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Reasoning Quiz for Canara PO Exam: 11th December 2018

प्रिय उम्मीदवारों,
Reasoning Quiz for Canara PO Exam: 11th December 2018 | Latest Hindi Banking jobs_2.1

Reasoning Quiz for Canara PO Mains 2018

तार्किक क्षमता (रिजिनिंग) एक बड़ा अनुभाग है। प्रश्नों की बढ़ती जटिलता के साथ, इसे आसानी से पास करना  मुश्किल हो जाता है। canara PO Mains परीक्षाओं में इस विशेष अनुभाग में ग्रेड बनाने का एकमात्र तरीका अपने पूरे दिल और आत्मा के साथ लगातार अभ्यास करना है और आपको नवीनतम पैटर्न प्रश्नों के साथ अभ्यास करने प्रदान करने के लिए, यहां परीक्षाओं में पूछे जाने वाले प्रश्नों के सटीक समान पैटर्न के आधार पर Adda247 रीज़निंग क्विज दी गयी है।

Directions (1-5): निम्नलिखित जानकारी का ध्यानपूर्वक अध्ययन कीजिए और नीचे दिए प्रश्नों के उत्तर दीजिए? 
“Quad Core processor clocks” को ‘&5Z   &5V  $9V  &8L’, के रूप में लिखा जाता है।
“Massive internal memory” को ‘$7Z  &8Z  &7V’ के रूप में लिखा जाता है।
“Which makes multitasking”को  ‘$7R  $6Z  &11Z’ के रूप में लिखा जाता है।

Q1. दी गई कूट भाषा में 'Snapdragon' के लिए कूट क्या है?

$ 7Z
इनमें से कोई नहीं
Reasoning Quiz for Canara PO Exam: 11th December 2018 | Latest Hindi Banking jobs_3.1

Q2. दी गई कूट भाषा में 'shade owners' के लिए कूट क्या है?
$6Z $7V
$6Z &7V
&6Z $7V
निर्धारित नहीं किया जा सकता 
इनमें से कोई नहीं 
Reasoning Quiz for Canara PO Exam: 11th December 2018 | Latest Hindi Banking jobs_3.1
Q3. दी गई कूट भाषा में कूट ‘&8R’ किसे निरुपित करता है?
 इनमें से कोई नहीं 
Reasoning Quiz for Canara PO Exam: 11th December 2018 | Latest Hindi Banking jobs_3.1
Q4. दी गई कूट भाषा में ‘blue heaven love’ के लिए कूट क्या है?
&5V &6Z &5V
$5V &8Z $5V
&8Z $5V $5V
निर्धारित नहीं किया जा सकता
इनमें से कोई नहीं
Reasoning Quiz for Canara PO Exam: 11th December 2018 | Latest Hindi Banking jobs_3.1
Q5. '&8L  &6L  &5V' कूट निम्नलिखित में से किसे निरुपित करता है?
Cloths colour blue
Shade in blue
Is in blue
निर्धारित नहीं किया जा सकता
इनमें से कोई नहीं
Reasoning Quiz for Canara PO Exam: 11th December 2018 | Latest Hindi Banking jobs_3.1
Direction (6-10): दी गयी जानकारी का ध्यानपूर्वक अध्ययन कीजिए व नीचे दिए गये प्रश्नों के उत्तर दीजिये।
नौ व्यक्ति A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H और I एक बिल्डिंग में रहते हैं लेकिन आवश्यक नहीं कि समान क्रम में हों। बिल्डिंग में नौ फ्लोर हैं और एक फ्लोर पर केवल एक व्यक्ति रहता है। उन सभी का जन्मदिन विभिन्न महीनों अर्थात अप्रैल, मई, अक्टूबर, मार्च, अगस्त, जनवरी, सितंबर, जून और जुलाई में हैं लेकिन आवश्यक नहीं कि समान क्रम में हों। ग्राउंड फ्लोर का क्रमांक 1 है, इससे ऊपर वाले फ्लोर का क्रमांक 2 है, और इसी प्रकार आगे भी यही क्रम है तथा सबसे ऊपर वाले फ्लोर का क्रमांक 9 है। 
H का जन्म मार्च में हुआ था और वह एक सम संख्या वाले फ्लोर पर रहता है। A, उस फ्लोर से नीचे किसी सम संख्या वाले फ्लोर पर रहता है, जिस पर H रहता है। वह व्यक्ति जिसका जन्म 30 दिन वाले महीने में हुआ था, चौथे फ्लोर पर रहता है। E, दूसरे फ्लोर पर रहता है और उसका जन्म 31 दिन वाले महीने में हुआ था। जिस व्यक्ति का जन्म जुलाई में हुआ था, तीसरे फ्लोर पर रहता है। A, जनवरी में पैदा नहीं हुआ था। सितंबर और मार्च में जन्म लेने वाले व्यक्तियों के फ्लोरों के मध्य दो फ्लोर हैं। C का जन्म 31 दिन वाले महीने में हुआ था। उन फ्लोरों के मध्य तीन फ्लोर हैं जिन पर C और G रहते हैं। D, I के फ्लोर से ठीक ऊपर वाले फ्लोर पर रहता है। उन फ्लोरों के मध्य एक फ्लोर है जिन पर F और G रहते हैं। F का जन्म जुलाई में नहीं हुआ था। वह व्यक्ति जिसका जन्म 30 दिन वाले महीने में हुआ था, सबसे ऊपर वाले फ्लोर पर रहता है। F, ग्राउंड फ्लोर पर नहीं रहता है। जो व्यक्ति चौथे फ्लोर पर रहता है, उसका जन्म C के बाद हुआ और जो सबसे ऊपर वाले फ्लोर पर रहता है, उसका जन्म C से पहले हुआ था। I, सातवें फ्लोर पर नहीं रहता है। F का जन्म H से पहले वाले किसी महीने में हुआ था। C, उस फ्लोर के नीचे रहता है जिस पर G रहता है।

Q6. निम्नलिखित में से कौन से महीने में A का जन्म हुआ था?

निर्धारित नहीं किया जा सकता
इनमें से कोई नहीं
From the first two lines, H can stay on 6th or 8th floor and A can stay on 6th or 4th floor as E stay on 2nd floor. There can be two possibilities according to H’s floor.(1)when H stays on 6th floor (2) When H stays on 8th floor
(1)H stays on 6th floor, so A stays on 4th floor. There are two persons stay between the persons who were born in March and September so the person who stays on top floor was born in September so A was born either in April or June. D and I stay 9th and 8th floor respectively. F can stay on 5th or 7th floor.
F stays on 5th floor so G stays on 7th floor and C stays on 3rd floor so C was born in July but It is given that the one who stays on top floor was born before C so this arrangement can’t be possible.
F stays on 7th floor so G stays 5th floor and C stays on 1st floor and C was born in October because C was born after September but It is given that the person who stays on fourth floor was born after C so this arrangement can’t be possible.
Reasoning Quiz for Canara PO Exam: 11th December 2018 | Latest Hindi Banking jobs_8.1
(2)When H stays on 8th floor, A stays either on 6th or 4th floor.
When A stays on 6th floor, the person who stays on 5th floor was born in September so the persons who stay on 4th and 9th floor were born either in June or April. F does not stay on 5th floor or 9th floor because F was born before H so was born in January. F stays on 7th floor so G stays on 5th floor hence C stays on 1st floor. C was born between April and June so C was born in May. D and I stay on 4th and 3th floor respectively. B stays on top floor. B was born in April and D was born in A and E were born either in August or October.
Reasoning Quiz for Canara PO Exam: 11th December 2018 | Latest Hindi Banking jobs_9.1
When A stays on 4th floor then the arrangement cannot be possible because D and I cannot be arranged in this case so the arrangement is given above, is the final diagram.

Q7. निम्न में से कौन उस फ्लोर पर रहता है, जो उन दोनों फ्लोरों के ठीक मध्य में है जिन पर H व A रहते हैं?
इनमें से कोई नहीं 
From the first two lines, H can stay on 6th or 8th floor and A can stay on 6th or 4th floor as E stay on 2nd floor. There can be two possibilities according to H’s floor.(1)when H stays on 6th floor (2) When H stays on 8th floor
(1)H stays on 6th floor, so A stays on 4th floor. There are two persons stay between the persons who were born in March and September so the person who stays on top floor was born in September so A was born either in April or June. D and I stay 9th and 8th floor respectively. F can stay on 5th or 7th floor.
F stays on 5th floor so G stays on 7th floor and C stays on 3rd floor so C was born in July but It is given that the one who stays on top floor was born before C so this arrangement can’t be possible.
F stays on 7th floor so G stays 5th floor and C stays on 1st floor and C was born in October because C was born after September but It is given that the person who stays on fourth floor was born after C so this arrangement can’t be possible.
Reasoning Quiz for Canara PO Exam: 11th December 2018 | Latest Hindi Banking jobs_8.1
(2)When H stays on 8th floor, A stays either on 6th or 4th floor.
When A stays on 6th floor, the person who stays on 5th floor was born in September so the persons who stay on 4th and 9th floor were born either in June or April. F does not stay on 5th floor or 9th floor because F was born before H so was born in January. F stays on 7th floor so G stays on 5th floor hence C stays on 1st floor. C was born between April and June so C was born in May. D and I stay on 4th and 3th floor respectively. B stays on top floor. B was born in April and D was born in A and E were born either in August or October.
Reasoning Quiz for Canara PO Exam: 11th December 2018 | Latest Hindi Banking jobs_9.1
When A stays on 4th floor then the arrangement cannot be possible because D and I cannot be arranged in this case so the arrangement is given above, is the final diagram.

Q8. उन फ्लोरों के मध्य में कितने फ्लोर हैं, जिन पर I और C रहते हैं?
कोई नहीं
 तीन से अधिक
From the first two lines, H can stay on 6th or 8th floor and A can stay on 6th or 4th floor as E stay on 2nd floor. There can be two possibilities according to H’s floor.(1)when H stays on 6th floor (2) When H stays on 8th floor
(1)H stays on 6th floor, so A stays on 4th floor. There are two persons stay between the persons who were born in March and September so the person who stays on top floor was born in September so A was born either in April or June. D and I stay 9th and 8th floor respectively. F can stay on 5th or 7th floor.
F stays on 5th floor so G stays on 7th floor and C stays on 3rd floor so C was born in July but It is given that the one who stays on top floor was born before C so this arrangement can’t be possible.
F stays on 7th floor so G stays 5th floor and C stays on 1st floor and C was born in October because C was born after September but It is given that the person who stays on fourth floor was born after C so this arrangement can’t be possible.
Reasoning Quiz for Canara PO Exam: 11th December 2018 | Latest Hindi Banking jobs_8.1
(2)When H stays on 8th floor, A stays either on 6th or 4th floor.
When A stays on 6th floor, the person who stays on 5th floor was born in September so the persons who stay on 4th and 9th floor were born either in June or April. F does not stay on 5th floor or 9th floor because F was born before H so was born in January. F stays on 7th floor so G stays on 5th floor hence C stays on 1st floor. C was born between April and June so C was born in May. D and I stay on 4th and 3th floor respectively. B stays on top floor. B was born in April and D was born in A and E were born either in August or October.
Reasoning Quiz for Canara PO Exam: 11th December 2018 | Latest Hindi Banking jobs_9.1
When A stays on 4th floor then the arrangement cannot be possible because D and I cannot be arranged in this case so the arrangement is given above, is the final diagram.

Q9. यदि E का सम्बन्ध जून से है, F का सम्बन्ध अप्रैल से है तो इस प्रकार निम्नलिखित में से कौन सा A से सम्बन्धित है?
इनमें से कोई नहीं
From the first two lines, H can stay on 6th or 8th floor and A can stay on 6th or 4th floor as E stay on 2nd floor. There can be two possibilities according to H’s floor.(1)when H stays on 6th floor (2) When H stays on 8th floor
(1)H stays on 6th floor, so A stays on 4th floor. There are two persons stay between the persons who were born in March and September so the person who stays on top floor was born in September so A was born either in April or June. D and I stay 9th and 8th floor respectively. F can stay on 5th or 7th floor.
F stays on 5th floor so G stays on 7th floor and C stays on 3rd floor so C was born in July but It is given that the one who stays on top floor was born before C so this arrangement can’t be possible.
F stays on 7th floor so G stays 5th floor and C stays on 1st floor and C was born in October because C was born after September but It is given that the person who stays on fourth floor was born after C so this arrangement can’t be possible.
Reasoning Quiz for Canara PO Exam: 11th December 2018 | Latest Hindi Banking jobs_8.1
(2)When H stays on 8th floor, A stays either on 6th or 4th floor.
When A stays on 6th floor, the person who stays on 5th floor was born in September so the persons who stay on 4th and 9th floor were born either in June or April. F does not stay on 5th floor or 9th floor because F was born before H so was born in January. F stays on 7th floor so G stays on 5th floor hence C stays on 1st floor. C was born between April and June so C was born in May. D and I stay on 4th and 3th floor respectively. B stays on top floor. B was born in April and D was born in A and E were born either in August or October.
Reasoning Quiz for Canara PO Exam: 11th December 2018 | Latest Hindi Banking jobs_9.1
When A stays on 4th floor then the arrangement cannot be possible because D and I cannot be arranged in this case so the arrangement is given above, is the final diagram.

Q10. यदि सभी व्यक्तियों को पहले से नौवें फ्लोर तक वर्णक्रमानुसार व्यवस्थित किया जाए, तो सितम्बर में किसका जन्म हुआ था?
इनमें से कोई नहीं
From the first two lines, H can stay on 6th or 8th floor and A can stay on 6th or 4th floor as E stay on 2nd floor. There can be two possibilities according to H’s floor.(1)when H stays on 6th floor (2) When H stays on 8th floor
(1)H stays on 6th floor, so A stays on 4th floor. There are two persons stay between the persons who were born in March and September so the person who stays on top floor was born in September so A was born either in April or June. D and I stay 9th and 8th floor respectively. F can stay on 5th or 7th floor.
F stays on 5th floor so G stays on 7th floor and C stays on 3rd floor so C was born in July but It is given that the one who stays on top floor was born before C so this arrangement can’t be possible.
F stays on 7th floor so G stays 5th floor and C stays on 1st floor and C was born in October because C was born after September but It is given that the person who stays on fourth floor was born after C so this arrangement can’t be possible.
Reasoning Quiz for Canara PO Exam: 11th December 2018 | Latest Hindi Banking jobs_8.1
(2)When H stays on 8th floor, A stays either on 6th or 4th floor.
When A stays on 6th floor, the person who stays on 5th floor was born in September so the persons who stay on 4th and 9th floor were born either in June or April. F does not stay on 5th floor or 9th floor because F was born before H so was born in January. F stays on 7th floor so G stays on 5th floor hence C stays on 1st floor. C was born between April and June so C was born in May. D and I stay on 4th and 3th floor respectively. B stays on top floor. B was born in April and D was born in A and E were born either in August or October.
Reasoning Quiz for Canara PO Exam: 11th December 2018 | Latest Hindi Banking jobs_9.1
When A stays on 4th floor then the arrangement cannot be possible because D and I cannot be arranged in this case so the arrangement is given above, is the final diagram.

Directions (11-15): निम्नलिखित जानकारी का ध्यानपूर्वक अध्ययन कीजिये और दिए गए प्रश्नों के उत्तर दीजिये। 
एक कंपनी ADDA247 के पांच एग्जीक्यूटिव A, B, C, D और E हैं। सभी रीजनिंग विभाग में कार्यरत हैं और विभिन्न स्थानों पर रहते हैं, अर्थात- वसंत विहार, वसंत कुंज, अशोक नगर, लक्ष्मी नगर और मयूर विहार फेज-1। वे सभी विभिन्न पेपर सेट तैयार करते हैं, अर्थात- पजल, सिलोजिज्म, इनइक्वालिटी, सिटिंग अरेंजमेंट और कोडिंग डिकोडिंग तथा वे सभी विभिन्न बाइक पसंद करते हैं जैसे; एवेंजर, हीरो, बजाज, डुकाटी और यामाहा। 
लक्ष्मी नगर में रहने वाले व्यक्ति को यामाहा बाइक पसंद है। E वसंत कुंज में रहता है और कोडिंग डिकोडिंग का पेपर तैयार करता है। A लक्ष्मी नगर में नहीं रहता है। हीरो पसंद करने वाला व्यक्ति, सिटिंग अरेंजमेंट का पेपर तैयार करता है और वह B नहीं है। C अशोक नगर में रहता है तथा वह बजाज और हीरो पसंद नहीं करता है और न ही वह पजल और सिलोजिज्म पर पेपर तैयार करता है। A एवेंजर पसंद करता है और वह वसंत विहार से संबंधित नहीं है।

Q11. जो व्यक्ति अशोक नगर से संबंधित है, किस टॉपिक पर पेपर तैयार कर रहा है?

सिटिंग अरेंजमेंट
इनमें से कोई नहीं
Step 1: From the given definite conditions:- The one who lives in Laxmi Nagar, likes Yamaha bike. E lives in Vasant kunj and preparing the paper of Coding Decoding. The one who like Hero preparing paper of Sitting arrangement and he is not B. C lives in Ashok Nagar and he does not Like Bajaj or Hero nor he preparing the paper on Puzzle or Syllogs.
Reasoning Quiz for Canara PO Exam: 11th December 2018 | Latest Hindi Banking jobs_18.1
Step 2: A likes Avenger and he does not belong to Vasant vihar. A does not live in Laxmi Nagar. As C is not preparing the paper on Syllogs or puzzle, so he is preparing paper on inequality.
Reasoning Quiz for Canara PO Exam: 11th December 2018 | Latest Hindi Banking jobs_19.1
Step 3: Now as A does not belong to vasant vihar nor Laxmi nagar so there is only one place left Mayur Vihar Ph 1 from where A belongs. And B and D belongs to Laxmi Nagar and Vasant vihar respectively. As C does not like either Bajaj or Hero then C likes Ducati and E likes Bajaj. Hence we deduce the final arrangement from the above given condition.
Reasoning Quiz for Canara PO Exam: 11th December 2018 | Latest Hindi Banking jobs_20.1
Q12. लक्ष्मी नगर में कौन रहता है? 
इनमें से कोई नहीं 
Step 1: From the given definite conditions:- The one who lives in Laxmi Nagar, likes Yamaha bike. E lives in Vasant kunj and preparing the paper of Coding Decoding. The one who like Hero preparing paper of Sitting arrangement and he is not B. C lives in Ashok Nagar and he does not Like Bajaj or Hero nor he preparing the paper on Puzzle or Syllogs.
Reasoning Quiz for Canara PO Exam: 11th December 2018 | Latest Hindi Banking jobs_18.1
Step 2: A likes Avenger and he does not belong to Vasant vihar. A does not live in Laxmi Nagar. As C is not preparing the paper on Syllogs or puzzle, so he is preparing paper on inequality.
Reasoning Quiz for Canara PO Exam: 11th December 2018 | Latest Hindi Banking jobs_19.1
Step 3: Now as A does not belong to vasant vihar nor Laxmi nagar so there is only one place left Mayur Vihar Ph 1 from where A belongs. And B and D belongs to Laxmi Nagar and Vasant vihar respectively. As C does not like either Bajaj or Hero then C likes Ducati and E likes Bajaj. Hence we deduce the final arrangement from the above given condition.
Reasoning Quiz for Canara PO Exam: 11th December 2018 | Latest Hindi Banking jobs_20.1

Q13. एग्जीक्यूटिव-स्थान-बाइक का निम्नलिखित में से कौन सा संयोजन सही सुमेलित है?
 A-मयूर विहार-डुकाटी
 B-वसंत विहार-हीरो
C-अशोक नगर-डुकाटी
D-वसंत कुंज-हीरो
इनमें से कोई नहीं 
Step 1: From the given definite conditions:- The one who lives in Laxmi Nagar, likes Yamaha bike. E lives in Vasant kunj and preparing the paper of Coding Decoding. The one who like Hero preparing paper of Sitting arrangement and he is not B. C lives in Ashok Nagar and he does not Like Bajaj or Hero nor he preparing the paper on Puzzle or Syllogs.
Reasoning Quiz for Canara PO Exam: 11th December 2018 | Latest Hindi Banking jobs_18.1
Step 2: A likes Avenger and he does not belong to Vasant vihar. A does not live in Laxmi Nagar. As C is not preparing the paper on Syllogs or puzzle, so he is preparing paper on inequality.
Reasoning Quiz for Canara PO Exam: 11th December 2018 | Latest Hindi Banking jobs_19.1
Step 3: Now as A does not belong to vasant vihar nor Laxmi nagar so there is only one place left Mayur Vihar Ph 1 from where A belongs. And B and D belongs to Laxmi Nagar and Vasant vihar respectively. As C does not like either Bajaj or Hero then C likes Ducati and E likes Bajaj. Hence we deduce the final arrangement from the above given condition.
Reasoning Quiz for Canara PO Exam: 11th December 2018 | Latest Hindi Banking jobs_20.1

Q14. दी गई व्यवस्था में, यदि C इनइक्वालिटी से संबंधित है और E कोडिंग डिकोडिंग से संबंधित है, तो उसी प्रकार से A किससे संबंधित है?
सिटिंग अरेंजमेंट
या तो a या c  
इनमें से कोई नहीं  
Step 1: From the given definite conditions:- The one who lives in Laxmi Nagar, likes Yamaha bike. E lives in Vasant kunj and preparing the paper of Coding Decoding. The one who like Hero preparing paper of Sitting arrangement and he is not B. C lives in Ashok Nagar and he does not Like Bajaj or Hero nor he preparing the paper on Puzzle or Syllogs.
Reasoning Quiz for Canara PO Exam: 11th December 2018 | Latest Hindi Banking jobs_18.1
Step 2: A likes Avenger and he does not belong to Vasant vihar. A does not live in Laxmi Nagar. As C is not preparing the paper on Syllogs or puzzle, so he is preparing paper on inequality.
Reasoning Quiz for Canara PO Exam: 11th December 2018 | Latest Hindi Banking jobs_19.1
Step 3: Now as A does not belong to vasant vihar nor Laxmi nagar so there is only one place left Mayur Vihar Ph 1 from where A belongs. And B and D belongs to Laxmi Nagar and Vasant vihar respectively. As C does not like either Bajaj or Hero then C likes Ducati and E likes Bajaj. Hence we deduce the final arrangement from the above given condition.
Reasoning Quiz for Canara PO Exam: 11th December 2018 | Latest Hindi Banking jobs_20.1

Q15. निम्नलिखित में से किसे बजाज पसंद है? 
Step 1: From the given definite conditions:- The one who lives in Laxmi Nagar, likes Yamaha bike. E lives in Vasant kunj and preparing the paper of Coding Decoding. The one who like Hero preparing paper of Sitting arrangement and he is not B. C lives in Ashok Nagar and he does not Like Bajaj or Hero nor he preparing the paper on Puzzle or Syllogs.
Reasoning Quiz for Canara PO Exam: 11th December 2018 | Latest Hindi Banking jobs_18.1
Step 2: A likes Avenger and he does not belong to Vasant vihar. A does not live in Laxmi Nagar. As C is not preparing the paper on Syllogs or puzzle, so he is preparing paper on inequality.
Reasoning Quiz for Canara PO Exam: 11th December 2018 | Latest Hindi Banking jobs_19.1
Step 3: Now as A does not belong to vasant vihar nor Laxmi nagar so there is only one place left Mayur Vihar Ph 1 from where A belongs. And B and D belongs to Laxmi Nagar and Vasant vihar respectively. As C does not like either Bajaj or Hero then C likes Ducati and E likes Bajaj. Hence we deduce the final arrangement from the above given condition.
Reasoning Quiz for Canara PO Exam: 11th December 2018 | Latest Hindi Banking jobs_20.1


Reasoning Quiz for Canara PO Exam: 11th December 2018 | Latest Hindi Banking jobs_33.1    Reasoning Quiz for Canara PO Exam: 11th December 2018 | Latest Hindi Banking jobs_34.1

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