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English Quizzes For RBI Assistant Mains/ ESIC UDC Mains 2022 : 14th April – Cloze Test

English Quizzes For RBI Assistant Mains/ ESIC UDC Mains 2022 : 14th April – Cloze Test | Latest Hindi Banking jobs_3.1

TOPIC: Cloze Test

Directions (1-5): There are certain words missing in the passage given below. The options given contain an answer that will fit in those given blanks. Choose the correct word to be used to make the sentence coherent and grammatically correct.

Pope Francis apologized on April 1, 2022, to First Nations, Inuit and Métis 1) ____________________, acknowledging the harm done by residential schools in Canada and marking a crucial step in the church admitting its role in the 2) _________________ of Indigenous communities and children. Yet this apology, as important as it is, raises questions about what it means when a pope apologizes.

It was once unthinkable for a pope to apologize, for admitting guilt would imply that the church was 3) ___________________. However, the Second Vatican Council, a gathering of bishops, cardinals, heads of religious orders and 4) ___________________ that met from 1962 to 1965 and modernized the church, shifted the church’s perspective on change and 5) _____________________ major reforms. It also opened the door to admitting fault.

(a) topicality
(b) delegations
(c) transmissions
(d) dictum
(e) None of the above

(a) abuse
(b) fad
(c) invocation
(d) trappings
(e) None of the above

(a) bland
(b) languid
(c) analogous
(d) sinful
(e) None of the above

(a) theologians
(b) adherent
(c) mitigator
(d) buttress
(e) None of the above

(a) dissimulated
(b) hurtled
(c) instituted
(d) cajoled
(e) None of the above

Directions (6-10): There are certain words missing in the passage given below. The options given contain an answer that will fit in those given blanks. Choose the correct word to be used to make the sentence coherent and grammatically correct.

Studies suggest that as much as 50% of all groceries are sold because of impulsiveness – and over 87% of shoppers make impulse buys.

While it is complicated and affected by many factors, such as a need for 6) ___________________ and lack of self-control, it is known that external shopping 7) _______________– “buy one get one free” offers, discounts and in-store promotional displays, for example – play a key role.

An appealing offer can lead to a rush of temporary delight, and this makes it harder to make a
8) _________________ buying decision. We’re overcome by the perceived value of the “saving” if we buy the item in the here and now – so we ignore other considerations such as whether we really need it. The need for instant 9) ____________________ can be hard to ignore.

Bundling is another technique that retailers use to 10) ____________________ impulse buying.

(a) dexterity
(b) paradigm
(c) arousal
(d) equanimity
(e) None of the above

(a) cues
(b) harangue
(c) predilection
(d) chortle
(e) None of the above

(a) eclectic
(b) rational
(c) listless
(d) sanguine
(e) None of the above

(a) stupefaction
(b) altruism
(c) estrangement
(d) gratification
(e) None of the above

(a) trigger
(b) excavate
(c) aggrieve
(d) disembark
(e) None of the above


S1. Ans (b)
Sol. The only word which will fit the blank to make the sentence coherent is delegations.
It means a group of people who act as representatives of a larger group.
Topicality- the quality of being of interest at the present time, or of relating to things that are happening at present.
Transmissions- the process of passing something from one person or place to another.
Dictum- a formal or authoritative statement or assertion; pronouncement.

S2. Ans (a)
Sol. The only word which will fit the blank to make the sentence coherent is abuse.
It means cruel and violent treatment of a person or animal.
Fad- an intense and widely shared enthusiasm for something, especially one that is short-lived; a craze.
Trappings- the outward signs, features, or objects associated with a particular situation, role, or job.
Invocation- any petitioning or supplication for help or aid.

S3. Ans (d)
Sol. The only word which will fit the blank to make the sentence coherent is sinful.
It means wicked and immoral; committing or characterized by the committing of sins.
Bland- lacking strong features or characteristics and therefore uninteresting.
Languid- weak or faint from illness or fatigue.
Analogous- similar but not identical.

S4. Ans (a)
Sol. The only word which will fit the blank to make the sentence coherent is theologians.
It means someone who studies the nature of God, religion, and religious beliefs.
Adherent- someone who supports a particular party, person, or set of ideas.
Buttress- a source of defence or support.
Mitigator- a person or thing that makes something bad less severe, serious, or painful.

S5. Ans (c)
Sol. The only word which will fit the blank to make the sentence coherent is instituted.
It means to introduce or establish (a scheme, undertaking, or policy).
Dissimulate- conceal or disguise (one’s thoughts, feelings, or character).
Hurtle- move or cause to move at high speed, typically in an uncontrolled manner.
Cajole- persuade (someone) to do something by sustained coaxing or flattery.

S6. Ans (c)
Sol. The only word which will fit the blank to make the sentence coherent is arousal.
It means the causing of strong feelings or excitement in someone.
Dexterity- skill in performing tasks, especially with the hands.
Paradigm- a typical example or pattern of something; a pattern or model.
Equanimity- calmness and composure, especially in a difficult situation.

S7. Ans (a)
Sol. The only word which will fit the blank to make the sentence coherent is cues.
It means something serving as a signal or suggestion.
Harangue- a lengthy and aggressive speech.
Predilection- a preference or special liking for something; a bias in favour of something.
Chortle- a noisy, gleeful laugh.

S8. Ans (b)
Sol. The only word which will fit the blank to make the sentence coherent is rational.
It means based on or in accordance with reason or logic.
Eclectic- deriving ideas, style, or taste from a broad and diverse range of sources.
Listless- (of a person or their manner) lacking energy or enthusiasm.
Sanguine- optimistic or positive, especially in an apparently bad or difficult situation.

S9. Ans (d)
Sol. The only word which will fit the blank to make the sentence coherent is gratification.
It means pleasure, especially when gained from the satisfaction of a desire.
Stupefaction- overwhelming amazement.
Altruism- disinterested and selfless concern for the well-being of others.
Estrangement- the fact of no longer being on friendly terms or part of a social group.

S10. Ans (a)
Sol. The only word which will fit the blank to make the sentence coherent is trigger.
It means to cause (a device) to function.
Excavate- remove earth carefully from (an area) in order to find buried remains.
Aggrieve- to give pain or trouble to.
Disembark- leave a ship, aircraft, or train.

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English Quizzes For RBI Assistant Mains/ ESIC UDC Mains 2022 : 14th April – Cloze Test | Latest Hindi Banking jobs_6.1