Meaning:an intense, loud fight
अर्थ: तीव्र, तीव्र लड़ाई
Synonyms:argument, battle
Antonyms:agreement, calm
Example:A brawl broke out at school today after one student accused another of cheating.
Meaning: belonging naturally; essential.
अर्थ: स्वाभाविक रूप से संबंधित; आवश्यक।
Synonyms: inherent, innate, inborn, inbred, congenital
Antonyms: extrinsic, acquired
Example: Study has an intrinsic worth, as well as helping you achieve your goals.
Meaning:special advantage or power
अर्थ: विशेष लाभ या शक्ति
Synonyms:sway, influence
Example:Children of rich and famous people often believe they have a lot of clout.
Meaning:to come up with
अर्थ: साथ आना
Synonyms:formulate, plan
Antonyms:destroy, ruin
Example:Lana devised a plan to make herself famous.
Meaning:to equip
अर्थ: सुसज्जित करना
Synonyms:enable, empower
Antonyms:reduce, refuse
Example:According to the myth, the gods endowed him with the gift of healing
Meaning: prevent or hinder the progress of.
अर्थ: की प्रगति को रोकना या रोकना।
Synonyms: hamper, hinder, obstruct, inhibit,
Antonyms: assist, help
Example: Such a relationship will certainly stymie a positive editorial association.
Meaning: confer or bestow (power, authority, property, etc.) on someone.
अर्थ: किसी पर शक्ति या अधिकार (शक्ति, अधिकार, संपत्ति इत्यादि) प्रदान करना या देना।
Synonyms: endow, lodge, lay, place
Antonyms: refuse, take, dislodge
Example: Executive power is vested in the President.
Meaning: a person or organization that is immature, inexperienced, or underdeveloped.
अर्थ: एक व्यक्ति या संगठन जो अपरिपक्व, अनुभवहीन या अविकसित है।
Synonyms: emerging, dawning, beginning; developing
Antonyms: declining, mature
Example: One of these was a fledgling author by the name of Ayn Rand.
Meaning: give new energy or strength to.
अर्थ: नई ऊर्जा या शक्ति देना
Synonyms: enliven, rejuvenate, renew, revitalize
Antonyms: destroy, ruin
Example: This not only alleviates boredom, it can reinvigorate you.
Meaning: assign an inferior rank or position to.
अर्थ: एक अवर रैंक या स्थिति को असाइन करें।
Synonyms: consign, banish, exile, downgrade
Antonyms: upgrade, promote
Example: We shall relegate this problem to the organizing committee