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Reasoning Quiz for IBPS PO Prelims: 13th September 2018

प्रिय उम्मीदवारों,

Reasoning Quiz for IBPS PO Prelims: 9th September 2018
Reasoning Questions for IBPS PO 2018

तार्किक क्षमता (रिजिनिंग) एक बड़ा अनुभाग है. प्रश्नों की बढ़ती जटिलता के साथ, इसे आसानी से पास करना  मुश्किल हो जाता है. IBPS PO और बैंकिंग परीक्षाओं में इस विशेष अनुभाग में ग्रेड बनाने का एकमात्र तरीका अपने पूरे दिल और आत्मा के साथ लगातार अभ्यास करना है. और, आपको नवीनतम पैटर्न प्रश्नों के साथ अभ्यास करने प्रदान करने के लिए, यहां परीक्षाओं में पूछे जाने वाले प्रश्नों के सटीक समान पैटर्न के आधार पर Adda247 रीज़निंग क्विज दी गयी है.

Directions (1-3): दी गयी जानकारी का ध्यानपूर्वक अध्ययन कीजिए तथा दिए गए प्रश्नों के उत्तर दीजिए. 

छह मोबाइल फोन अर्थात् – M, N, O, P, Q और R को अलग–अलग आकार के डिब्बों में रखा गया है। फोन M उस डिब्बे में रखा है, जो केवल उस डिब्बे से आकार में छोटा है, जिसमें फोन-P रखा है। जिस डिब्बे में फोन O रखा है, उससे केवल तीन डिब्बे आकार में छोटे हैं। वह डिब्बा, जिसमें फोन R रखा है आकार में उस डिब्बे से छोटा है, जिस डिब्बे में फोन Q रखा है। फोन R सबसे छोटे आकार के डिब्बे में नहीं रखा है।  

Q1. निम्नलिखित में से कौन-सा फोन सबसे छोटे आकार के डिब्बे में रखा हुआ है? 

इनमें से कोई नहीं 

Size of phone containers in which different phones are kept:
P’s box >M’s box >O’s box >Q’s box >R’s box >N’s box

Q2.  यदि जिस डिब्बे में फोन Q रखा है, उसका आकार 26 सेमी2 है, तो निम्नलिखित में से कौन-सा उस डिब्बे का आकार हो सकता है, जिसमें फोन M रखा हुआ है?

19 cm2
22 cm2
28 cm2
17 cm2
12 cm2
Size of phone containers in which different phones are kept:
P’s box >M’s box >O’s box >Q’s box >R’s box >N’s box

Q3. जिस डिब्बे में फोन Q रखा हुआ है, कितने डिब्बे आकार में उससे छोटे हैं?

चार से अधिक 
Size of phone containers in which different phones are kept:
P’s box >M’s box >O’s box >Q’s box >R’s box >N’s box

Q4. किसी परीक्षा को उत्तीर्ण करने वाले कक्षा के सभी विद्यार्थियों में से रमन शीर्ष से 20 वें स्थान पर है और नीचे से 25 वें स्थान पर है। रमन की कक्षा में से दस विद्यार्थी परीक्षा में भाग नहीं लेते हैं और छह विद्यार्थी उस परीक्षा में अनुत्तीर्ण हो जाते हैं। कक्षा में लड़को की संख्या और लड़कियों की  ज्ञात कीजिए, यदि लड़के और लड़कियों का अनुपात 3:2 है। 

34 लड़के, 26 लड़कियां
36 लड़के, 24 लड़कियां
17 लड़के, 10 लड़कियां
निर्धारित नहीं किया जा सकता 
इनमें से कोई नहीं 

No of students who passed an exam= 20+25-1= 44
 Total no of students in a class= 44+10+6= 60
Boys and girls ratio is given 3:2
Let boys= 3x and girls=2x
3x+2x= 60,
hence x=12
Boys= 36, girls= 24

Q5. एक कक्षा में 60 विद्यार्थी हैं और लड़कियों का लड़कों से अनुपात 2:1 है। सुमित एक लड़का है और किसी परीक्षा में शीर्ष से उसकी रैंक 14 है, यदि सुमित से आगे 10 लड़कियां हैं, तो परीक्षा में कितने लड़के सुमित के बाद हैं? 

इनमें से कोई नहीं 

Girls and Boys ratio= 2:1
x= 40,
So girls= 40 and boys =20
Number of students behind Sumit= 60-14=46
Number of girls behind Sumit=40-10=30
Number of boys behind Sumit= 46-30=16

Directions (6-10): दी गयी जानकारी का ध्यानपूर्वक अध्ययन कीजिए तथा दिए गए प्रश्नों के उत्तर दीजिए.

सात व्यक्ति A, B, C, D, E, F और G हैं तथा वे अलग-अलग विषयों  अर्थात् हिन्दी, अंग्रेजी, गणित, विज्ञान और कला के फैकल्टी हैं, लेकिन आवश्यक नहीं कि समान क्रम में हों। वे सभी अलग-अलग गेम्स अर्थात् पोलो, चेस, बैडमिंटन, क्रिकेट, फुटबॉल, टेनिस और खो-खो खेलते हैं, लेकिन आवश्यक नहीं कि समान क्रम में हों। केवल गणित और विज्ञान वे विषय हैं जिनकी दो फैकल्टी हैं और शेष विषयों की केवल एक फैकल्टी है।

निम्नलिखित जानकारी उनके सन्दर्भ में है। D, हिन्दी की फैकल्टी नहीं है। A, अंग्रेज़ी की फैकल्टी है। B या तो चेस या टेनिस खेलता है। वे व्यक्ति जो विज्ञान की फैकल्टी हैं, बैडमिंटन नहीं खेलते हैं। D और F समान विषय की फैकल्टी हैं। D, पोलो खेलता है। G, फुटबॉल खेलता है और न तो B न ही F, गणित की फैकल्टी है। जो व्यक्ति खो-खो खेलता है, वह गणित की फैकल्टी है। F, चेस नही खेलता है। E, कला की फैकल्टी है और क्रिकेट खेलता है। 

Q6. निम्नलिखित में से कौन-से विषय की फैकल्टी बैडमिंटन खेलता है?
इनमें से कोई नहीं 

From the conditions, A is a faculty of English. E is Art’s faculty and plays cricket. D plays Polo. D and F are same subject’s faculty. B plays either Chess or Tennis so two possible cases will be there which are shown below. G plays Football and Neither B nor F is faculty of Maths subject, if F is not the faculty of Maths it means D is also not the faculty of Maths. D is not the faculty of Hindi it is clear that F is also not the faculty of Hindi so there is only one possibility that D and F are the faculties of Science subject. The person who plays Kho-Kho is a faculty of Maths subject, only C is left so C will be the faculty of Maths.

Reasoning Quiz for IBPS PO Prelims: 13th September 2018 | Latest Hindi Banking jobs_4.1

The ones who are the faculties of Science do not play Badminton so it is clear that A will play Badminton. F doesn’t play Chess from this condition case-2 will be cancelled out because in Case-2 F will play Chess, there is no possibility other than this.
From the rest conditions, neither B nor F is faculty of Maths subject so B will be the faculty of Hindi and it will be fixed that G is faculty of Maths because it is given that Maths subject has two faculties. Finally we get the solution.

Reasoning Quiz for IBPS PO Prelims: 13th September 2018 | Latest Hindi Banking jobs_5.1

Q7. निम्नलिखित में से कौन-सी फैकल्टी टेनिस खेलता है? 

इनमें से कोई नहीं
From the conditions, A is a faculty of English. E is Art’s faculty and plays cricket. D plays Polo. D and F are same subject’s faculty. B plays either Chess or Tennis so two possible cases will be there which are shown below. G plays Football and Neither B nor F is faculty of Maths subject, if F is not the faculty of Maths it means D is also not the faculty of Maths. D is not the faculty of Hindi it is clear that F is also not the faculty of Hindi so there is only one possibility that D and F are the faculties of Science subject. The person who plays Kho-Kho is a faculty of Maths subject, only C is left so C will be the faculty of Maths.

Reasoning Quiz for IBPS PO Prelims: 13th September 2018 | Latest Hindi Banking jobs_4.1

The ones who are the faculties of Science do not play Badminton so it is clear that A will play Badminton. F doesn’t play Chess from this condition case-2 will be cancelled out because in Case-2 F will play Chess, there is no possibility other than this. From the rest conditions, neither B nor F is faculty of Maths subject so B will be the faculty of Hindi and it will be fixed that G is faculty of Maths because it is given that Maths subject has two faculties. Finally we get the solution.

Reasoning Quiz for IBPS PO Prelims: 13th September 2018 | Latest Hindi Banking jobs_5.1

Q8. गणित के विषय की फैकल्टी कौन हैं? 

इनमें से कोई नहीं
From the conditions, A is a faculty of English. E is Art’s faculty and plays cricket. D plays Polo. D and F are same subject’s faculty. B plays either Chess or Tennis so two possible cases will be there which are shown below. G plays Football and Neither B nor F is faculty of Maths subject, if F is not the faculty of Maths it means D is also not the faculty of Maths. D is not the faculty of Hindi it is clear that F is also not the faculty of Hindi so there is only one possibility that D and F are the faculties of Science subject. The person who plays Kho-Kho is a faculty of Maths subject, only C is left so C will be the faculty of Maths.

Reasoning Quiz for IBPS PO Prelims: 13th September 2018 | Latest Hindi Banking jobs_4.1

The ones who are the faculties of Science do not play Badminton so it is clear that A will play Badminton. F doesn’t play Chess from this condition case-2 will be cancelled out because in Case-2 F will play Chess, there is no possibility other than this. From the rest conditions, neither B nor F is faculty of Maths subject so B will be the faculty of Hindi and it will be fixed that G is faculty of Maths because it is given that Maths subject has two faculties. Finally we get the solution.

Reasoning Quiz for IBPS PO Prelims: 13th September 2018 | Latest Hindi Banking jobs_5.1

Q9. निम्नलिखित में से कौन-सा कथन सत्य है? 

A क्रिकेट खेलता है
C हिन्दी की फैकल्टी है 
E पोलो खेलता है
B हिन्दी की फैकल्टी है 
इनमें से कोई नहीं
From the conditions, A is a faculty of English. E is Art’s faculty and plays cricket. D plays Polo. D and F are same subject’s faculty. B plays either Chess or Tennis so two possible cases will be there which are shown below. G plays Football and Neither B nor F is faculty of Maths subject, if F is not the faculty of Maths it means D is also not the faculty of Maths. D is not the faculty of Hindi it is clear that F is also not the faculty of Hindi so there is only one possibility that D and F are the faculties of Science subject. The person who plays Kho-Kho is a faculty of Maths subject, only C is left so C will be the faculty of Maths.

Reasoning Quiz for IBPS PO Prelims: 13th September 2018 | Latest Hindi Banking jobs_4.1

The ones who are the faculties of Science do not play Badminton so it is clear that A will play Badminton. F doesn’t play Chess from this condition case-2 will be cancelled out because in Case-2 F will play Chess, there is no possibility other than this. From the rest conditions, neither B nor F is faculty of Maths subject so B will be the faculty of Hindi and it will be fixed that G is faculty of Maths because it is given that Maths subject has two faculties. Finally we get the solution.

Reasoning Quiz for IBPS PO Prelims: 13th September 2018 | Latest Hindi Banking jobs_5.1

Q10. निम्नलिखित में से कौन-सी फैकल्टी चेस खेलता है?

From the conditions, A is a faculty of English. E is Art’s faculty and plays cricket. D plays Polo. D and F are same subject’s faculty. B plays either Chess or Tennis so two possible cases will be there which are shown below. G plays Football and Neither B nor F is faculty of Maths subject, if F is not the faculty of Maths it means D is also not the faculty of Maths. D is not the faculty of Hindi it is clear that F is also not the faculty of Hindi so there is only one possibility that D and F are the faculties of Science subject. The person who plays Kho-Kho is a faculty of Maths subject, only C is left so C will be the faculty of Maths.

Reasoning Quiz for IBPS PO Prelims: 13th September 2018 | Latest Hindi Banking jobs_4.1

The ones who are the faculties of Science do not play Badminton so it is clear that A will play Badminton. F doesn’t play Chess from this condition case-2 will be cancelled out because in Case-2 F will play Chess, there is no possibility other than this. From the rest conditions, neither B nor F is faculty of Maths subject so B will be the faculty of Hindi and it will be fixed that G is faculty of Maths because it is given that Maths subject has two faculties. Finally we get the solution.

Reasoning Quiz for IBPS PO Prelims: 13th September 2018 | Latest Hindi Banking jobs_5.1

Directions (11-15): दी गयी जानकारी का ध्यानपूर्वक अध्ययन कीजिए तथा दिए गए प्रश्नों के उत्तर दीजिए. 

एक शब्द और संख्या व्यवस्था मशीन को जब शब्दों और संख्याओं की एक इनपुट पंक्ति दी जाती है, तो वह प्रत्येक चरण में एक निश्चित नियम का अनुसरण करते हुए उन्हें व्यवस्थित करती है। निम्नलिखित इनपुट और पुनर्व्यवस्था का एक उदाहरण है।

इनपुट: Lone fine 38 40 apple 62 grow 61 pineapple snooze 50 44 

चरण  I: Snooze 3 lone fine 40 apple 62 grow 61 pineapple 50 44
चरण  II: Snooze 3 lone 20 fine apple 62 grow 61 pineapple 50 44
चरण  III: Snooze 3 lone 20 pineapple 24 fine apple 62 grow 61 50
चरण  IV: Snooze 3 lone 20 pineapple 24 grow 35 fine apple 62 61
चरण  V: Snooze 3 lone 20 pineapple 24 grow 35 fine 47 apple 62
चरण  VI: Snooze 3 lone 20 pineapple 24 grow 35 fine 47 apple 56

उपरोक्त व्यवस्था का अंतिम चरण, चरण IV है। उपर्युक्त दिए गए चरणों में अनुसरण किये गए नियमों के अनुसार दिए गए इनपुट के लिए निम्नलिखित प्रत्येक प्रश्न में उपयुक्त चरण  ज्ञात कीजिये।  . 

इनपुट: Faster 36 what 48 honey loot 53 2 fast beast 60 61 

Q11. निम्नलिखित में से कौन-सा चरण उपरोक्त इनपुट का अंतिम से दूसरा चरण होगा?

चरण VI
चरण V
चरण IV
चरण III
 इनमें से कोई नहीं

Students let us understand the Logic behind this Question and lets understand how to solve it. As a first step lets first understand the logic behind the Output. If you will see the final output you will observe the following:
i) The machine rearranges one word and one number in each step.
ii) The word with the highest value of sum of its vowels is arranged at the leftmost end. For example snooze(O=15+15+5=35). If two words have the same value of the sum of its vowels then they are arranged in alphabetical order.
iii) The number are arranged alternatively in each step in increasing order and the numerical value of the sum of the vowels in the word arranged is subtracted from that number.
For example loot=30 – 2 = 28

Now lets take the arrangement given in the Question

Input: Faster 36 what 48 honey loot 53 2 fast beast 60 61 

Step I: loot 28 faster 36 what 48 honey 53 fast beast 60 61
Step II: loot 28 honey 16 faster what 48 53 fast beast 60 61
Step III: loot 28 honey 16 beast 42 faster what 53 fast 60 61
Step IV: loot 28 honey 16 beast 42 faster 47 what fast 60 61
Step V: loot 28 honey 16 beast 42 faster 47 fast 59 what 61
Step VI: loot 28 honey 16 beast 42 faster 47 fast 59 what 60

Q12. अंतिम से दूसरे चरण में ‘60’ का क्या स्थान होगा?

बायें से सातवां
दायें से दूसरा
बायें से छठा 
बायें से पांचवां
इनमें से कोई नहीं
Students let us understand the Logic behind this Question and lets understand how to solve it. As a first step lets first understand the logic behind the Output. If you will see the final output you will observe the following:
i) The machine rearranges one word and one number in each step.
ii) The word with the highest value of sum of its vowels is arranged at the leftmost end. For example snooze(O=15+15+5=35). If two words have the same value of the sum of its vowels then they are arranged in alphabetical order.
iii) The number are arranged alternatively in each step in increasing order and the numerical value of the sum of the vowels in the word arranged is subtracted from that number.
For example loot=30 – 2 = 28 Now lets take the arrangement given in the Question

Input: Faster 36 what 48 honey loot 53 2 fast beast 60 61
Step I: loot 28 faster 36 what 48 honey 53 fast beast 60 61
Step II: loot 28 honey 16 faster what 48 53 fast beast 60 61
Step III: loot 28 honey 16 beast 42 faster what 53 fast 60 61
Step IV: loot 28 honey 16 beast 42 faster 47 what fast 60 61
Step V: loot 28 honey 16 beast 42 faster 47 fast 59 what 61
Step VI: loot 28 honey 16 beast 42 faster 47 fast 59 what 60

Q13. चरण IV में, बायें छोर से चौथे स्थान पर कौन-सा शब्द/संख्या है?

इनमें से कोई नहीं
Students let us understand the Logic behind this Question and lets understand how to solve it. As a first step lets first understand the logic behind the Output. If you will see the final output you will observe the following:
i) The machine rearranges one word and one number in each step.
ii) The word with the highest value of sum of its vowels is arranged at the leftmost end. For example snooze(O=15+15+5=35). If two words have the same value of the sum of its vowels then they are arranged in alphabetical order.
iii) The number are arranged alternatively in each step in increasing order and the numerical value of the sum of the vowels in the word arranged is subtracted from that number.
For example loot=30 – 2 = 28 Now lets take the arrangement given in the Question

Input: Faster 36 what 48 honey loot 53 2 fast beast 60 61
Step I: loot 28 faster 36 what 48 honey 53 fast beast 60 61
Step II: loot 28 honey 16 faster what 48 53 fast beast 60 61
Step III: loot 28 honey 16 beast 42 faster what 53 fast 60 61
Step IV: loot 28 honey 16 beast 42 faster 47 what fast 60 61
Step V: loot 28 honey 16 beast 42 faster 47 fast 59 what 61
Step VI: loot 28 honey 16 beast 42 faster 47 fast 59 what 60

Q14. कितने चरणों के बाद, शब्दों की कोई पुनर्व्यवस्था संभव नहीं है?

Students let us understand the Logic behind this Question and lets understand how to solve it. As a first step lets first understand the logic behind the Output. If you will see the final output you will observe the following:
i) The machine rearranges one word and one number in each step.
ii) The word with the highest value of sum of its vowels is arranged at the leftmost end. For example snooze(O=15+15+5=35). If two words have the same value of the sum of its vowels then they are arranged in alphabetical order.
iii) The number are arranged alternatively in each step in increasing order and the numerical value of the sum of the vowels in the word arranged is subtracted from that number.
For example loot=30 – 2 = 28 Now lets take the arrangement given in the Question

Input: Faster 36 what 48 honey loot 53 2 fast beast 60 61
Step I: loot 28 faster 36 what 48 honey 53 fast beast 60 61
Step II: loot 28 honey 16 faster what 48 53 fast beast 60 61
Step III: loot 28 honey 16 beast 42 faster what 53 fast 60 61
Step IV: loot 28 honey 16 beast 42 faster 47 what fast 60 61
Step V: loot 28 honey 16 beast 42 faster 47 fast 59 what 61
Step VI: loot 28 honey 16 beast 42 faster 47 fast 59 what 60

Q15. चरण VI में, fast का क्या स्थान होगा?

दायें से छठां
दायें से सातवां
बायें से सातवां
दायें से चौथा 
इनमें से कोई नहीं 
Students let us understand the Logic behind this Question and lets understand how to solve it. As a first step lets first understand the logic behind the Output. If you will see the final output you will observe the following:
i) The machine rearranges one word and one number in each step.
ii) The word with the highest value of sum of its vowels is arranged at the leftmost end. For example snooze(O=15+15+5=35). If two words have the same value of the sum of its vowels then they are arranged in alphabetical order.
iii) The number are arranged alternatively in each step in increasing order and the numerical value of the sum of the vowels in the word arranged is subtracted from that number.
For example loot=30 – 2 = 28 Now lets take the arrangement given in the Question

Input: Faster 36 what 48 honey loot 53 2 fast beast 60 61
Step I: loot 28 faster 36 what 48 honey 53 fast beast 60 61
Step II: loot 28 honey 16 faster what 48 53 fast beast 60 61
Step III: loot 28 honey 16 beast 42 faster what 53 fast 60 61
Step IV: loot 28 honey 16 beast 42 faster 47 what fast 60 61
Step V: loot 28 honey 16 beast 42 faster 47 fast 59 what 61
Step VI: loot 28 honey 16 beast 42 faster 47 fast 59 what 60


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Reasoning Quiz for IBPS PO Prelims: 13th September 2018 | Latest Hindi Banking jobs_18.1