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Reasoning Quiz for Canara PO Exam: 10th December 2018 in hindi

प्रिय उम्मीदवारों,
Reasoning Quiz for Canara PO Exam: 10th December 2018 in hindi | Latest Hindi Banking jobs_2.1

Reasoning Quiz for Canara PO Mains 2018

तार्किक क्षमता (रिजिनिंग) एक बड़ा अनुभाग है। प्रश्नों की बढ़ती जटिलता के साथ, इसे आसानी से पास करना  मुश्किल हो जाता है। canara PO Mains परीक्षाओं में इस विशेष अनुभाग में ग्रेड बनाने का एकमात्र तरीका अपने पूरे दिल और आत्मा के साथ लगातार अभ्यास करना है और आपको नवीनतम पैटर्न प्रश्नों के साथ अभ्यास करने प्रदान करने के लिए, यहां परीक्षाओं में पूछे जाने वाले प्रश्नों के सटीक समान पैटर्न के आधार पर Adda247 रीज़निंग क्विज दी गयी है।

Directions (1-5):जानकारी का अध्ययन कीजिये और निम्नलिखित प्रश्नों के उत्तर दीजिये: 

एक निश्चित कूट भाषा में,   

"When the national anthem" को "MW%4  VT$7  ON#13  NA@26" के रूप में कूटबद्ध किया जाता है। 
"featured in cinema halls" को "MI $18  WF%21 HH@19  ZC#24" के रूप में कूटबद्ध किया जाता है।
"people should stand up" को "KU%6  WS$8  WS#8  VP@11" के रूप में कूटबद्ध किया जाता है।
"list of fundamental duties" को "GL@15  UO#12  OF$21  HD%23" के रूप कूटबद्ध किया जाता है। 

Q1. दी गई कूटभाषा में, ‘Attorney general’ के लिए कूट क्या है?

BA#26 OG#20
BA#26 OG@20
BT@26 OG#21
AT#26 GO#20
 इनमें से कोई नहीं
Reasoning Quiz for Canara PO Exam: 10th December 2018 in hindi | Latest Hindi Banking jobs_3.1
Q2.दी गई कूटभाषा में, ‘Supreme court’ के लिए कूट क्या है?
ES@8 GC$24
VS@9 GC$24
VS@8 GC@24
VS@8 GC$24
 इनमें से कोई नहीं
Reasoning Quiz for Canara PO Exam: 10th December 2018 in hindi | Latest Hindi Banking jobs_3.1
Q3. दी गई कूट भाषा में, ‘prevention’ के लिए संभावित कूट क्या हो सकता है?
 इनमें से कोई नहीं
Reasoning Quiz for Canara PO Exam: 10th December 2018 in hindi | Latest Hindi Banking jobs_3.1
Q4. दी गई कूटभाषा में ‘National Anthem’ के लिए संभावित कूट क्या हो सकता है?
ON#13 NA@26
ON#11 NA@26
ON#13 NA@24
ON#13 NA#26
 इनमें से कोई नहीं
Reasoning Quiz for Canara PO Exam: 10th December 2018 in hindi | Latest Hindi Banking jobs_3.1
Q5. दी गई कूटभाषा में, ‘Develop scientific temper’ के लिए कूट क्या है?
KD@23 XS#8 IT$7
KD@21 XS#8 IT$7
KD@23 XS#8 RT$7
KD@23 CS#8 IT$7
 इनमें से कोई नहीं
Reasoning Quiz for Canara PO Exam: 10th December 2018 in hindi | Latest Hindi Banking jobs_3.1
Directions (6-10): निम्नलिखित सूचना का ध्यानपूर्वक अध्ययन कीजिये और नीचे दिए गए प्रश्नों के उत्तर दीजिये।  

सात महिलाएं रवीना, सुमन, दीया, रीना, मीता, अंशुल और अंशिका एक सात मंजिला ईमारत की भिन्न मंजिलों पर रहती हैं। निचली मंजिल की संख्या 1, पहली मंजिल की संख्या 2 है और इसी प्रकार आगे ऊपरी मंजिल की संख्या 7 तक है। उनमें से प्रत्येक को भिन्न रंग पसंद है अर्थात् भूरा, पीला, पीच, सफ़ेद, हरा, लाल, और नीला लेकिन इसी क्रम में हो यह आवश्यक नहीं। मीता और जिस महिला को पीला रंग पसंद है के मध्य 2 मंजिल है। दीया को नीला रंग पसंद है और वह एक सम संख्या वाली मंजिल पर रहती है। जिन महिलाओं को पीला और पीच रंग पसंद है, के मध्य 2 से अधिक मंजिल हैं। अंशुल एक सम संख्या वाली मंजिल पर रहती है लेकिन रवीना की मंजिल के ठीक नीचे की मंजिल पर नहीं रहती। अंशिका को पीला  रंग पसंद नहीं है। रीना और सफ़ेद रंग पसंद करने वाली महिला के मध्य 2 मंजिल है। रवीना को भूरा रंग पसंद है और वह या तो सातवीं या पहली मंजिल पर रहती है। मीता को हरा रंग पसंद है और वह या तो ऊपरी मंजिल या निचली मंजिल पर नहीं रहती है लेकिन वह एक विषम संख्या वाली मंजिल पर रहती है। रीना पांचवीं मंजिल पर रहती है। वह महिला जो पांचवीं मंजिल पर रहती है, उसे पीच रंग पसंद नहीं है। 

Q6.  दी गई सूचना के आधार पर अंशुल के सन्दर्भ में निम्न में से कौन-सा सत्य है? 
 अंशुल के ठीक नीचे रहने वाली महिला को पीच रंग पसंद है।
 अंशुल मंजिल संख्या 7 पर रहती है।
 अंशुल, दीया के ठीक नीचे वाली मंजिल पर रहती है।
  अंशुल निचली मंजिल पर रहती है।
 इनमें से कोई नहीं
From the condition, Ravina likes brown color and lives either on 7th or 1st floor, two possible cases will be there which are shown below. Reena lives on 5th floor. There are 2 floors between Reena and the one who likes white color. Mita likes green and doesn’t sit either topmost floor or lowermost floor but lives on odd number floor, so there is only one possibility for Mita that Mita will live on floor 3rd floor. There are 2 floors between Mita and the one who likes yellow color, it means the one who like yellow lives on 6th floor. Diya likes blue color. The one who lives on 5th floor doesn’t like peach color, It means Reena will like Red color because all colors are already fixed.
Reasoning Quiz for Canara PO Exam: 10th December 2018 in hindi | Latest Hindi Banking jobs_8.1
Reasoning Quiz for Canara PO Exam: 10th December 2018 in hindi | Latest Hindi Banking jobs_9.1
There are more than 2 floors between the ones who like yellow and peach color, from this condition case-2 will be eliminated because there is no space for the one who likes peach color. With the rest conditions, Diya likes blue color and lives on even numbered floor, so it is clear that Diya will live on 4th floor. Anshul lives on even number floor but not just below Ravina’s floor, now there is only one place remaining for Anshul that is 2nd floor. Anshika doesn’t like yellow color, so it will be fixed that Anshika will live on 1st floor and Suman will live on 6th floor. We will get final answer.
Reasoning Quiz for Canara PO Exam: 10th December 2018 in hindi | Latest Hindi Banking jobs_10.1
Q7.  निम्नलिखित में से मंजिल संख्या 3 पर कौन रहता है?
 जिसे नीला रंग पसंद है
 जिसे हरा रंग पसंद है
 इनमें से कोई नहीं
b और d दोनों 
From the condition, Ravina likes brown color and lives either on 7th or 1st floor, two possible cases will be there which are shown below. Reena lives on 5th floor. There are 2 floors between Reena and the one who likes white color. Mita likes green and doesn’t sit either topmost floor or lowermost floor but lives on odd number floor, so there is only one possibility for Mita that Mita will live on floor 3rd floor. There are 2 floors between Mita and the one who likes yellow color, it means the one who like yellow lives on 6th floor. Diya likes blue color. The one who lives on 5th floor doesn’t like peach color, It means Reena will like Red color because all colors are already fixed.
Reasoning Quiz for Canara PO Exam: 10th December 2018 in hindi | Latest Hindi Banking jobs_8.1
Reasoning Quiz for Canara PO Exam: 10th December 2018 in hindi | Latest Hindi Banking jobs_9.1
There are more than 2 floors between the ones who like yellow and peach color, from this condition case-2 will be eliminated because there is no space for the one who likes peach color. With the rest conditions, Diya likes blue color and lives on even numbered floor, so it is clear that Diya will live on 4th floor. Anshul lives on even number floor but not just below Ravina’s floor, now there is only one place remaining for Anshul that is 2nd floor. Anshika doesn’t like yellow color, so it will be fixed that Anshika will live on 1st floor and Suman will live on 6th floor. We will get final answer.
Reasoning Quiz for Canara PO Exam: 10th December 2018 in hindi | Latest Hindi Banking jobs_10.1
Q8. रीना के ठीक ऊपर की मंजिल पर कौन रहता है?
इनमें से कोई नहीं
कोई नहीं
From the condition, Ravina likes brown color and lives either on 7th or 1st floor, two possible cases will be there which are shown below. Reena lives on 5th floor. There are 2 floors between Reena and the one who likes white color. Mita likes green and doesn’t sit either topmost floor or lowermost floor but lives on odd number floor, so there is only one possibility for Mita that Mita will live on floor 3rd floor. There are 2 floors between Mita and the one who likes yellow color, it means the one who like yellow lives on 6th floor. Diya likes blue color. The one who lives on 5th floor doesn’t like peach color, It means Reena will like Red color because all colors are already fixed.
Reasoning Quiz for Canara PO Exam: 10th December 2018 in hindi | Latest Hindi Banking jobs_8.1
Reasoning Quiz for Canara PO Exam: 10th December 2018 in hindi | Latest Hindi Banking jobs_9.1
There are more than 2 floors between the ones who like yellow and peach color, from this condition case-2 will be eliminated because there is no space for the one who likes peach color. With the rest conditions, Diya likes blue color and lives on even numbered floor, so it is clear that Diya will live on 4th floor. Anshul lives on even number floor but not just below Ravina’s floor, now there is only one place remaining for Anshul that is 2nd floor. Anshika doesn’t like yellow color, so it will be fixed that Anshika will live on 1st floor and Suman will live on 6th floor. We will get final answer.
Reasoning Quiz for Canara PO Exam: 10th December 2018 in hindi | Latest Hindi Banking jobs_10.1
Q9.  निम्नलिखित में से कौन-सा रंग सुमन को पसंद है?
 इनमें से कोई नहीं
From the condition, Ravina likes brown color and lives either on 7th or 1st floor, two possible cases will be there which are shown below. Reena lives on 5th floor. There are 2 floors between Reena and the one who likes white color. Mita likes green and doesn’t sit either topmost floor or lowermost floor but lives on odd number floor, so there is only one possibility for Mita that Mita will live on floor 3rd floor. There are 2 floors between Mita and the one who likes yellow color, it means the one who like yellow lives on 6th floor. Diya likes blue color. The one who lives on 5th floor doesn’t like peach color, It means Reena will like Red color because all colors are already fixed.
Reasoning Quiz for Canara PO Exam: 10th December 2018 in hindi | Latest Hindi Banking jobs_8.1
Reasoning Quiz for Canara PO Exam: 10th December 2018 in hindi | Latest Hindi Banking jobs_9.1
There are more than 2 floors between the ones who like yellow and peach color, from this condition case-2 will be eliminated because there is no space for the one who likes peach color. With the rest conditions, Diya likes blue color and lives on even numbered floor, so it is clear that Diya will live on 4th floor. Anshul lives on even number floor but not just below Ravina’s floor, now there is only one place remaining for Anshul that is 2nd floor. Anshika doesn’t like yellow color, so it will be fixed that Anshika will live on 1st floor and Suman will live on 6th floor. We will get final answer.
Reasoning Quiz for Canara PO Exam: 10th December 2018 in hindi | Latest Hindi Banking jobs_10.1
Q10. मीता और सुमन जिन मंजिलों पर रहती हैं उनके मध्य कितनी महिलाएं रहती हैं?
कोई नहीं
तीन से अधिक
From the condition, Ravina likes brown color and lives either on 7th or 1st floor, two possible cases will be there which are shown below. Reena lives on 5th floor. There are 2 floors between Reena and the one who likes white color. Mita likes green and doesn’t sit either topmost floor or lowermost floor but lives on odd number floor, so there is only one possibility for Mita that Mita will live on floor 3rd floor. There are 2 floors between Mita and the one who likes yellow color, it means the one who like yellow lives on 6th floor. Diya likes blue color. The one who lives on 5th floor doesn’t like peach color, It means Reena will like Red color because all colors are already fixed.
Reasoning Quiz for Canara PO Exam: 10th December 2018 in hindi | Latest Hindi Banking jobs_8.1
Reasoning Quiz for Canara PO Exam: 10th December 2018 in hindi | Latest Hindi Banking jobs_9.1
There are more than 2 floors between the ones who like yellow and peach color, from this condition case-2 will be eliminated because there is no space for the one who likes peach color. With the rest conditions, Diya likes blue color and lives on even numbered floor, so it is clear that Diya will live on 4th floor. Anshul lives on even number floor but not just below Ravina’s floor, now there is only one place remaining for Anshul that is 2nd floor. Anshika doesn’t like yellow color, so it will be fixed that Anshika will live on 1st floor and Suman will live on 6th floor. We will get final answer.
Reasoning Quiz for Canara PO Exam: 10th December 2018 in hindi | Latest Hindi Banking jobs_10.1
Directions (11-15): निम्नलिखित सूचना का ध्यानपूर्वक अध्ययन कीजिए और नीचे दिए गए प्रश्नों के उत्तर दीजिए। 

आठ मित्र अर्थात् रोहित, रमेश, सुमन, रमण, प्रकाश, शुभम, अंशुल और शशांक जो दिल्ली में रहते हैं, अपनी छुट्टियां मनाने के लिए अलग-अलग स्थान पर जाते हैं। ये स्थान हैं: – युएइ, लन्दन, युएसए, स्विट्ज़रलैंड, मकाउ, मलेशिया, दार्जीलिंग और शिमला। वे इन स्थानों पर जाने के लिए अलग-अलग एयरलाइनों से यात्रा करते हैं जैसे: फ्लाई इजी, इंडिगो, गो एयर, जेट एयरवेज, एयर इंडिया, लुफ्थांसा, जेट कैप्स और डेल्टा एयर। स्थानों के नाम तथा एयरलाइन के नाम इसी क्रम में हो यह आवश्यक नहीं है।   

रोहित, जो शिमला जाता है, न तो लुफ्थांसा और न ही जेट कैप्स से यात्रा करता है। रमेश गो एयर से यात्रा करता है और वह स्विट्ज़रलैंड या युएसए नहीं जाता है, लेकिन जो व्यक्ति मलेशिया जाता है, वह इंडिगो से यात्रा करता है। उनमें से एक जो एयर इंडिया से यात्रा करता है, वह मकाउ जाता है तथा जो व्यक्ति स्विट्ज़रलैंड जाता है, जेट एयरवेज से यात्रा करता है। अंशुल, मलेशिया नहीं जाता है। जो व्यक्ति युएसए जाता है, डेल्टा एयर से यात्रा करता है। शुभम और रमण क्रमश: लन्दन और मकाउ जाते हैं। शशांक, स्विट्ज़रलैंड जाता है जबकि प्रकाश जो न तो लुफ्थांसा और न ही फ्लाई इजी से यात्रा करता है, युएइ जाता है। 

Q11. रोहित किस एयरलाइन से यात्रा करता है?

फ्लाई इजी
डेल्टा एयर
गो एयर
जेट एयरवेज
Step1: From the given definite conditions: - Rohit, who left for Shimla, has neither travel with Lufthansa or Jet Caps. Ramesh has left in Go-Air and did not leave for Switzerland or USA. Shubham and Raman left for London and Macau respectively. Shashank left for Switzerland whereas Prakash, who has neither left in Lufthansa nor in Fly Easy, left for UAE. From these given condition we can deduce the following arrangement,
Reasoning Quiz for Canara PO Exam: 10th December 2018 in hindi | Latest Hindi Banking jobs_23.1
Step2: From the given other conditions: - the person who has left for Malaysia travel with Indigo. One of them, who travel with Air India, left for Macau so from these Raman travels with Air India, and the person who left for Switzerland travel with Jet Airways hence Shashank travels with Jet Airways. Anshul did not leave for Malaysia so there is only one place for Malaysia, Hence Suman left to Malaysia and travels with Indigo. Now it is given that, the one who left for USA has left in Delta Air, so Anshul is the one left who travels to USA. So Ramesh left for Darjeeling. Now as Prakash and Rohit doesn’t travel with Lufthansa so Shubham travels with Lufthansa and hence Rohit travels with Fly Easy and Prakash travels with Jet Caps.
Reasoning Quiz for Canara PO Exam: 10th December 2018 in hindi | Latest Hindi Banking jobs_24.1
Q12.  एक निश्चित प्रकार  से रोहित, शिमला से सम्बन्धित है एवं इसी तरह  शुभम, लन्दन से सम्बन्धित है, इसी आधार पर रमेश किससे सम्बन्धित है?
इनमें से कोई नहीं
Step1: From the given definite conditions: - Rohit, who left for Shimla, has neither travel with Lufthansa or Jet Caps. Ramesh has left in Go-Air and did not leave for Switzerland or USA. Shubham and Raman left for London and Macau respectively. Shashank left for Switzerland whereas Prakash, who has neither left in Lufthansa nor in Fly Easy, left for UAE. From these given condition we can deduce the following arrangement,
Reasoning Quiz for Canara PO Exam: 10th December 2018 in hindi | Latest Hindi Banking jobs_23.1
Step2: From the given other conditions: - the person who has left for Malaysia travel with Indigo. One of them, who travel with Air India, left for Macau so from these Raman travels with Air India, and the person who left for Switzerland travel with Jet Airways hence Shashank travels with Jet Airways. Anshul did not leave for Malaysia so there is only one place for Malaysia, Hence Suman left to Malaysia and travels with Indigo. Now it is given that, the one who left for USA has left in Delta Air, so Anshul is the one left who travels to USA. So Ramesh left for Darjeeling. Now as Prakash and Rohit doesn’t travel with Lufthansa so Shubham travels with Lufthansa and hence Rohit travels with Fly Easy and Prakash travels with Jet Caps.
Reasoning Quiz for Canara PO Exam: 10th December 2018 in hindi | Latest Hindi Banking jobs_24.1
Q13.  शशांक, किस एयरलाइन से यात्रा करता है?
डेल्टा एयर
जेट एयरवेज
जेट कैप्स
इनमें से कोई नहीं
Step1: From the given definite conditions: - Rohit, who left for Shimla, has neither travel with Lufthansa or Jet Caps. Ramesh has left in Go-Air and did not leave for Switzerland or USA. Shubham and Raman left for London and Macau respectively. Shashank left for Switzerland whereas Prakash, who has neither left in Lufthansa nor in Fly Easy, left for UAE. From these given condition we can deduce the following arrangement,
Reasoning Quiz for Canara PO Exam: 10th December 2018 in hindi | Latest Hindi Banking jobs_23.1
Step2: From the given other conditions: - the person who has left for Malaysia travel with Indigo. One of them, who travel with Air India, left for Macau so from these Raman travels with Air India, and the person who left for Switzerland travel with Jet Airways hence Shashank travels with Jet Airways. Anshul did not leave for Malaysia so there is only one place for Malaysia, Hence Suman left to Malaysia and travels with Indigo. Now it is given that, the one who left for USA has left in Delta Air, so Anshul is the one left who travels to USA. So Ramesh left for Darjeeling. Now as Prakash and Rohit doesn’t travel with Lufthansa so Shubham travels with Lufthansa and hence Rohit travels with Fly Easy and Prakash travels with Jet Caps.
Reasoning Quiz for Canara PO Exam: 10th December 2018 in hindi | Latest Hindi Banking jobs_24.1
Q14.  निम्न में से कौन एयर इंडिया से यात्रा करता है?
Step1: From the given definite conditions: - Rohit, who left for Shimla, has neither travel with Lufthansa or Jet Caps. Ramesh has left in Go-Air and did not leave for Switzerland or USA. Shubham and Raman left for London and Macau respectively. Shashank left for Switzerland whereas Prakash, who has neither left in Lufthansa nor in Fly Easy, left for UAE. From these given condition we can deduce the following arrangement,
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Step2: From the given other conditions: - the person who has left for Malaysia travel with Indigo. One of them, who travel with Air India, left for Macau so from these Raman travels with Air India, and the person who left for Switzerland travel with Jet Airways hence Shashank travels with Jet Airways. Anshul did not leave for Malaysia so there is only one place for Malaysia, Hence Suman left to Malaysia and travels with Indigo. Now it is given that, the one who left for USA has left in Delta Air, so Anshul is the one left who travels to USA. So Ramesh left for Darjeeling. Now as Prakash and Rohit doesn’t travel with Lufthansa so Shubham travels with Lufthansa and hence Rohit travels with Fly Easy and Prakash travels with Jet Caps.
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Q15. निम्न में से कौन युएसए जाता है?
Step1: From the given definite conditions: - Rohit, who left for Shimla, has neither travel with Lufthansa or Jet Caps. Ramesh has left in Go-Air and did not leave for Switzerland or USA. Shubham and Raman left for London and Macau respectively. Shashank left for Switzerland whereas Prakash, who has neither left in Lufthansa nor in Fly Easy, left for UAE. From these given condition we can deduce the following arrangement,
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Step2: From the given other conditions: - the person who has left for Malaysia travel with Indigo. One of them, who travel with Air India, left for Macau so from these Raman travels with Air India, and the person who left for Switzerland travel with Jet Airways hence Shashank travels with Jet Airways. Anshul did not leave for Malaysia so there is only one place for Malaysia, Hence Suman left to Malaysia and travels with Indigo. Now it is given that, the one who left for USA has left in Delta Air, so Anshul is the one left who travels to USA. So Ramesh left for Darjeeling. Now as Prakash and Rohit doesn’t travel with Lufthansa so Shubham travels with Lufthansa and hence Rohit travels with Fly Easy and Prakash travels with Jet Caps.
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