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English Quizzes, for IBPS PO Mains 2022 – 8th January – Fillers

English Quizzes, for IBPS PO Mains 2022 – 8th January – Fillers | Latest Hindi Banking jobs_3.1

 Directions (1-5): In each of the following questions given below there are three blanks, each blank indicates that something has been omitted. Choose the set of words for each blank which best fits to the meaning of the sentence as a whole.

Q1. The rest of the world leaders are _________ to formulate their own strategies on how to _______ President Trump’s “America First” agenda as the White House beats the war drums in North Korea and Iran, and continues to _________ to pull out of trade and climate deals.

(a) neglecting, assign, compel
(b) alienating, acclaim, coerce
(c) contending, approve, progress
(d) struggling, handle, threaten
(e) afflicting, accept, frighten

Q2. Data for health insurance coverage _______ that while private health insurance is largely _________ to the richer urban households, in contrast, public insurance coverage is evenly ___________ across all quintile groups of the population.

(a) promotes, decided, circulated
(b) reveals, licensed, extended
(c) exposes, privileged, abstracted
(d) declares, restricted, propagated
(e) shows, limited, distributed

Q3. In healthcare, it is __________ to recognize that, even if one gets the financing model right, the sector remains labour-intensive with lower productivity growth. This means that when other sectors ________ higher productivity growth, they can offer more competitive prices for land and human capital, which can be ________ by productivity gains.

(a) controlling, refer, reconcile
(b) important, experience, offset
(c) radical, improve, correspond
(d) outstanding, refine, attune
(e) prominent, speculate, appease

Q4. ________ the UN is big on the Trump administration’s agenda and this reforms _________ is largely based on two __________: sovereignty and accountability.

(a) Convincing, standards, roles
(b) Regenerating, motive, practices
(c) Destroying, program, purposes
(d) Reforming, agenda, principles
(e) Enhancing, account, attempts

Q5. But as India continues to ______________ its diplomatic capital on finding a seat at the UN Security Council, it will also have to ______________ new ways of how the UN can be made more ___________ and efficient.

(a) maintain, apportion, streamed
(b) spend, dispense, clever
(c) expend, articulate, effective
(d) ravage, organize, proficient
(e) annihilate, find, capable

Directions (6 -10): In each of the following questions given below there are three blanks, each blank indicates that something has been omitted. Choose the set of words for each blank which best fits to the meaning of the sentence as a whole.

Q6. Not that Ms. Yellen sees the healthy expansion _________ by household spending weakening, the _________ from the recent hurricanes that have _________ coastal regions in the U.S. south notwithstanding.

(a) weakened, desecrate, serrated
(b) strutted, molest, assisted
(c) contradicted, violate, frayed
(d) undermined, taint, fragmented
(e) undergirded, damage, battered

Q7. While the ongoing moderate expansion in the U.S. bodes well for the country’s _______ exporters, the end of easy money conditions could ______ a slowdown in investment inflows from abroad and resultant pressure on the current account __________.

(a) vehemently, predict, adequacy
(b) neglecting, suggest, failure
(c) struggling, augur, deficit
(d) anguishing, reckon, flaw
(e) fiercing, signify, fault

Q8. Given that monetary authorities in the U.S. are _______ on reflating the economy by ________ “further strengthening” in the labour market through an accommodative stance, the central bank has to remain _______ in warding off any let-up in expansionary momentum.

(a) intensified, complying, studious
(b) focused, supporting, vigilant
(c) unified, contributing, enthralled
(d) gathered, ratifying, fascinated
(e) consolidated, consenting, careless

Q9. The U.S. Defence Secretary’s trip will happen _________ a month after President Donald Trump ________ the latest U.S. policy on Afghanistan on August 21, a blueprint that has been _______ in Kabul and criticised in Islamabad.

(a) barely, announced, welcomed
(b) fairly, suppressed, sanctioned
(c) gradually, drafted, touted
(d) passably, anointed, secured
(e) presently, delivered, established

Q10. Indeed ______ and reconciliation were ________ in the very first international compact on Afghanistan, in the text of the Bonn Agreement of December 2001. ___________ of violence will help this process.

(a) equanimity, entrenched, Abstaining
(b) ecstasy, imprisoned, sobriety
(c) peace, embedded, renunciation
(d) serenity, enchased, withdrawing
(e) conformity, screwed, evasion


S1. Ans. (d)
Sol. ‘struggling, handle, threaten’ is the correct set of words making the sentence meaningful.
Alienating means make (someone) feel isolated or estranged.
Afflicting means (of a problem or illness) cause pain or trouble to, affect adversely.
Acclaim means praise enthusiastically and publicly.
Coerce means persuade (an unwilling person) to do something by using force or threats.

S2. Ans. (e)
Sol. ‘shows, limited, distributed’ is the correct set of words making the sentence meaningful.

S3. Ans. (b)
Sol. ‘important, experience, offset’ is the correct set of words making the sentence meaningful.
Offset means counteract (something) by having an equal and opposite force or effect.
Appease means pacify or placate (someone) by acceding to their demands.
Radical means relating to or affecting the fundamental nature of something, far-reaching or thorough.
Attune means make receptive or aware.

S4. Ans. (d)
Sol. ‘reforming, agenda, principles’ is the correct set of words making the sentence meaningful.

S5. Ans. (c)
Sol. ‘expend, articulate, effective’ is the correct set of words making the sentence meaningful.
Articulate means pronounce (something) clearly and distinctly.
Ravage means cause severe and extensive damage to.
Apportion means assign.

S6. Ans. (e)
Sol. ‘undergirded, damage, battered’ is a correct set of words which are making the sentence meaningful.
Undergirded means provide support or a firm basis for.
Taint means contaminate or pollute.
Battered means injured by repeated blows or punishment.
Serrated means having or denoting a jagged edge; sawlike.

S7. Ans. (c)
Sol. ‘struggling, augur, deficit’ is a correct set of words which are making the sentence meaningful.
Vehemently means in a forceful, passionate, or intense manner; with great feeling.
Augur means portend a good or bad outcome.

S8. Ans. (b)
Sol. ‘focused, supporting, vigilant’ is a correct set of words which are making the sentence meaningful.
Enthralled means capture the fascinated attention of.
Studious means spending a lot of time studying or reading.

S9. Ans. (a)
Sol. ‘barely, announced, welcomed’ is a correct set of words which are making the sentence meaningful.
Passably means in a way that is just good enough, reasonably.
Anointed means smear or rub with oil, typically as part of a religious ceremony.
Touted means attempt to sell (something).

S10. Ans. (c)
Sol. ‘peace, embedded, renunciation’ is a correct set of words which are making the sentence meaningful.
Enchased means decorate (a piece of jewellery or work of art) by inlaying, engraving, or carving.
Equanimity means calmness and composure.
Entrenched means firmly established and difficult or unlikely to change, ingrained.
Screwed means in a difficult or hopeless situation, ruined or broken.
Conformity means compliance with standards, rules, or laws.

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