Vocabulary अब हर Competitive Exam का महत्वपूर्ण हिस्सा बन चुकी हैं. चाहे बात बैंकिंग की हो या SSC की या किसी अन्य प्रतियोगी परीक्षा की सभी परीक्षाओं में vocabulary एक important part होती है. Reading comprehension को Solve करने से लेकर किसी भी को Solve करने के लिए Vocabulary अच्छी होना ज़रूरी है. इसलिए, Hindi Bankersadda आपको Daily Vocabulary प्रदान करता है जिससे आप आगामी परीक्षाओं की तैयारी को और बेहतर बना सकते हो. हम आपको यहाँ Daily Use Words with Hindi Meanings 30th June, 2022 की Vocabulary दे रहे हैं.
- Meaning: active or occurring spasmodically or intermittently; not regular or steady.
- अर्थ: सक्रिय या सहज रूप से या रुक-रुक कर; नियमित या स्थिर नहीं।
- Synonyms: intermittent, sporadic, spasmodic, unsteady.
- Antonyms: constant, continuous, steady, unwavering.
- Usage: Because the weather has been fitful lately, we are not sure if our outdoor wedding is going to take place.
- Meaning: relating to or concerned with complete systems rather than with individual parts.
- अर्थ: व्यक्तिगत भागों के बजाय पूर्ण प्रणालियों से संबंधित या संबंधित।
- Synonyms: comprehensive, entire, integrated, complete.
- Antonyms: deficient, fragmental , divided, reduced.
- Usage: Under the project guidelines, the student educators must create a holistic lesson that makes use of all five senses.
- Meaning: restrictions or impediments to freedom of action.
- अर्थ: कार्रवाई की स्वतंत्रता के लिए प्रतिबंध या बाधाएं।
- Synonyms: restraint, constraint, curb, check, impediment,
- Antonyms: help, assistance
- Example: Protesters refused to let anyone trammel their first amendment rights and pushed for freedom and equality for all.
- Meaning: creating a more serious, sensible, or solemn mood.
- अर्थ: अधिक गंभीर, समझदार।
- Synonyms: dangerous, severe, difficult, grievous
- Antonyms: calm, facile
- Example: Once again he was in the sobering presence of violent death.
- Meaning: existing in something as a permanent, essential, or characteristic attribute.
- अर्थ: स्थायी, आवश्यक, या चारित्रिक विशेषता के रूप में किसी चीज में विद्यमान।
- Synonyms: intrinsic, innate, fundamental, basic.
- Antonyms: superficial, exterior, extraneous, extrinsic.
- Usage: Even as a youngster, Janice showed she had an inherent talent to be a great singer.
- Meaning: to prove to be untrue, unfounded, or incorrect
- अर्थ: असत्य, निराधार या गलत साबित होने के लिए
- Synonyms: counter, expose
- Antonyms: agree, aid
- Example: The student refuted the professor’s claim in class.
- Meaning: failing to act or protest as a result of moral weakness or indolence.
- अर्थ: नैतिक कमजोरी या अकर्मण्यता के परिणामस्वरूप कार्य करने या विरोध करने में विफल।
- Synonyms: spineless, pliant, submissive, inactive.
- Antonyms: proactive, fecund, vivacious, tenacious.
- Example: My brother-in-law is a lazy fellow who will sleep with his head up in a supine position all day long.
- Meaning: To start an event or work.
- अर्थ: एक घटना या काम शुरू करने के लिए।
- Synonyms: Began, Inaugurate, Start, Launch, Arise.
- Antonyms: Close, End, Finish, Conclude, Complete.
- Sentence: The ceremony of award distribution will commence at noon.
- Meaning: To die or destroyed in voilence or calamities.
- अर्थ: वाणी या विपत्ति में मरना या नष्ट होना।
- Synonyms: Die, Destroy, Expire, Lose one’s life, Spoil.
- Antonyms: Live, Survive, Come into life, Exist, Grow.
- Sentence: Natural calamities perishes everything which comes in the way.
- Meaning: talk or write persistently and tediously on (a particular topic).
- अर्थ: किसी विशेष विषय पर लगातार और थकाऊ ढंग से बात करना या लिखना।
- Synonym: dwell, reiterate, repeat
- Antonym: forbid, fearfulness
- Sentence: He’s always harping on about lack of discipline