TOPIC: Single Fillers
Directions (1-15): There has been a word omitted from the following sentences which prevents the particular sentence from becoming meaningful. Choose the option which contains the correct word to be placed in the filler. If no word is likely to fit in the sentence, then choose (e) none of these are your answer.
Q1. British Prime Minister Boris Johnson said on Friday that skilled workers from India could plug labour ___________________ in sectors such as information technology in the UK, even as he reiterated that immigration would continue to be controlled.
(a) accords
(b) shortages
(c) damages
(d) observations
(e) None of these
Q2. Singapore would remove most remaining COVID-19 restrictions from April 26 amid ___________________ virus cases, its Health Ministry said.
(a) punctuate
(b) looming
(c) appointing
(d) declining
(e) None of these
Q3. Indonesia will effectively ban palm oil exports from April 28, until further notice, after President Joko Widodo announced on Friday a halting of shipments of cooking oil and its raw material to control ___________________ domestic prices.
(a) soaring
(b) straightening
(c) contemplating
(d) frowning
(e) None of these
Q4. Taiwan is developing new ___________________ missiles and drones to attack enemy air bases according to its military-owned National Chung-Shan Institute of Science and Technology.
(a) petulant
(b) hoarse
(c) advanced
(d) acrobatic
(e) None of these
Q5. On Thursday, April 21, Russian President Vladimir Putin stated that Mariupol, Ukraine, had been “successfully ___________________.”
(a) restarted
(b) illustrated
(c) liberated
(d) sharpened
(e) None of these
Q6. The Copernicus Climate Change Service (C3S) on Friday (April 22) said that Europe’s ___________________ temperature increased by over two degrees last year.
(a) average
(b) resilient
(c) adventurous
(d) innovative
(e) None of these
Q7. Delhi Capitals coach Ricky Ponting will miss his team’s all-important clash against Rajasthan Royals as he has been ___________________ from the rest of the squad after one of his family members, staying with him at the team hotel, tested positive for Covid-19.
(a) installed
(b) snooped
(c) lectured
(d) isolated
(e) None of these
Q8. Astronomers have ___________________ a survey of 108 galaxies to find that black holes at their centre are becoming bigger by killing stars.
(a) stammered
(b) patched
(c) conducted
(d) unfolded
(e) None of these
Q9. In a major push in the green energy sector, India is likely to get the world’s ___________________ electric vehicle highway by the end of this year.
(a) longest
(b) curvier
(c) messier
(d) riskier
(e) None of these
Q10. Delhi government on Friday said that the wearing of face masks is mandatory in public places, those travelling together in private four-wheelers are ___________________ from the rule.
(a) carefree
(b) spacious
(c) exempt
(d) combative
(e) None of these
Q11. Russian President Vladimir Putin is yet to ___________________ on whether he’ll attend the G20 Summit in Indonesia’s Bali in November, his spokesperson Dmitry Peskov said on Friday.
(a) yield
(b) encroach
(c) polish
(d) decide
(e) None of these
Q12. The annual Lyrid meteor shower (debris from the Thatcher Comet) will peak tonight and will reportedly be ___________________ in Indian skies.
(a) glossy
(b) visible
(c) pitiful
(d) slippery
(e) None of these
Q13. Russia’s war in Ukraine has reshuffled the politics of climate change, leading Biden to release oil from the nation’s strategic reserve and encourage more drilling in hopes of ___________________ sky-high gas prices.
(a) penalizing
(b) displeasing
(c) lowering
(d) underlining
(e) None of these
Q14. North Korea’s leader Kim Jong Un and outgoing South Korean President Moon Jae-in exchanged letters expressing hope for ___________________ bilateral relations.
(a) improved
(b) disgruntled
(c) shamed
(d) ignored
(e) None of these
Q15. President Xi Jinping, who is set to secure an ___________________ third term as China’s leader in a leadership reshuffle later this year, was elected on Friday by unanimous vote as a delegate to the 20th national congress of the ruling party at the Communist Party of China Guangxi regional congress.
(a) unconscious
(b) unprecedented
(c) attentive
(d) edible
(e) None of these
S1. Ans (b)
Sol. The appropriate word that will be used to fill the blank is shortages which means a situation in which there is not enough of something.
Accords- an official agreement or treaty.
Damages- physical harm that impairs the value, usefulness, or normal function of something.
Observations- the action or process of closely observing or monitoring something or someone.
S2. Ans (d)
Sol. The appropriate word that will be used to fill the blank is declining which means becoming smaller, fewer, or less; decreasing.
Appoint- assign a job or role to (someone).
Punctuate- insert punctuation marks in (text).
Loom- (of an event regarded as threatening) seem about to happen.
S3. Ans (a)
Sol. The appropriate word that will be used to fill the blank is soaring which means increasing rapidly above the usual level.
Straighten- make or become straight.
Contemplate- look thoughtfully for a long time at.
Frown- furrow one’s brows in an expression indicating disapproval, displeasure, or concentration.
S4. Ans (c)
Sol. The appropriate word that will be used to fill the blank is advanced which means modern and recently developed.
Petulant- (of a person or their manner) childishly sulky or bad-tempered.
Hoarse- (of a person’s voice) sounding rough and harsh, typically as the result of a sore throat or of shouting.
Acrobatic- performing, involving, or adept at spectacular gymnastic feats.
S5. Ans (c)
Sol. The appropriate word that will be used to fill the blank is liberated which means (of a place or people) freed from enemy occupation.
Restart- start again.
Illustrate- serve as an example of.
Sharpen- improve or cause to improve.
S6. Ans (a)
Sol. The appropriate word that will be used to fill the blank is average which means constituting the result obtained by adding together several amounts and then dividing this total by the number of amounts.
Resilient- (of a substance or object) able to recoil or spring back into shape after bending, stretching, or being compressed.
Adventurous- willing to take risks or to try out new methods, ideas, or experiences.
Innovative- (of a product, idea, etc.) featuring new methods; advanced and original.
S7. Ans (d)
Sol. The appropriate word that will be used to fill the blank is isolated which means far away from other places, buildings, or people; remote.
Install- place (someone) in a new position of authority, especially with ceremony.
Snoop- a furtive investigation.
Lecture- talk seriously or reprovingly to (someone).
S8. Ans (c)
Sol. The appropriate word that will be used to fill the blank is conducted which means organize and carry out.
Stammer- to speak or say something with unusual pauses or repeated sounds.
Patch- mend or strengthen (fabric or clothing) with a patch.
Unfold- (of events or information) gradually develop or be revealed.
S9. Ans (a)
Sol. The appropriate word that will be used to fill the blank is longest which means most long.
Curvier- having curves.
Messier- untidy or dirty.
Riskier- full of the possibility of danger, failure, or loss.
S10. Ans (c)
Sol. The appropriate word that will be used to fill the blank is exempt which means free from an obligation or liability imposed on others.
Carefree- free from care: such as having no worries or troubles.
Spacious- (especially of a room or building) having ample space.
Combative- ready or eager to fight or argue.
S11. Ans (d)
Sol. The appropriate word that will be used to fill the blank is decide which means make a choice from a number of alternatives.
Yield- give way to arguments, demands, or pressure.
Encroach- intrude on (a person’s territory, rights, personal life, etc.).
Polish- make the surface of (something) smooth and shiny by rubbing it.
S12. Ans (b)
Sol. The appropriate word that will be used to fill the blank is visible which means which is able to be seen.
Glossy- shiny and smooth.
Pitiful- deserving or arousing pity.
Slippery- (of a surface or object) difficult to hold firmly or stand on because it is smooth, wet, or slimy.
S13. Ans (c)
Sol. The appropriate word that will be used to fill the blank is lowering which means the action of making or becoming less in amount, intensity, or degree.
Penalize- subject to a penalty or punishment.
Displease- make (someone) feel annoyed or dissatisfied.
Underline- draw a line under (a word or phrase) to give emphasis or indicate special type.
S14. Ans (a)
Sol. The appropriate word that will be used to fill the blank is improved which means having become or been made better.
Disgruntle- angry or dissatisfied.
Shame- make (someone) feel ashamed.
Ignore- refuse to take notice of or acknowledge; disregard intentionally.
S15. Ans (b)
Sol. The appropriate word that will be used to fill the blank is unprecedented which means never done or known before.
Unconscious- done or existing without one realizing.
Attentive- paying close attention to something.
Edible- fit or suitable to be eaten.