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English Quizzes For IBPS Clerk Prelims 2021: 26th November – Sentence based error, fillers

English Quizzes For IBPS Clerk Prelims 2021: 26th November – Sentence based error, fillers | Latest Hindi Banking jobs_3.1

TOPIC: Sentence based error, fillers

Direction (1-5): In the questions given below, there are four sentences given in each
question. Choose the sentence which is grammatically incorrect as your answer.
If all the given sentences are grammatically correct and do not require any
correction, choose (e) i.e. “All are correct” as your answer.


Q1. (a) Soon the news of his terrible
deed spread throughout the land.

(b) When Darun heard the news that his
father had been hospitalized, he cancelled his trip and returned back to his

(c) It is terrible to see how
demoralizing our contact is to all sorts and conditions of men.

(d) It is probably the most offensive
slight that can be offered to a sensitive nature.

(e) All are correct.


Q2. (a) Many multinational companies
have not been as successful in India than we expected.

(b) He was overjoyed to recognize that it was, as he expected, one of
the boats from the flagship.

(c) We talked much about some of the places and people in India we
expected to see.

(d) The French and the English were rumored to be nearing from the

(e) All are correct.


Q3. (a) Mrs. Bruce believes that the platform of this or any other organization
of women for woman’s own betterment must be suffrage.

(b) The object of sociology is the betterment of society, the
acceleration of social evolution.

(c) He remarks on this that the second figure sounds like a
rectification in contrast with the wish-fulfillment of the first.

(d) Literature remains the interest of a
minority and the majority has chosen to ignore those aspects of language which,
at school, they were told to value highly.

(e) All are correct.


Q4. (a) The influences that make for reformation in human character are
subtle and unexpected.

(b) This transformation was, indeed, unprecedented in the world’s

(c) There has always been some form of
education but there has not always been schools.

(d) The forces that compelled a revision of the tariff in 1882-83 had
to do with revenue and expenditures.

(e) All are correct.              


Q5. (a) Grandfather had such respect for her judgment that I knew he would
not go against her.

(b) Intelligence is essentially a matter of education and training.

(c) This is again a judgment of perception, but it differs from our
previous kind.

(d) He regarded the datum as divisible into perception and matter.

(e) All are correct.


Direction (6-10): There are two different sentences with a blank space in each question.
Choose the word from the given options which fits into both the blanks
appropriately without altering their meanings.


Q6. (I) Many formations are divided into
separate strata, as though the process of ________________
had been periodically interrupted.

(II) The appearance greatly improved,
and the _________________ in seven years after thinning showed 160 per cent.







Q7. (I) It has too great a tendency to harden the muscles; a swimmer’s
should be soft and _______________.

(II) The repetition of these flexions will soon render the legs supple,
________________ and independent of the thighs.







Q8. (I) They are also privileged to coin
money, and to purchase lands subject to the ______________ rights of the

(II) The ______________ aristocracy,
with its land-holdings, was more secure.







Q9. (I) They are mostly in the form of ________________ and command, as was
only likely, since they were intended for the guidance of conduct.

(II) He was determined that the son should do better than himself, being
willing to furnish the ______________, if not the example.







Q10. (I) He is simple-minded, learned,
tolerant, and the quintessence of __________.

(II) There was a good deal of
___________ and pleasantry in his conversation.







Direction (11-15): Which of the following set of phrases (a), (b), (c) and (d) given below
each sentence should replace the phrase printed in bold letters to make the
sentence grammatically correct? If the sentence is correct as it is, mark (e)
i.e., “No correction required” as the answer.


Q11. Australia could take on a seat of the powerful UN Human Rights Council
following France’s withdrawal from the
, according to Foreign Minister Julie Bishop.

(a)may take a seat in the powerful, in
the process

(b)will take a seat on the powerful,
from the process

(c)must be taking a seat on the
powerful, at the process

(d)should take seats at the powerful,
with the process

(e)No correction required


Q12. The India-China standoff at the Bhutan-China-India
tri-junction highlights the imperative to be sensitive to mutual concerns and shed recrimination.

(a)stand at, sensitive on mutual

(b)standoff on, sensitive over mutual

(c)stands on, sensitive over mutual

(d)standing at, sensitive of mutual

(e)No correction required


Q13. The rapid spread of Chinese
influence in and around South Asia had
now gained
traction by its One Belt One Road connective initiative.

(a)have now gained, connective

(b)is now gaining, connecting initiative

(c)has now gained, connectivity

(d)are gaining now, connected initiative

(e)No correction required


Q14. To provide gain
employment opportunities is essential in
enabling people for improving
their standard of living.

(a)Providing gained, to enable people in

(b)To provide gaining, enabling people
at improving

(c)To provide gainful, for enabled
people to improve

(d)Providing gainful, for enabling
people to improve

(e)No correction required


Q15. According to Census 2011, the average growth rate of the economy was
7.7 per cent per annum, when it was only
1.8 per cent for employment.

(a)average economy growth, while it was

(b)average growth rate for economy, when
it is only

(c)growth rate of the economy, when it
is only

(d)average growing rate of the economy,
while it is only

(e)No correction required



S1. Ans. (b)

Sol. The use of “back” after “returned”
is not required as it is Superfluous.
The word “return” itself means “go back, come back, give back”.

S2. Ans. (a)

Sol. Replace ‘than’ by ‘as’ as in the
case of Positive Degree, comparison
between two persons or things follows the following syntax- “as/so + Positive Degree + as”.

e.g. Ram is not as/so handsome as Mohan.

Sita is as beautiful as Mohini.

S3. Ans. (d)

Sol. Replace ‘has’ by ‘have’ as in this
case “The majority” is used as Noun of
and Noun of Multitude is considered as Plural which takes Plural
and Plural Pronoun.
Also, the last part of the sentence has used the Plural Pronoun “they”, so the Verb for “The majority”
should also be Plural.

S4. Ans. (c)

Sol. Replace “there has not always been
schools” by “there have not always been schools” as when “there” is used as Introductory Subject then the Verb it
follows depends on the Number and Person of  subsequent Noun and Pronoun it
follows. In the first part of the sentence, the use of Verb “has” for the
Subject “There” is Singular as it is
followed by Singular Noun “form” but
in the second part of the sentence, Subject “there” is followed by Plural Nounschools”; so “there” should be followed by Plural Verb.

S5. Ans. (e)

Sol. All the given sentences are
grammatically correct.

S6. Ans. (a)

Sol. Accretion means growth or increase by the gradual accumulation of
additional layers or matter.

S7. Ans. (d)

Sol. Pliable means easily bent; flexible.

S8. Ans. (e)

Sol. Feudal means absurdly outdated or old-fashioned.

S9. Ans. (b)

Sol. Precept means a general rule intended to regulate behaviour or

S10. Ans. (a)

Sol. Bonhomie means cheerful friendliness; geniality.

S11. Ans. (b)

Sol. “will take a seat on the powerful,
from the process” is the correct set of phrases to make the sentence
grammatically correct.

S12. Ans. (e)

Sol. The given sentence is grammatically
correct. Standoff means a deadlock
between two equally matched opponents in a dispute or conflict.

S13. Ans. (c)

Sol. “has now gained, connectivity
initiative” is the correct set of phrases to make the sentence grammatically
correct. It is to be noted that the sentence is in Present Tense and in Passive

S14. Ans. (d)

Sol. “Providing gainful, for enabling
people to improve” is the correct set of phrases to make the sentence
grammatically correct.

S15. Ans. (e)

Sol. The sentence is grammatically
correct. Since the sentence talks about the Past event, “when it was only” is the correct phrase to comply the sentence


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English Quizzes For IBPS Clerk Prelims 2021: 26th November – Sentence based error, fillers | Latest Hindi Banking jobs_6.1