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Components of a Computer System: Basic Fundamentals of a Computer useful for all Competitive Exams (कंप्यूटर की बेसिक जानकारी)

Components of a Computer System: Basic Fundamentals of a Computer useful for all Competitive Exams (कंप्यूटर की बेसिक जानकारी) | Latest Hindi Banking jobs_3.1
Parts of a Computer | Different Main & Basic Components | Components of a Computer System: Input and Output Units

प्रतियोगी परीक्षाओं में, कंप्यूटर अवेयरनेस( computer awareness) की एक महत्वपूर्ण भूमिका होती है। जिसके बारे में आपको  कुछ बेसिक प्रश्नों के उत्तर देने होते हैं, तो आज इस आर्टिकल में हम आपके लिए ऐसे ही बेसिक टॉपिक को लेकर आये हैं, जो आपको पता होने ही चाहिए, इन पर आधारित प्रश्नों के आप आसानी से उत्तर दे सकेंगे.  

of a Computer System

Every computer system has the
following three basic components:

  1.          Input
  2.          Central
    processing unit
  3.          Output

Input Unit

These components help users enter
data and commands into a computer system. Data can be in the form
of numbers, words, actions, commands, etc. The main function
of input devices is to direct commands and data into computers.
Computers then use their CPU to process this data and produce output.





Digital Camera.



Graphic Tablet.

Central Processing Unit (CPU)

After receiving data and commands
from users, a computer system now has to process it according to the
instructions provided. Here, it has to rely on a component called the central
processing unit. The CPU further uses these three elements:

Memory Unit

Once a user enters data using input
devices, the computer system stores this data in its memory unit. This data
will now remain here until other components of CPU process it.
The memory unit uses a set of pre-programmed instructions
to further transmit this data to other parts of the CPU.

Arithmetic and Logic Unit

This part of the CPU
performs arithmetic operations. It does basic mathematical
calculations like addition, subtraction, division, multiplication, etc.
Further, it can even perform logical functions like the comparison of

Control Unit

This unit is the backbone of
computers. It is responsible for coordinating tasks between all components of a
computer system. The control unit collects data from input units and sends it
to processing units depending on its nature. Finally, it also further
transmits processed data to output units for users.

Output Unit

The third and final component of a
computer system is the output unit. After processing of data, it is converted
into a format which humans can understand. After conversion, the output units
displays this data to users. Examples of output devices include monitors,
screens, printers and speakers. Thus, output units basically reproduce the data
formatted by the computer for users’ benefit.

  •        Monitor.
  •         Printer.
  •         Headphones.
  •         Computer Speakers.
  •         Projector.
  •         GPS.
  •         Sound Card.
  •         Video Card.


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Components of a Computer System: Basic Fundamentals of a Computer useful for all Competitive Exams (कंप्यूटर की बेसिक जानकारी) | Latest Hindi Banking jobs_4.1