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Reasoning Quiz for IBPS PO Mains: 17th November 2018 IN Hindi

प्रिय उम्मीदवारों,

Reasoning Quiz for IBPS PO Mains: 17th November 2018 IN Hindi | Latest Hindi Banking jobs_3.1

तार्किक क्षमता (रिजिनिंग) एक बड़ा अनुभाग है. प्रश्नों की बढ़ती जटिलता के साथ, इसे आसानी से पास करना  मुश्किल हो जाता है.Indian Bank PO Mains परीक्षाओं में इस विशेष अनुभाग में ग्रेड बनाने का एकमात्र तरीका अपने पूरे दिल और आत्मा के साथ लगातार अभ्यास करना है. और, आपको नवीनतम पैटर्न प्रश्नों के साथ अभ्यास करने प्रदान करने के लिए, यहां परीक्षाओं में पूछे जाने वाले प्रश्नों के सटीक समान पैटर्न के आधार पर Adda247 रीज़निंग क्विज दी गयी है

Direction (1-5): निम्नलिखित जानकारी  का ध्यानपूर्वक अध्ययन कीजिये और प्रश्नों के उत्तर दीजिये:
एक परिवार में दस सदस्य P, U, T, R, Q, A, B, D, F, C है, सभी 2 समानान्तर पंक्तियों में बैठे है (लेकिन आवश्यक नहीं की समान क्रम में हो)। उनमें से केवल तीन विवाहित युगल है। P, U, T, R, Q पंक्ति-1 में बैठे हैं और सभी का मुख दक्षिण की ओर है। A, B, D, F, C पंक्ति-2 में बैठे हैं और सभी का मुख उत्तर की ओर है। इस प्रकार, दी गई बैठक व्यवस्था में एक पंक्ति में बैठा प्रत्येक सदस्य का मुख दूसरी पंक्ति में बैठे अन्य सदस्य की ओर है।
T और उसका भाई एक-दूसरे के निकटतम पड़ोसी है। B के पिता और Q के मध्य दो व्यक्ति बैठे हैं। P, B का पिता है, जो T का  अंकल है। R, Q का ब्रदर-इन-लॉ है। T और R, F की पत्नी की संतान है। B अपने सिस्टर-इन-लॉ के दाएं से दूसरे स्थान पर बैठा है और B अंतिम छोर पर नहीं बैठा है। R की आंटी का मुख T की सिस्टर-इन-लॉ और T की ओर नहीं है। Q और U बहनें हैं। C के पति के केवल 2 ग्रैंडचिल्ड्रन है। A के ससुर के केवल 2 पुत्र और एक पुत्री है। Q, A की पुत्रवधू है और उसका मुख उसके ससुर  की ओर है जो पंक्ति के दाएं अंत से दूसरे स्थान पर है।
Q1. F की माँ के बाएं से दूसरे स्थान पर कौन बैठा है?
A की सिस्टर-इन-लॉ
A का ब्रदर-इन-लॉ
R का अंकल
दोनों b और c
इनमें से कोई नहीं
To solve such kind of questions first we have to try to make family tree with the help of given conditions,
T and his brother are immediate neighbors of each other, it means T is male. Two persons sit between B’s father and Q. Q is daughter-in-law of A. B sits 2nd to the right of his sister-in-law, it means B is male from this case two possibilities will be there, either B has a married brother or B’s wife has a sister. Husband of C has only 2 grandchildren, it means C is a grandmother. Father-in-law of A has only 2 sons and one daughter, it means A is either daughter-in–law or son-in-law. T and R are children of F’s wife, hence F is father of T and R. Q and U are sisters. F is son of C, now it is clear that T and R are grandchildren of C. R is brother-in-law of Q, it means R is male and Q is wife of T. There is only one possibility that A will be wife of F and daughter-in-law of A’s parents. P is father of B who is uncle of T, from this statement it is clear that B is brother of F and P is husband of C. D will be the sister of both B and F and the possibility of B’s wife has a sister will be cancelled out because it is fixed that B has a married brother who is F.
Reasoning Quiz for IBPS PO Mains: 17th November 2018 IN Hindi | Latest Hindi Banking jobs_4.1
Two persons sit between B’s father (P) and Q hence 2 possibilities will be there 1st is P will sit 3rd right of Q and 2nd is Q will sit 3rd right of P in row-1. But from the condition, Q is daughter-in-law of A and faces her father-in-law (F) who sits 2nd from the right end of the row because F sits on row-2 so he will face north he is 2nd from the right end of the row-2 and Q will be 2nd from the left end of the row 1, hence 2nd possibility will be cancelled out. T and his brother (R) are immediate neighbors of each other, from this condition Either T or R can sit immediate left of P and U’s position will be fixed. B sits 2nd to the right of his sister-in-law (A) and B does not sit at extreme end, so there is only one possibility that A will sit at extreme left end of row-2.
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Aunt of R (D) doesn’t face T’s sister-in-law (U) and T, from this condition Case-2 will be eliminated because there is no position is left for D. Case-1 will be continued with this condition D’s position will be fixed that D will face R and C will sit at extreme right end of the row-2, finally we will get answer.
  Reasoning Quiz for IBPS PO Mains: 17th November 2018 IN Hindi | Latest Hindi Banking jobs_6.1
Q2. निम्नलिखित में से B के सन्दर्भ में F का स्थान क्या है?
दाएं से तीसरा
बाएं से दूसरा
ठीक दाएं
ठीक बाएं
 इनमें से कोई नहीं
To solve such kind of questions first we have to try to make family tree with the help of given conditions,
T and his brother are immediate neighbors of each other, it means T is male. Two persons sit between B’s father and Q. Q is daughter-in-law of A. B sits 2nd to the right of his sister-in-law, it means B is male from this case two possibilities will be there, either B has a married brother or B’s wife has a sister. Husband of C has only 2 grandchildren, it means C is a grandmother. Father-in-law of A has only 2 sons and one daughter, it means A is either daughter-in–law or son-in-law. T and R are children of F’s wife, hence F is father of T and R. Q and U are sisters. F is son of C, now it is clear that T and R are grandchildren of C. R is brother-in-law of Q, it means R is male and Q is wife of T. There is only one possibility that A will be wife of F and daughter-in-law of A’s parents. P is father of B who is uncle of T, from this statement it is clear that B is brother of F and P is husband of C. D will be the sister of both B and F and the possibility of B’s wife has a sister will be cancelled out because it is fixed that B has a married brother who is F.
Reasoning Quiz for IBPS PO Mains: 17th November 2018 IN Hindi | Latest Hindi Banking jobs_4.1
Two persons sit between B’s father (P) and Q hence 2 possibilities will be there 1st is P will sit 3rd right of Q and 2nd is Q will sit 3rd right of P in row-1. But from the condition, Q is daughter-in-law of A and faces her father-in-law (F) who sits 2nd from the right end of the row because F sits on row-2 so he will face north he is 2nd from the right end of the row-2 and Q will be 2nd from the left end of the row 1, hence 2nd possibility will be cancelled out. T and his brother (R) are immediate neighbors of each other, from this condition Either T or R can sit immediate left of P and U’s position will be fixed. B sits 2nd to the right of his sister-in-law (A) and B does not sit at extreme end, so there is only one possibility that A will sit at extreme left end of row-2.
Reasoning Quiz for IBPS PO Mains: 17th November 2018 IN Hindi | Latest Hindi Banking jobs_5.1
Aunt of R (D) doesn’t face T’s sister-in-law (U) and T, from this condition Case-2 will be eliminated because there is no position is left for D. Case-1 will be continued with this condition D’s position will be fixed that D will face R and C will sit at extreme right end of the row-2, finally we will get answer.
Reasoning Quiz for IBPS PO Mains: 17th November 2018 IN Hindi | Latest Hindi Banking jobs_6.1
Q3. परिवार के पुरुष सदस्यों का संयोजन निम्नलिखित में से कौन सा है?
इनमें से कोई नहीं 
 निर्धारित नहीं किया जा सकता
To solve such kind of questions first we have to try to make family tree with the help of given conditions,
T and his brother are immediate neighbors of each other, it means T is male. Two persons sit between B’s father and Q. Q is daughter-in-law of A. B sits 2nd to the right of his sister-in-law, it means B is male from this case two possibilities will be there, either B has a married brother or B’s wife has a sister. Husband of C has only 2 grandchildren, it means C is a grandmother. Father-in-law of A has only 2 sons and one daughter, it means A is either daughter-in–law or son-in-law. T and R are children of F’s wife, hence F is father of T and R. Q and U are sisters. F is son of C, now it is clear that T and R are grandchildren of C. R is brother-in-law of Q, it means R is male and Q is wife of T. There is only one possibility that A will be wife of F and daughter-in-law of A’s parents. P is father of B who is uncle of T, from this statement it is clear that B is brother of F and P is husband of C. D will be the sister of both B and F and the possibility of B’s wife has a sister will be cancelled out because it is fixed that B has a married brother who is F.
Reasoning Quiz for IBPS PO Mains: 17th November 2018 IN Hindi | Latest Hindi Banking jobs_4.1
Two persons sit between B’s father (P) and Q hence 2 possibilities will be there 1st is P will sit 3rd right of Q and 2nd is Q will sit 3rd right of P in row-1. But from the condition, Q is daughter-in-law of A and faces her father-in-law (F) who sits 2nd from the right end of the row because F sits on row-2 so he will face north he is 2nd from the right end of the row-2 and Q will be 2nd from the left end of the row 1, hence 2nd possibility will be cancelled out. T and his brother (R) are immediate neighbors of each other, from this condition Either T or R can sit immediate left of P and U’s position will be fixed. B sits 2nd to the right of his sister-in-law (A) and B does not sit at extreme end, so there is only one possibility that A will sit at extreme left end of row-2.
Reasoning Quiz for IBPS PO Mains: 17th November 2018 IN Hindi | Latest Hindi Banking jobs_5.1
Aunt of R (D) doesn’t face T’s sister-in-law (U) and T, from this condition Case-2 will be eliminated because there is no position is left for D. Case-1 will be continued with this condition D’s position will be fixed that D will face R and C will sit at extreme right end of the row-2, finally we will get answer.
Reasoning Quiz for IBPS PO Mains: 17th November 2018 IN Hindi | Latest Hindi Banking jobs_6.1
Q4. निम्नलिखित में से कौन सा सत्य है?
D, A की पुत्री है
B, A का भाई है
d और e दोनों
A, F की पत्नी है  
F के दो पुत्र है
To solve such kind of questions first we have to try to make family tree with the help of given conditions,
T and his brother are immediate neighbors of each other, it means T is male. Two persons sit between B’s father and Q. Q is daughter-in-law of A. B sits 2nd to the right of his sister-in-law, it means B is male from this case two possibilities will be there, either B has a married brother or B’s wife has a sister. Husband of C has only 2 grandchildren, it means C is a grandmother. Father-in-law of A has only 2 sons and one daughter, it means A is either daughter-in–law or son-in-law. T and R are children of F’s wife, hence F is father of T and R. Q and U are sisters. F is son of C, now it is clear that T and R are grandchildren of C. R is brother-in-law of Q, it means R is male and Q is wife of T. There is only one possibility that A will be wife of F and daughter-in-law of A’s parents. P is father of B who is uncle of T, from this statement it is clear that B is brother of F and P is husband of C. D will be the sister of both B and F and the possibility of B’s wife has a sister will be cancelled out because it is fixed that B has a married brother who is F.
Reasoning Quiz for IBPS PO Mains: 17th November 2018 IN Hindi | Latest Hindi Banking jobs_4.1
Two persons sit between B’s father (P) and Q hence 2 possibilities will be there 1st is P will sit 3rd right of Q and 2nd is Q will sit 3rd right of P in row-1. But from the condition, Q is daughter-in-law of A and faces her father-in-law (F) who sits 2nd from the right end of the row because F sits on row-2 so he will face north he is 2nd from the right end of the row-2 and Q will be 2nd from the left end of the row 1, hence 2nd possibility will be cancelled out. T and his brother (R) are immediate neighbors of each other, from this condition Either T or R can sit immediate left of P and U’s position will be fixed. B sits 2nd to the right of his sister-in-law (A) and B does not sit at extreme end, so there is only one possibility that A will sit at extreme left end of row-2.
Reasoning Quiz for IBPS PO Mains: 17th November 2018 IN Hindi | Latest Hindi Banking jobs_5.1
Aunt of R (D) doesn’t face T’s sister-in-law (U) and T, from this condition Case-2 will be eliminated because there is no position is left for D. Case-1 will be continued with this condition D’s position will be fixed that D will face R and C will sit at extreme right end of the row-2, finally we will get answer.
Reasoning Quiz for IBPS PO Mains: 17th November 2018 IN Hindi | Latest Hindi Banking jobs_6.1
Q5. निम्नलिखित में से R के सन्दर्भ में Q का स्थान क्या है?
दाएं से दूसरा
बाएं से दूसरा
बाएं से दूसरा 
निर्धारित नहीं किया जा सकता 
इनमें से कोई नहीं
To solve such kind of questions first we have to try to make family tree with the help of given conditions,
T and his brother are immediate neighbors of each other, it means T is male. Two persons sit between B’s father and Q. Q is daughter-in-law of A. B sits 2nd to the right of his sister-in-law, it means B is male from this case two possibilities will be there, either B has a married brother or B’s wife has a sister. Husband of C has only 2 grandchildren, it means C is a grandmother. Father-in-law of A has only 2 sons and one daughter, it means A is either daughter-in–law or son-in-law. T and R are children of F’s wife, hence F is father of T and R. Q and U are sisters. F is son of C, now it is clear that T and R are grandchildren of C. R is brother-in-law of Q, it means R is male and Q is wife of T. There is only one possibility that A will be wife of F and daughter-in-law of A’s parents. P is father of B who is uncle of T, from this statement it is clear that B is brother of F and P is husband of C. D will be the sister of both B and F and the possibility of B’s wife has a sister will be cancelled out because it is fixed that B has a married brother who is F.
Reasoning Quiz for IBPS PO Mains: 17th November 2018 IN Hindi | Latest Hindi Banking jobs_4.1
Two persons sit between B’s father (P) and Q hence 2 possibilities will be there 1st is P will sit 3rd right of Q and 2nd is Q will sit 3rd right of P in row-1. But from the condition, Q is daughter-in-law of A and faces her father-in-law (F) who sits 2nd from the right end of the row because F sits on row-2 so he will face north he is 2nd from the right end of the row-2 and Q will be 2nd from the left end of the row 1, hence 2nd possibility will be cancelled out. T and his brother (R) are immediate neighbors of each other, from this condition Either T or R can sit immediate left of P and U’s position will be fixed. B sits 2nd to the right of his sister-in-law (A) and B does not sit at extreme end, so there is only one possibility that A will sit at extreme left end of row-2.
Reasoning Quiz for IBPS PO Mains: 17th November 2018 IN Hindi | Latest Hindi Banking jobs_5.1
Aunt of R (D) doesn’t face T’s sister-in-law (U) and T, from this condition Case-2 will be eliminated because there is no position is left for D. Case-1 will be continued with this condition D’s position will be fixed that D will face R and C will sit at extreme right end of the row-2, finally we will get answer.
Reasoning Quiz for IBPS PO Mains: 17th November 2018 IN Hindi | Latest Hindi Banking jobs_6.1
Directions (6-10): निम्नलिखित जानकारी के आधार पर दिए गए प्रश्नों के उत्तर दीजिए। 
एक शब्द और संख्या व्यवस्था मशीन को जब शब्दों और संख्याओं का एक इनपुट दिया जाता है, तो वह प्रत्येक चरण में एक निश्चित नियम का अनुसरण करते हुए उन्हें व्यवस्थित करती है। निम्नलिखित, इनपुट और पुनर्व्यवस्था का एक उदाहरण है.
इनपुट: 14 use 65 robot 27 apple 12 train 25 20 lack melody 15 acute.
चरण  I: 12 zuse 14 65 robot 27 apple train 25 20 lack melody 15 acute
चरण  II: 14 atrain 12 zuse 65 robot 27 apple 25 20 lack melody 15 acute
चरण  III: 15 arobot 14 atrain 12 zuse 65 27 apple 25 20 lack melody acute
चरण  IV: 20 amelody 15 arobot 14 atrain 12 zuse 65 27 apple 25 lack acute
चरण V: 25 alack 20 amelody 15 arobot 14 atrain 12 zuse 65 27 apple acute
चरण  VI: 27 zapple 25 alack 20 amelody 15 arobot 14 atrain 12 zuse 65 acute
चरण  VII: 65 zacute 27 zapple 25 alack 20 amelody 15 arobot 14 atrain 12 zuse.
चरण  VII उपर्युक्त व्यवस्था का अंतिम चरण है। 
उपरोक्त दिए गए चरणों में अनुसरण किये गए नियमों के अनुसार, निम्नलिखित प्रत्येक प्रश्न में दिए गए इनपुट के लिए उपयुक्त चरण ज्ञात कीजिये।
इनपुट: troy 25 beyond intense harm 16 upper 33 admit 23 10 20 shoot 11 out 8.
Q6. किस चरण में तत्व ‘aharm zout abeyond zupper 11 33’ समान क्रम में हैं? 
ऐसा कोई चरण नहीं है
Number and letter both are arrange from left hand side together.
Pick a number in ascending order and word in descending order.
Number take as it is and if words first letter is vowel than add ‘z’ before word and if word started with consonant that add ‘a’. And so on.
Input: troy 25 beyond intense harm 16 upper 33 admit 23 10 20 shoot 11 out 8.
Step I: 8 zupper troy 25 beyond intense harm 16 33 admit 23 10 20 shoot 11 out
Step II: 10 atroy 8 zupper 25 beyond intense harm 16 33 admit 23 20 shoot 11 out
Step III: 11 ashoot 10 atroy 8 zupper 25 beyond intense harm 16 33 admit 23 20 out
Step IV: 16 zout 11 ashoot 10 atroy 8 zupper 25 beyond intense harm 33 admit 23 20
Step V: 20 zintense 16 zout 11 ashoot 10 atroy 8 zupper 25 beyond harm 33 admit 23
Step VI: 23 aharm 20 zintense 16 zout 11 ashoot 10 atroy 8 zupper 25 beyond 33 admit
Step VII: 25 abeyond 23 aharm 20 zintense 16 zout 11 ashoot 10 atroy 8 zupper 33 admit
Step VIII: 33 zadmit 25 abeyond 23 aharm 20 zintense 16 zout 11 ashoot 10 atroy 8 zupper
Step VIII is the last step of the above arrangement.
Q7. आउटपुट के तीसरे चरण में दर्शाए गए अनुसार, ‘intense’ और ‘33’ के बीच कितने शब्द या संख्याएं हैं?
Number and letter both are arrange from left hand side together.
Pick a number in ascending order and word in descending order.
Number take as it is and if words first letter is vowel than add ‘z’ before word and if word started with consonant that add ‘a’. And so on.
Input: troy 25 beyond intense harm 16 upper 33 admit 23 10 20 shoot 11 out 8.
Step I: 8 zupper troy 25 beyond intense harm 16 33 admit 23 10 20 shoot 11 out
Step II: 10 atroy 8 zupper 25 beyond intense harm 16 33 admit 23 20 shoot 11 out
Step III: 11 ashoot 10 atroy 8 zupper 25 beyond intense harm 16 33 admit 23 20 out
Step IV: 16 zout 11 ashoot 10 atroy 8 zupper 25 beyond intense harm 33 admit 23 20
Step V: 20 zintense 16 zout 11 ashoot 10 atroy 8 zupper 25 beyond harm 33 admit 23
Step VI: 23 aharm 20 zintense 16 zout 11 ashoot 10 atroy 8 zupper 25 beyond 33 admit
Step VII: 25 abeyond 23 aharm 20 zintense 16 zout 11 ashoot 10 atroy 8 zupper 33 admit
Step VIII: 33 zadmit 25 abeyond 23 aharm 20 zintense 16 zout 11 ashoot 10 atroy 8 zupper
Step VIII is the last step of the above arrangement.
Q8. उपर्युक्त इनपुट को पूरा करने के लिए कितने चरणों की आवश्यकता होगी?
इनमें से कोई नहीं
Number and letter both are arrange from left hand side together.
Pick a number in ascending order and word in descending order.
Number take as it is and if words first letter is vowel than add ‘z’ before word and if word started with consonant that add ‘a’. And so on.
Input: troy 25 beyond intense harm 16 upper 33 admit 23 10 20 shoot 11 out 8.
Step I: 8 zupper troy 25 beyond intense harm 16 33 admit 23 10 20 shoot 11 out
Step II: 10 atroy 8 zupper 25 beyond intense harm 16 33 admit 23 20 shoot 11 out
Step III: 11 ashoot 10 atroy 8 zupper 25 beyond intense harm 16 33 admit 23 20 out
Step IV: 16 zout 11 ashoot 10 atroy 8 zupper 25 beyond intense harm 33 admit 23 20
Step V: 20 zintense 16 zout 11 ashoot 10 atroy 8 zupper 25 beyond harm 33 admit 23
Step VI: 23 aharm 20 zintense 16 zout 11 ashoot 10 atroy 8 zupper 25 beyond 33 admit
Step VII: 25 abeyond 23 aharm 20 zintense 16 zout 11 ashoot 10 atroy 8 zupper 33 admit
Step VIII: 33 zadmit 25 abeyond 23 aharm 20 zintense 16 zout 11 ashoot 10 atroy 8 zupper
Step VIII is the last step of the above arrangement.
Q9. दूसरे अंतिम चरण में ‘8’ का स्थान निम्नलिखित में से कौन सा है?
बाएं सिरे से नौवां
दायें सिरे से चौथा
 बाएं सिरे से तेरहवां
दायें सिरे से छठवां
 दोनों (b) और (c)
Number and letter both are arrange from left hand side together.
Pick a number in ascending order and word in descending order.
Number take as it is and if words first letter is vowel than add ‘z’ before word and if word started with consonant that add ‘a’. And so on.
Input: troy 25 beyond intense harm 16 upper 33 admit 23 10 20 shoot 11 out 8.
Step I: 8 zupper troy 25 beyond intense harm 16 33 admit 23 10 20 shoot 11 out
Step II: 10 atroy 8 zupper 25 beyond intense harm 16 33 admit 23 20 shoot 11 out
Step III: 11 ashoot 10 atroy 8 zupper 25 beyond intense harm 16 33 admit 23 20 out
Step IV: 16 zout 11 ashoot 10 atroy 8 zupper 25 beyond intense harm 33 admit 23 20
Step V: 20 zintense 16 zout 11 ashoot 10 atroy 8 zupper 25 beyond harm 33 admit 23
Step VI: 23 aharm 20 zintense 16 zout 11 ashoot 10 atroy 8 zupper 25 beyond 33 admit
Step VII: 25 abeyond 23 aharm 20 zintense 16 zout 11 ashoot 10 atroy 8 zupper 33 admit
Step VIII: 33 zadmit 25 abeyond 23 aharm 20 zintense 16 zout 11 ashoot 10 atroy 8 zupper
Step VIII is the last step of the above arrangement.
Q10. व्यवस्था के पांचवें चरण में, ‘23’ किसी निश्चित प्रकार से ‘20’ से संबंधित है और ‘admit’ समान प्रकार से ‘zintense’ से संबंधित है, तो समान प्रारूप का अनुसरण करते हुए ‘11’ निम्नलिखित में से किससे संबंधित है?
इनमें से कोई नहीं 
Number and letter both are arrange from left hand side together.
Pick a number in ascending order and word in descending order.
Number take as it is and if words first letter is vowel than add ‘z’ before word and if word started with consonant that add ‘a’. And so on.
Input: troy 25 beyond intense harm 16 upper 33 admit 23 10 20 shoot 11 out 8.
Step I: 8 zupper troy 25 beyond intense harm 16 33 admit 23 10 20 shoot 11 out
Step II: 10 atroy 8 zupper 25 beyond intense harm 16 33 admit 23 20 shoot 11 out
Step III: 11 ashoot 10 atroy 8 zupper 25 beyond intense harm 16 33 admit 23 20 out
Step IV: 16 zout 11 ashoot 10 atroy 8 zupper 25 beyond intense harm 33 admit 23 20
Step V: 20 zintense 16 zout 11 ashoot 10 atroy 8 zupper 25 beyond harm 33 admit 23
Step VI: 23 aharm 20 zintense 16 zout 11 ashoot 10 atroy 8 zupper 25 beyond 33 admit
Step VII: 25 abeyond 23 aharm 20 zintense 16 zout 11 ashoot 10 atroy 8 zupper 33 admit
Step VIII: 33 zadmit 25 abeyond 23 aharm 20 zintense 16 zout 11 ashoot 10 atroy 8 zupper
Step VIII is the last step of the above arrangement.
Directions (11-12):निम्नलिखित जानकारी का ध्यानपूर्वक अध्ययन कीजिये और नीचे दिए गए प्रश्नों के उत्तर दीजिये:
पहली 12 संख्याओं को नीचे से ऊपर तक लिखा जाता हैं। शब्द 'BEAUTY' के अक्षर को वर्णमाला क्रम में नीचे से ऊपर 2 के प्रत्येक गुणक के विपरीत लिखा जाता है (एक संख्या के विरुद्ध एक अक्षर)। E और R के बीच दो अक्षर हैं। V और Q के बीच उतने ही अक्षर हैं, जितने कि V और H के बीच हैं। R और V के बीच 3 अक्षर हैं। R संख्या 9 के विपरीत नहीं है। M, G के ऊपर है और Q, V के ऊपर है ( किसी भी संख्या के विरुद्ध कोई भी अक्षर नहीं दोहराया गया है)।
Q11. संख्या 3, 6, 7 और 12 के विरुद्ध लिखे गए अक्षर से बने शब्द में दूसरा अक्षर कौन-सा है? 
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Letters written against numbers 3, 6, 7, 12 are—R, E, V, Y.
Word formed—VERY. So letter is E.
Q12. संख्या 11 के विरुद्ध कौन-सा अक्षर लिखा गया है?
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Q13. A और B की ओर इशारा करते हुए, C ने कहा, “वे दोनों मेरे ग्रैंडफादर के एकमात्र पुत्र की संतान है”। यदि A कहता कि “मेरे उतने ही भाई और बहन हैं जितनी C के हैं”। तो B, D से किस प्रकार सम्बंधित है, जो C के परिवार का सदस्य है?
कहा नहीं जा सकता
 या तो भाई या बहन
इनमें से कोई नहीं
Q14. यदि A, K का भाई है और K, J से विवाहित है। F, J की माता है और Y, K की एकलौती संतान है। M, Y से विवाहित है और K का सन-इन-लॉ है। J, N का सन-इन-लॉ है। तो Y, F से किस प्रकार सम्बंधित है?   
निर्धारित नहीं किया जा सकता
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Q15. एक कक्षा में 56 विद्यार्थी हैं और लड़कों और लड़कियों का अनुपात 5: 3 हैं। रमन की रैंक शीर्ष से 16 वीं है और रमन और शालिनी, जो एक लड़की है और रमन के पीछे बैठी है, के बीच 9 लड़के बैठे हैं। तो शालिनी के आगे कितनी लड़कियां बैठी हैं?
 निर्धारित नहीं किया जा सकता
इनमें से कोई नहीं
Total no. of student=56
Boys: Girls=5:3, So Boys=35 and Girls=21
We don’t know the exact number of girls sitting ahead or behind Shalini, so can’t be determine.
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