: Words are arranged according to the place value of the last letter in the alphabetical series from right to left in the right end. The word which has the last letter, which comes 1st in alphabetical series, is arranged first and so on. For example, “epic and choose” in which we can see that “c” and “e” are last letters of both words, but c comes 1st, so “epic” will be arranged 1st.
(ii) For Numbers: They are arranged in increasing order. The prime numbers are arranged first followed by composite numbers from left to right in left end.
Input: visit 17 48 grand black 23 opinion 61 25 science 16
Step I: 17 visit 48 black 23 opinion 61 25 science 16 grand
Step II: 17 23 visit 48 black opinion 61 25 16 science grand
Step III: 17 23 61 visit 48 opinion 25 16 black science grand
Step IV: 17 23 61 16 visit 48 25 opinion black science grand
Step V: 17 23 61 16 25 48 visit opinion black science grand
Q3. निम्न में से किस चरण में तत्व “48 25 opinion” समान क्रम में देखे गये हैं? 
 चरण  I
 चरण  IV
 चरण III
 चरण II
 ऐसा कोई चरण नहीं है  
In this input output question two numbers are arranged in each step following a certain pattern. Let us understand the logic behind it-
(i) For Words: Words are arranged according to the place value of the last letter in the alphabetical series from right to left in the right end. The word which has the last letter, which comes 1st in alphabetical series, is arranged first and so on. For example, “epic and choose” in which we can see that “c” and “e” are last letters of both words, but c comes 1st, so “epic” will be arranged 1st.
(ii) For Numbers: They are arranged in increasing order. The prime numbers are arranged first followed by composite numbers from left to right in left end.
Input: visit 17 48 grand black 23 opinion 61 25 science 16
Step I: 17 visit 48 black 23 opinion 61 25 science 16 grand
Step II: 17 23 visit 48 black opinion 61 25 16 science grand
Step III: 17 23 61 visit 48 opinion 25 16 black science grand
Step IV: 17 23 61 16 visit 48 25 opinion black science grand
Step V: 17 23 61 16 25 48 visit opinion black science grand
Q4. चरण II में, बाएं सिरे से चौथे तत्व तथा दायें सिरे से तीसरे तत्व का योग क्या है? 
In this input output question two numbers are arranged in each step following a certain pattern. Let us understand the logic behind it-
(i) For Words: Words are arranged according to the place value of the last letter in the alphabetical series from right to left in the right end. The word which has the last letter, which comes 1st in alphabetical series, is arranged first and so on. For example, “epic and choose” in which we can see that “c” and “e” are last letters of both words, but c comes 1st, so “epic” will be arranged 1st.
(ii) For Numbers: They are arranged in increasing order. The prime numbers are arranged first followed by composite numbers from left to right in left end.
Input: visit 17 48 grand black 23 opinion 61 25 science 16
Step I: 17 visit 48 black 23 opinion 61 25 science 16 grand
Step II: 17 23 visit 48 black opinion 61 25 16 science grand
Step III: 17 23 61 visit 48 opinion 25 16 black science grand
Step IV: 17 23 61 16 visit 48 25 opinion black science grand
Step V: 17 23 61 16 25 48 visit opinion black science grand
Q5. निम्न में से कौन सा तत्व चरण III में दायें सिरे से छठे तत्व के बाएं से तीसरे स्थान पर होगा? 
In this input output question two numbers are arranged in each step following a certain pattern. Let us understand the logic behind it-
(i) For Words: Words are arranged according to the place value of the last letter in the alphabetical series from right to left in the right end. The word which has the last letter, which comes 1st in alphabetical series, is arranged first and so on. For example, “epic and choose” in which we can see that “c” and “e” are last letters of both words, but c comes 1st, so “epic” will be arranged 1st.
(ii) For Numbers: They are arranged in increasing order. The prime numbers are arranged first followed by composite numbers from left to right in left end.
Input: visit 17 48 grand black 23 opinion 61 25 science 16
Step I: 17 visit 48 black 23 opinion 61 25 science 16 grand
Step II: 17 23 visit 48 black opinion 61 25 16 science grand
Step III: 17 23 61 visit 48 opinion 25 16 black science grand
Step IV: 17 23 61 16 visit 48 25 opinion black science grand
Step V: 17 23 61 16 25 48 visit opinion black science grand
Directions (6-10): निम्नलिखित जानकारी का ध्यानपूर्वक अध्ययन कीजिए और नीचे दिए प्रश्नों के उत्तर दीजिए। 

एक संख्या व्यवस्था मशीन को जब संख्याओं की एक इनपुट पंक्ति दी जाती है, तो वह प्रत्येक चरण में एक निश्चित नियम का अनुसरण करते हुए उन्हें व्यवस्थित करती है। निम्नलिखित इनपुट और पुनर्व्यवस्था का एक उदहारण है:

 इनपुट:  75  16  56  25  48  31  64  97  22  57
चरण I: 52  75  56   48  31  64  97  22  57  17
चरण II: 13  52  75  56  48  64  97  57  17  23
चरण III: 75  13  52  75  56  64  97  17  23  49
चरण IV: 57  75  13  52  64  97  17  23  49  57
चरण V: 79  57  75  13  52  17  23  49  57  65
चरण  V उपर्युक्त व्यवस्था का अंतिम चरण  है। 
उपर्युक्त दिए गए चरणों में अनुसरण किये गए नियमों के अनुसार दिए गए इनपुट के लिए निम्नलिखित प्रत्येक प्रश्न में उपयुक्त चरण  ज्ञात कीजिये।   
इनपुट : 86  14  53  24  45  17  32  27  74  93 

Q6. निम्न में से कौन सा उपरोक्त इनपुट का अंतिम चरण होगा? 

 इनमें से कोई नहीं 
In this input output question two numbers are arranged in each step following a certain pattern. Let us understand the logic behind it-
* Even numbers are arranged at the right end, from left to right in ascending order after adding one in each number.
* Odd numbers are arranged at the left end, from right to left in ascending order after the digits are interchanged within the number.
Input: 86 14 53 24 45 17 32 27 74 93
Step I: 71 86 53 24 45 32 27 74 93 15
Step II: 72 71 86 53 45 32 74 93 15 25
Step III: 54 72 71 86 53 74 93 15 25 33
Step IV: 35 54 72 71 86 93 15 25 33 75
Step V: 39 35 54 72 71 15 25 33 75 87

Q7. दिया गया चरण कौन सा है? 

चरण: 54  72  71  86  53  74  93  15  25  33

 ऐसा कोई चरण नहीं है 
In this input output question two numbers are arranged in each step following a certain pattern. Let us understand the logic behind it-
* Even numbers are arranged at the right end, from left to right in ascending order after adding one in each number.
* Odd numbers are arranged at the left end, from right to left in ascending order after the digits are interchanged within the number.
Input: 86 14 53 24 45 17 32 27 74 93
Step I: 71 86 53 24 45 32 27 74 93 15
Step II: 72 71 86 53 45 32 74 93 15 25
Step III: 54 72 71 86 53 74 93 15 25 33
Step IV: 35 54 72 71 86 93 15 25 33 75
Step V: 39 35 54 72 71 15 25 33 75 87
Q8. चरण IV में दायें सिरे से चौथा तत्व कौन सा है? 
In this input output question two numbers are arranged in each step following a certain pattern. Let us understand the logic behind it-
* Even numbers are arranged at the right end, from left to right in ascending order after adding one in each number.
* Odd numbers are arranged at the left end, from right to left in ascending order after the digits are interchanged within the number.
Input: 86 14 53 24 45 17 32 27 74 93
Step I: 71 86 53 24 45 32 27 74 93 15
Step II: 72 71 86 53 45 32 74 93 15 25
Step III: 54 72 71 86 53 74 93 15 25 33
Step IV: 35 54 72 71 86 93 15 25 33 75
Step V: 39 35 54 72 71 15 25 33 75 87
Q9. चरण II में निम्न में से कौन सा तत्व 71 और 32 के ठीक मध्य में है ?
In this input output question two numbers are arranged in each step following a certain pattern. Let us understand the logic behind it-
* Even numbers are arranged at the right end, from left to right in ascending order after adding one in each number.
* Odd numbers are arranged at the left end, from right to left in ascending order after the digits are interchanged within the number.
Input: 86 14 53 24 45 17 32 27 74 93
Step I: 71 86 53 24 45 32 27 74 93 15
Step II: 72 71 86 53 45 32 74 93 15 25
Step III: 54 72 71 86 53 74 93 15 25 33
Step IV: 35 54 72 71 86 93 15 25 33 75
Step V: 39 35 54 72 71 15 25 33 75 87
Q10. निम्न में से कौन सा इनपुट के लिए पांचवां चरण होगा? 
39 15 25 33 75 87 35 54 72 71
39 35 25 33 75 87 54 72 71 15
39 72 71 15 25 33 35 54 75 87
71 15 25 33 75 87 39 35 54 72
39 35 54 72 71 15 25 33 75 87
In this input output question two numbers are arranged in each step following a certain pattern. Let us understand the logic behind it-
* Even numbers are arranged at the right end, from left to right in ascending order after adding one in each number.
* Odd numbers are arranged at the left end, from right to left in ascending order after the digits are interchanged within the number.
Input: 86 14 53 24 45 17 32 27 74 93
Step I: 71 86 53 24 45 32 27 74 93 15
Step II: 72 71 86 53 45 32 74 93 15 25
Step III: 54 72 71 86 53 74 93 15 25 33
Step IV: 35 54 72 71 86 93 15 25 33 75
Step V: 39 35 54 72 71 15 25 33 75 87
Directions (11-15): निम्नलिखित जानकारी का ध्यानपूर्वक अध्ययन कीजिए और नीचे दिए प्रश्नों के उत्तर दीजिए। 
एक शब्द और संख्या व्यवस्था मशीन को जब शब्दों और संख्याओं की एक इनपुट पंक्ति दी जाती है, तो वह प्रत्येक चरण में एक निश्चित नियम का अनुसरण करते हुए उन्हें व्यवस्थित करती है। निम्नलिखित इनपुट और पुनर्व्यवस्था का एक उदहारण है:

 इनपुट: 7  create  28  factory  14  race  86  violence  editorial 56
चरण I:  editorial  7  create  28  factory  14  race  violence 56  86
चरण II: violence  editorial  7  create  28  factory  14  race  86 56
चरण III:  factory  violence  editorial  7  create 14  race  86  56  28
चरण IV:  create factory  violence  editorial  7   race  86  56  28  14
चरण  V:  race  create  factory  violence  editorial  86  56  28  14  7
अब, दिए गये इनपुट पर आधारित प्रश्नों के उत्तर दीजिये.
इनपुट:  probe  98  marriage  over  12  poverty  44  9  defending 25  honors

Q11. कौन सा चरण अंत से पहले होगा?

 चरण  VI
 चरण V
 चरण  IV
 चरण  III
 इनमें से कोई नहीं  
Students let us understand the Logic behind this Question and let’s understand how to solve it. As a first step, let’s first understand the logic behind the Output. If you will see the final output, you will observe the following:
(i)- The machine rearranges a word and a number in each step.
(ii)- The words are arranged according to the length of words in descending order from left. That means the word having more number of letters are arrange first at the left end and the words having less number of letter arrange in last at the left end.
(iii)- Numbers are arranged in descending order on the right end in each step.
Input: probe 98 marriage over 12 poverty 44 9 defending 25 honors
Step I: defending probe marriage over 12 poverty 44 9 25 honors 98
Step II: marriage defending probe over 12 poverty 9 25 honors 98 44
Step III: poverty marriage defending probe over 12 9 honors 98 44 25
Step IV: honors poverty marriage defending probe over 9 98 44 25 12
Step V: probe honors poverty marriage defending over 98 44 25 12 9
Step VI: over probe honors poverty marriage defending 98 44 25 12 9
Q12. अंतिम चरण में ‘poverty’ का स्थान क्या है?
 बाएं से सातवाँ 
 दायें से छठा  
 बाएं से छठा   
बाएं से चौथा  
  इनमें से कोई नहीं  
Students let us understand the Logic behind this Question and let’s understand how to solve it. As a first step, let’s first understand the logic behind the Output. If you will see the final output, you will observe the following:
(i)- The machine rearranges a word and a number in each step.
(ii)- The words are arranged according to the length of words in descending order from left. That means the word having more number of letters are arrange first at the left end and the words having less number of letter arrange in last at the left end.
(iii)- Numbers are arranged in descending order on the right end in each step.
Input: probe 98 marriage over 12 poverty 44 9 defending 25 honors
Step I: defending probe marriage over 12 poverty 44 9 25 honors 98
Step II: marriage defending probe over 12 poverty 9 25 honors 98 44
Step III: poverty marriage defending probe over 12 9 honors 98 44 25
Step IV: honors poverty marriage defending probe over 9 98 44 25 12
Step V: probe honors poverty marriage defending over 98 44 25 12 9
Step VI: over probe honors poverty marriage defending 98 44 25 12 9
Q13. निम्न में से कौन सा शब्द/ संख्या चरण IV में दायें सिरे से चौथे स्थान पर होगा? 
Students let us understand the Logic behind this Question and let’s understand how to solve it. As a first step, let’s first understand the logic behind the Output. If you will see the final output, you will observe the following:
(i)- The machine rearranges a word and a number in each step.
(ii)- The words are arranged according to the length of words in descending order from left. That means the word having more number of letters are arrange first at the left end and the words having less number of letter arrange in last at the left end.
(iii)- Numbers are arranged in descending order on the right end in each step.
Input: probe 98 marriage over 12 poverty 44 9 defending 25 honors
Step I: defending probe marriage over 12 poverty 44 9 25 honors 98
Step II: marriage defending probe over 12 poverty 9 25 honors 98 44
Step III: poverty marriage defending probe over 12 9 honors 98 44 25
Step IV: honors poverty marriage defending probe over 9 98 44 25 12
Step V: probe honors poverty marriage defending over 98 44 25 12 9
Step VI: over probe honors poverty marriage defending 98 44 25 12 9
Q14. कितने चरणों के बाद , शब्दों की और कोई व्यवस्था सम्भव नहीं है? 
Students let us understand the Logic behind this Question and let’s understand how to solve it. As a first step, let’s first understand the logic behind the Output. If you will see the final output, you will observe the following:
(i)- The machine rearranges a word and a number in each step.
(ii)- The words are arranged according to the length of words in descending order from left. That means the word having more number of letters are arrange first at the left end and the words having less number of letter arrange in last at the left end.
(iii)- Numbers are arranged in descending order on the right end in each step.
Input: probe 98 marriage over 12 poverty 44 9 defending 25 honors
Step I: defending probe marriage over 12 poverty 44 9 25 honors 98
Step II: marriage defending probe over 12 poverty 9 25 honors 98 44
Step III: poverty marriage defending probe over 12 9 honors 98 44 25
Step IV: honors poverty marriage defending probe over 9 98 44 25 12
Step V: probe honors poverty marriage defending over 98 44 25 12 9
Step VI: over probe honors poverty marriage defending 98 44 25 12 9

Q15. कौन सा चरण आउटपुट : ‘poverty marriage defending probe over 12 9 honors 98 44 25’ देगा ?
 चरण IV
 चरण  III
 चरण II
 चरण V
ऐसा कोई चरण नहीं है  
Students let us understand the Logic behind this Question and let’s understand how to solve it. As a first step, let’s first understand the logic behind the Output. If you will see the final output, you will observe the following:
(i)- The machine rearranges a word and a number in each step.
(ii)- The words are arranged according to the length of words in descending order from left. That means the word having more number of letters are arrange first at the left end and the words having less number of letter arrange in last at the left end.
(iii)- Numbers are arranged in descending order on the right end in each step.
Input: probe 98 marriage over 12 poverty 44 9 defending 25 honors
Step I: defending probe marriage over 12 poverty 44 9 25 honors 98
Step II: marriage defending probe over 12 poverty 9 25 honors 98 44
Step III: poverty marriage defending probe over 12 9 honors 98 44 25
Step IV: honors poverty marriage defending probe over 9 98 44 25 12
Step V: probe honors poverty marriage defending over 98 44 25 12 9
Step VI: over probe honors poverty marriage defending 98 44 25 12 9

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