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IBPS RRB Clerk 2020 (under 3rd reserve list) में सिलेक्टेड Pratiksha Shaky की Success story

IBPS RRB Clerk 2020 (under 3rd reserve list) में सिलेक्टेड Pratiksha Shaky की Success story | Latest Hindi Banking jobs_3.1

जैसा कि हम सभी जानते हैं कि भारतीय स्टेट बैंक ने SBI की आधिकारिक वेबसाइट पर SBI क्लर्क रिजल्ट 2021 जारी कर दिया है. Adda247, उन सभी उम्मीदवारों को बधाई देता हैं, जिन्होंने SBI Clerk 2021 में सफलता प्राप्त की है. Adda247 वर्षों से बैंकिंग क्षेत्र के उम्मीदवारों की मदद का हर संभव प्रयास करता है ताकि वो अपने सपने पूरे कर सकें. जब हमारी मदद से कोई स्टूडेंट्स बैंकिंग परीक्षा में सफलता प्राप्त करता हैं, तो हमें सबसे ज्यादा ख़ुशी होती है. हम उन सभी सफ़ल उम्मीदवारों को अपनी सक्सेस स्टोरी Hindi Bnakersadda के साथ Share करने के लिए invite करते हैं, जिन्होंने बैंकिंग की परीक्षा में सफलता प्राप्त की है.

आगामी बैंक परीक्षाओं की प्रिपरेशन करने वाले उम्मीदवारों की मदद के लिए हम Adda247 से जुड़े सफल उम्मीदवारों की Success Story यहाँ शेयर करते हैं, जिससे स्टूडेंट्स खुद को motivate कर सकें. हम यहाँ इस Article के माध्यम से Pratiksha Shaky सक्सेस स्टोरी साझा कर रहे हैं. 

Dear All,  

This is Pratiksha Shakya from Mainpuri, UP.

I am going to share my success story here. Just hope it’ll give u some motivation or guidance
so, I have completed my 12th in 2011. I was a science student I had a dream of becoming a doctor from childhood so after 12th. I start preparing for medical entrance n did graduation along with my medical preparation .my graduation got completed after 3yrs but did not get selected in medical so I took a 1-year drop n completely focused on medical but unfortunately did not get selected.
I was in so much depression that it took me 6 months to get over it and i have decided to change my line and start preparing for banking (bcoz my friends said its an easy exam)
so from 2016. I start preparing for banking bt I was taking it lightly bcoz I thought its an easy exam so obviously I didn’t get selected.
 In 2017, i prepared only through offline modes with so many books n a lot of stuff not selected again.
I was again in a state of depression. i was feeling like am a loser, am good for nothing, I m a failure, I’ll do nothing in my life, what’s d purpose of living like this, i should die and all the suicidal thoughts.
In 2018, I stood again and prepared from online platforms, I watched Adda YouTube videos and got to know abt Adda test series and finally cracked my first pre (SBI PO pre) I also cracked SBI Clerk Pre but then due to some health issues I can not continue my preparation it delayed for 6 months so definitely I couldn’t clear my mains.
Here, i again got hit by depression…I lost all the confidence, my past failures come again and again and say you can do nothing you are a loser.
In 2019, again i prepared n cleared by clerk pre,ibps rrb po pre,ibps rrb clerk pre, and ibps clerk pre,but couldn’t clear any of d mains but i didn’t stop
and it was time for 2020 (the corona year) so in lockdown, i have decided that i ‘ll prepare the way it after lockdown I can crack all d banking exams
i purchased adda test series n did all d quizzes on adda app ,even thed full length tests were very helpful…

this time I cleared all the pre exams(sbi po pre,sbi clerk pre,ibps RRB po pre,ibps rrb clerk pre,ibps po pre,ibps clerk pre)bt none of the mains.
i was in so much depression that i stopped preparing n i took admission in a medical college in some diploma course in January 2021 n thaught it may be this is my destiny, banking is not for me.

But in October 2021 ibps released its result under reserve list and guess what i have got selected this time. 
I got selection in ibps rrb clerk 2020, under 3rd reserve list and am so so so happy that, finally i got a gov. job.

Thnx adda test series…
Thnx adda text books…
Thnx adda quizzes…

and a highly thnx to the teacher on adda (Ashish Gautam sir) I have followed him for 3years
IBPS RRB Clerk 2020 (under 3rd reserve list) में सिलेक्टेड Pratiksha Shaky की Success story | Latest Hindi Banking jobs_4.1