Meaning : sleep.
अर्थ: नींद।
Synonyms: coma, dormancy, stupor, doze
Antonyms : consciousness, activity, energy
Example : They were rather of the sort that closes solemnly in slumber with majestic effect.
INDIGNATION (noun) : रोष
Meaning : anger or annoyance provoked by what is perceived as unfair treatment.
अर्थ: अनुचित उपचार के रूप में जो समझा जाता है, उससे गुस्सा या झुंझलाहट।
Synonyms : displeasure, exasperation, fury, ire
Antonyms : calm, cheer, delight, happiness
Example : Eudora’s countenance kindled with indignation, as she listened to what Milza had told.
SHUNT(Verb) : अलग धकेलना
Meaning: to push or shove something
अर्थ: किसी चीज को धक्का या धक्का देना
Synonyms: avoid, deter
Antonyms: aid, allow
Example: It’s unfortunate that our society tends to shunt older workers to retire before they are ready.
INTRINSIC (Adjective) : आंतरिक
Meaning: belonging naturally; essential.
अर्थ: स्वाभाविक रूप से संबंधित; आवश्यक।
Synonyms: inherent, innate, inborn, inbred, congenital
Antonyms: extrinsic, acquired
Example: Study has intrinsic worth, as well as helping you achieve your goals.
VITRIOLIC (Adjective) : कटु
Meaning: filled with bitter criticism or malice.
अर्थ: कटु आलोचना या द्वेष से भरा हुआ।
Synonyms: acrimonious, rancorous, bitter, caustic, mordant
Antonyms: pleasant, kind
Example: The newspaper launched a vitriolic attack on the president.
DECRY (Verb) – दोष देना
Meaning: publicly denounce.
अर्थ: सार्वजनिक रूप से निंदा करना।
Synonyms: denounce, condemn, criticize, censure, damn, attack
Antonyms: praise, overrate
Example: He is impatient with those who decry the scheme.
SULKY (Adjective) : उदास
Meaning: morose, bad-tempered, and resentful; refusing to be cooperative or cheerful.
अर्थ: मनोबल, बुरा स्वभाव, और क्रोधी; सहयोगी या हंसमुख होने से इनकार करना।
Synonyms: Sullen, surly, pouting, petulant
Antonyms: cheerful, amiable
Example: Jay was quite sulky at the graduation party, but he tried to hide his apathetic attitude.
INTERDICT (Noun) : पाबंदी
Meaning: an authoritative prohibition, in particular
अर्थ: एक आधिकारिक निषेध, विशेष रूप से
Synonym: prohibition, ban, bar, veto, proscription,
Antonym: corroborate, support
Usage: Because I failed most of my classes last term, my parents will probably interdict me from working this semester.
FRACTIOUS (adjective) : झगड़ालू
Meaning: irritable and quarrelsome.
अर्थ: चिड़चिड़ा और झगड़ालू।
Synonyms: grumpy, cantankerous, peevish, irascible.
Antonyms: amicable, docile, affable, genial.
Usage: During the concert, police officers were on hand just in case the crowd became fractious.
CONFLATE (verb) : मिलाना
Meaning: combine (two or more sets of information, texts, ideas, etc.) into one.
अर्थ: एक में दो (सूचना, ग्रंथों, विचारों, आदि के दो या अधिक) संयोजन।
Synonyms: amalgamate, converge, unify, fuse.
Antonyms: divide, part, separate, rupture.
Usage: To conflate art and science, teachers must design activities that blend the two.