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English Language Quiz For SBI PO, Clerk Prelims 2021- 29th April

English Language Quiz For SBI PO, Clerk Prelims 2021- 29th April | Latest Hindi Banking jobs_3.1

Directions (1-10): In the following passage, there are blanks, each of
which has been numbered. These numbers are printed below the passage and
against each, five words are suggested, one of which fits the blank
appropriately. Find out the appropriate word in each case.



 The dwarf ___(1)___ Ceres, an enigmatic rocky body inhabiting the
main asteroid belt ___(2)___ Mars and Jupiter, ___(3)___ rich with ice just
beneath its dark surface, scientists said in research that may ___(4)___ light
on the early history of the solar system.

The discovery, reported in a pair of studies published in the ___(5)___ Science and Nature Astronomy,
could bolster fledgling commercial ___(6)___ to mine asteroids for water and
other ___(7)___ for robotic and eventual human expeditions beyond the moon.

Nasa’s Dawn spacecraft has been orbiting Ceres, the largest of
thousands of rocky bodies located in the main asteroid belt, ___(8)___ March
2015 following 14-month study of Vesta, the second-largest object in the
asteroid ___(9)___.

The studies ___(10)___ that Ceres is about 10% water, now frozen
into ice, according to physicist Thomas Prettyman of the Planetary Science
Institute in Tucson, Arizona, one of the researchers.


Q1. (a) satellite             (b)
body            (c)
asteroid       (d) planet          (e) star


Q2. (a) over                    (b)
orbiting       (c) among         (d) on  
                            (e) between


Q3. (a) is                          (b)
are                (c)
having          (d)
has been   (e) was


Q4. (a) reflect                (b)
focus            (c)
highlight      (d) shed             (e) transfer


Q5. (a) journals             (b)
newspaper   (c) novel         (d)
book            (e)


Q6. (a) opts                    (b)
resolves      (c) endeavors                 (d) plans                 (e)


Q7. (a) minerals            (b)
necessities               (c) resources   (d) materials  
       (e) metals


Q8. (a) from     (b)
on                               (c)
since             (d)
for                              (e) over


Q9. (a) mass   (b)
belt              (c)
surface        (d) body            (e) group


Q10. (a) indicate           (b)
highlights   (c) define          (d) estimate     (e)


Directions (11-15):In each of the
following questions four words are given, of which two words are most nearly
the same or opposite in meaning. Find the two words which are most nearly the
same or opposite in meaning and indicate the number of the correct letter


Q11. (A) Obligation

(B) Loyalty

(C) Agreement

(D) Legal

(a)A and B

(b)A and C

(c)C and D

(d)B and C

(e)B and D


Q12. (A) Arid

(B) Melt

(C) Weaken

(D) Parch

(a)B and C

(b)B and D

(c)A and D

(d)A and C

(e)C and D


Q13. (A) Skeptic

(B) Affable

(C) Lively

(D) Indolent

(a)C and D

(b)A and B

(c)B and C

(d)A and D

(e)None of these


Q14. (A) Perceptible

(B) Apparent

(C) Satirical

(D) Flaccid

(a)B and C

(b)C and D

(c)A and C

(d)A and B

(e)None of these


Q15. (A) Impulsive

(B) Normality

(C) Usurp

(D) Aberration

(a)A and B

(b)B and C

(c)B and D

(d)A and C

(e)C and D

Also Read:




S1. Ans. (d)

S2. Ans. (e)

S3. Ans. (a)

S4. Ans. (d)

S5. Ans. (a)

S6. Ans. (c)

S7. Ans. (c)

S8. Ans. (c)

S9. Ans. (b)

S10. Ans. (e)

S11. Ans. (b)

Sol.  Obligation
– an act or course of action to which a person is morally or legally bound.
Hence Obligation and agreement are similar in meanings.

S12. Ans. (c)

Sol. Parch means make or become dry through intense heat. Hence arid and
parch are similar in meanings.

S13. Ans. (a)

Sol. Indolent means wanting to avoid activity or exertion; lazy. Hence
lively and indolent are opposite in meanings.

S14. Ans. (d)

Sol. Apparent means clearly visible or understood; obvious. Hence
perceptible and apparent are similar in meanings.

S15. Ans. (c)

Sol. Aberration means a departure from what is normal, usual, or
expected, typically an unwelcome one. Hence normality and aberration are
opposite in meanings.


English Language Quiz For SBI PO, Clerk Prelims 2021- 29th April | Latest Hindi Banking jobs_4.1