Meaning: a difficult, puzzling, or embarrassing situation from which there is no easy escape
अर्थ: एक कठिन, कठिन, या शर्मनाक स्थिति, जिसमें से कोई आसानी से बच नहीं सकता है
Synonyms: bind,corner, dilemma, fix, hole, impasse, jam, mire, pickle, predicament, spot
Antonyms: advantage, solution, agreement, contentment
Usage: He’s caught in a quagmire of debt.
Meaning: a quality of mystery, glamour, or power associated with someone or something.
अर्थ: किसी व्यक्ति या किसी चीज़ से जुड़ा हुआ रहस्य, ग्लैमर या शक्ति का गुण।
Synonyms: charisma, mystery, fascination, aura.
Antonyms: plainness, limpidity, perspicuity, lucidity.
Usage: The detective was captivated by the suspect’s mystique.
Meaning: a particular position or place where something occurs or is situated
अर्थ: एक विशेष स्थिति या स्थान जहाँ कुछ होता है या स्थित होता है
Synonyms: arrangement, location, condition, circumstances
Antonyms: boon, disarrangement
Usage: The locus of these intersections is the quadratrix.
Meaning: spoil or impair the quality or efficiency of.
अर्थ: की गुणवत्ता या दक्षता को खराब या ख़राब करना।
Synonyms: annihilate, negate, quash, abate
Antonyms: allow, help, permit, affirm
Usage: Changes at this point may actually vitiate the entire system.
Meaning: skill or expertise in a particular activity or field.
अर्थ: किसी विशेष गतिविधि या क्षेत्र में कौशल या विशेषज्ञता।
Synonyms: skill, expertise, ability, ability
Antonyms: inability, ineptitude
Usage: He was famous for his prowess as an athlete.
Meaning: (of a system or situation) excessively complicated, and typically involving a great deal of administrative detail
अर्थ: (एक प्रणाली या स्थिति का) अत्यधिक जटिल, और आमतौर पर प्रशासनिक विस्तार का एक बड़ा हिस्सा शामिल है
Synonyms: daedal, complicated, convoluted, devious
Usage: They are built on the Byzantine pattern, in small scale, and have painted fresco decoration.
Meaning: relevant to a subject under consideration.
अर्थ: विचाराधीन किसी विषय के लिए प्रासंगिक।
Synonyms: relevant, pertinent, applicable, apposite
Antonyms: irrelevant
Usage: He asks questions that are germane and central to the issue.
अर्थ: किसी पर शक्ति या अधिकार (शक्ति, अधिकार, संपत्ति इत्यादि) प्रदान करना या देना।
Synonyms: endow, lodge, lay, place
Antonyms: refuse, take, dislodge
Usage: Executive power is vested in the President.
Meaning: prevent or hinder the progress of.
अर्थ: किसी की प्रगति को रोकना या रोकना।
Synonyms: hamper, hinder, obstruct, inhibit,
Antonyms: assist, help
Usage: Such a relationship will certainly stymie a positive editorial association.
Meaning: give new energy or strength to.
अर्थ: नई ऊर्जा या शक्ति देना
Synonyms: enliven, rejuvenate, renew, revitalize
Antonyms: destroy, ruin
Usage: This not only alleviates boredom, it can reinvigorate you.