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English Language Quiz For Bank Foundation 2023-26th March

Directions (1-5): Each of the following questions contains a sentence with a whole or part of an idiom or a phrasal verb omitted. Choose from the corresponding options the one which most appropriately fills the blank and makes the sentence grammatically and contextually complete.


Q1. After losing his job, he had to __________ and cut back on expenses.

(a) tighten his belt

(b) loosen his grip

(c) let loose

(d) pull the plug

(e) throw caution to the wind


Q2. Despite facing numerous setbacks, she’s determined to __________ and achieve her goals.

(a) keep on trucking

(b) keep her chin up

(c) keep the ball rolling

(d) keep her head above water

(e) keep her nose to the grindstone


Q3. I don’t think I can __________ with his annoying habits any longer.

(a) put up with

(b) go along with

(c) make up for

(d) look out for

(e) put off


Q4. He __________ the opportunity to travel abroad and experience different cultures.

(a) jumped at

(b) took off with

(c) turned down

(d) brushed off

(e) went along with


Q5. She __________ on her previous experience to make the right decision.

(a) drew a blank

(b) drew the line

(c) drew a conclusion

(d) drew a bead on

(e) drew from


Q6. She tried to __________ her emotions but she couldn’t stop being sad.

(a) bottle up

(b) keep on

(c) pull off

(d) hold on to

(e) put up with


Q7. He’s always been a bit of a/an __________ and loves to show off his expensive clothes and cars.

(a) show stopper

(b) dark horse

(c) hotshot

(d) know-it-all

(e) bigwig


Directions (8-15): Each of the following questions, a sentence has been given which is divided into four parts. An error might be present in one of these parts, which is to be chosen as the answer to the question.


Q8. The company’s profits (A)/has been increasing steadily (B)/over the past year (C)/due to their successful marketing strategy (D).

(a) A

(b) B

(c) C

(d) D

(e) No error


Q9. My mother asked me (A)/if I wanted to come with her (B)/to the grocery store (C)/and buy some fruits (D).

(a) A

(b) B

(c) C

(d) D

(e) No error


Q10. The group of tourists (A)/was taken on a guided tour (B)/of the city’s historic sites (C)/and being shown the best restaurants (D).

(a) A

(b) B

(c) C

(d) D

(e) No Error


Q11. Sheena and her friends (A)/went to the mall (B)/and buy new clothes (C)/for the upcoming party (D).

(a) A

(b) B

(c) C

(d) D

(e) No Error


Q12. The teacher asked the students (A)/if they had studied (B)/for their exam on Friday (C)/and where they will be taking it (D).


(a) A

(b) B

(c) C

(d) D

(e) No Error


Q13. The manager instructed (A) / the employees to be prepared (B) / for the client’s upcoming visit (C) / that was scheduled on next Monday (D).

(a) A

(b) B

(c) C

(d) D

(e) No Error


Q14. The teacher explained (A) / the concepts thoroughly (B) / so that the students would understand (C) / the material easier (D).

(a) A

(b) B

(c) C

(d) D

(e) No Error


Q15. The company is (A) / offering a new benefit package to (B) / its employees that includes (C) / paid vacation and health insurance (D).

(a) A

(b) B

(c) C

(d) D

(e) No Error




S1. Ans (a)

Sol. The idiom “tighten one’s belt” means to live more frugally or reduce expenses.

S2. Ans (e)

Sol. The idiom “keep one’s nose to the grindstone” means to work hard and stay focused on a task, despite difficulties or distractions.

S3. Ans (a)

Sol. The idiom “put up with” means to tolerate or endure something that is unpleasant or annoying.

S4. Ans (a)

Sol. The idiom “jump at” means to eagerly accept or seize an opportunity.

S5. Ans (e)

Sol. The idiom “drew from” means to use something as a source of information or inspiration. In this sentence, it means that the woman relied on her previous experience to make the right decision.

S6. Ans (a)

Sol. The idiom “bottle up” means to suppress or hold back one’s emotions.

S7. Ans (c)

Sol. The idiom “hotshot” means a person who is very successful or ambitious and often boastful.

S8. Ans (b)

Sol. The verb “has” should be changed to “have” to agree with the plural subject “profits”.

S9. Ans (d)

Sol. The correct word to use in this sentence is “fruit” instead of “fruits”. The noun “fruit” is an uncountable noun. “Fruit” is a collective noun taking a singular verb: Fruit is good for you; The tree bears fruit (not fruits). The plural “fruits” is used in talking about different types of fruit: oranges, mangoes, and other fruits. If you are emphasising the different kinds of fruit, then you can use fruits.

S10. Ans (d)

Sol. The use of “being shown” is incorrect here as it breaks the parallel structure of the sentence. The correct structure should use the past participle “shown” to maintain the parallelism with “taken” in the previous clause. The corrected sentence would be: “The group of tourists was taken on a guided tour of the city’s historic sites and shown the best restaurants.”

S11. Ans (c)

Sol. The verb tense in this sentence is incorrect. Since the action of buying new clothes happened in the past, the verb “buy” should be changed to “bought”. The corrected sentence would be: “Sheena and her friends went to the mall and bought new clothes for the upcoming party.”

S12. Ans (d)

Sol. The verb “will be taking” is in the wrong tense. Since the exam is scheduled for Friday, the correct tense to use is the future tense. The corrected sentence would be: “The teacher asked the students if they had studied for their exam on Friday and where they would be taking it.”

S13. Ans (d)

Sol. The phrase “on next Monday” is grammatically incorrect. The correct phrase to use would be “next Monday” or “on Monday.”

S14. Ans (d) D. The word “easier” is grammatically incorrect. The correct word to use is “more easily.”

S15. Ans (e)

Sol. The sentence is grammatically correct and contains no errors.





English Language Quiz For Bank Foundation 2023-26th March