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RBI Assistant Prelims English Quiz : 26th February – SENTENCE REARRANGEMENT

RBI Assistant Prelims English Quiz : 26th February – SENTENCE REARRANGEMENT | Latest Hindi Banking jobs_3.1



Direction (1-5): Rearrange the given sentence (A), (B), (C),
(D), and (E) to form a meaningful paragraph and answer the questions that


(A)The EC, the CCG argued, must register all eligible
voters, especially among marginalized groups and migrants.

 (B)The Aadhar-led purification process is not going to
serve this purpose.

 (C) Any exclusion caused by linking voter IDs with
Aadhar would be legally impermissible.

 (D) The Constitutional Conduct Group has proposed
alternative measures none of which consider Aadhar that it categorically

 (E) The exclusion will also be predominantly
detrimental to minorities and marginalized groups since Articles 325 and 326 of
the Constitution promise universal, adult suffrage.


Q1. Which of the following will be the FIRST sentence
of the rearranged paragraph?

(a) A

(b) D

(c) E

(d) B

(e) C


 Q2. Which of the following will be the LAST sentence of
the rearranged paragraph?

(a) A

(b) C

(c) E

(d) D

(e) B


 Q3. Which of the following will be the THIRD sentence
of the rearranged paragraph?

(a) B

(b) D

(c) E

(d) A

(e) C


 Q4. Which of the following will be the FOURTH sentence
of the rearranged paragraph?

(a) A

(b) D

(c) E

(d) B

(e) C


Q5. What will be the correct sequence of the given sentences?







Direction (6-10): Rearrange the given sentence (A), (B), (C),
(D), and (E) to form a meaningful paragraph and answer the questions that


(A)In the past few decades, India, too, has witnessed
a steep rise in its cancer burden.

 (B) Poor screening modalities leading to delay in
diagnosis as well as the prohibitive costs of cancer treatment — health
insurance covering cancer treatment eludes most

people — are some of the primary problems plaguing
cancer care in India.

 (C) According to a study published in Jama Oncology,
the global count of people who were diagnosed with cancer went up from 18.7
million in 2010 to 23.6 million in 2019.

 (D)Approximately 11.5 lakh new cases are registered
every year in this country.

 (E)But in spite of the worrying rise in disease incidence,
cancer literacy and access to treatment continue to be woefully low.


Q6. Which of the following will be the SECOND sentence
of the rearranged paragraph?

(a) A

(b) D

(c) E

(d) B

(e) C


Q7. Which of the following will be the LAST sentence of
the rearranged paragraph?

(a) A

(b) C

(c) E

(d) D

(e) B


Q8. Which of the following will be the FIRST sentence
of the rearranged paragraph?

(a) B

(b) D

(c) E

(d) A

(e) C


Q9. Which of the following will be the FOURTH sentence
of the rearranged paragraph?

(a) A

(b) D

(c) E

(d) B

(e) C


Q10. What will be the correct sequence of the given sentences?







Direction (11-15): Rearrange the given sentence (A), (B), (C),
(D), and (E) to form a meaningful paragraph and answer the questions that


(A) The policy moves come against a 9.2% GDP growth
rebound in 2021-22 that marks India as the world’s ‘fastest-growing’ economy, a
sobriquet repeated untiringly.

 (B) A misleading distinction, as it was, given a -6.6%
fall the previous year.

 (C)But benign inflation outlook moderated yields on
government securities that are sold to borrow market funds.

 (D) And now, it is further proven by the desperation
to grow through a borrowings-fuelled fiscal expansion and ‘looser-for-longer’
monetary policy.

 (E)The central bank, although, didn’t spell out how
the resources to fund budgeted spending will be managed.


Q11. Which of the following will be the SECOND sentence
of the rearranged paragraph?

(a) A

(b) D

(c) E

(d) B

(e) C


Q12. Which of the following will be the LAST sentence
of the rearranged paragraph?

(a) A

(b) C

(c) E

(d) D

(e) B


 Q13. Which of the following will be the FIRST sentence
of the rearranged paragraph?

(a) B

(b) D

(c) E

(d) A

(e) C


Q14. Which of the following will be the FOURTH sentence
of the rearranged paragraph?

(a) A

(b) D

(c) E

(d) B

(e) C


Q15. What will be the correct sequence of the given sentences?









S1. Ans. (b)

Sol. The correct sequence is DABCE.

(D) The Constitutional Conduct Group has proposed
alternative measures none of which consider Aadhar that it categorically

 (A)The EC, the CCG argued, must register all eligible
voters, especially among marginalized groups and migrants.

 (B)The Aadhar-led purification process is not going to
serve this purpose.

 (C) Any exclusion caused by linking voter IDs with
Aadhar would be legally impermissible.

 (E) The exclusion will also be predominantly
detrimental to minorities and marginalized groups since Articles 325 and 326 of
the Constitution promise universal, adult suffrage.

 Hence, option (b) is the right answer choice.


S2. Ans. (c)

Sol. The correct sequence is DABCE.

(D) The Constitutional Conduct Group has proposed
alternative measures none of which consider Aadhar that it categorically

 (A)The EC, the CCG argued, must register all eligible
voters, especially among marginalized groups and migrants.

 (B)The Aadhar-led purification process is not going to
serve this purpose.

 (C) Any exclusion caused by linking voter IDs with
Aadhar would be legally impermissible.

 (E) The exclusion will also be predominantly detrimental
to minorities and marginalized groups since Articles 325 and 326 of the
Constitution promise universal, adult suffrage.

 Hence, option (c) is the right answer choice.


S3. Ans. (a)

Sol. The correct sequence is DABCE.

(D) The Constitutional Conduct Group has proposed
alternative measures none of which consider Aadhar that it categorically

 (A)The EC, the CCG argued, must register all eligible
voters, especially among marginalized groups and migrants.

 (B)The Aadhar-led purification process is not going to
serve this purpose.

 (C) Any exclusion caused by linking voter IDs with
Aadhar would be legally impermissible.

 (E) The exclusion will also be predominantly
detrimental to minorities and marginalized groups since Articles 325 and 326 of
the Constitution promise universal, adult suffrage.

 Hence, option (a) is the right answer choice.

S4. Ans. (e)

Sol. The correct
sequence is DABCE.

(D) The
Constitutional Conduct Group has proposed alternative measures none of which
consider Aadhar that it categorically rejects.


(A)The EC, the
CCG argued, must register all eligible voters, especially among marginalized
groups and migrants.


Aadhar-led purification process is not going to serve this purpose.


(C) Any exclusion
caused by linking voter IDs with Aadhar would be legally impermissible.


(E) The
exclusion will also be predominantly detrimental to minorities and marginalized
groups since Articles 325 and 326 of the Constitution promise universal, adult


Hence, option (e) is
the right answer choice.

S5. Ans. (e)

Sol. The correct sequence is DABCE.

(D) The Constitutional Conduct Group has proposed
alternative measures none of which consider Aadhar that it categorically

(A)The EC, the CCG argued, must register all eligible
voters, especially among marginalized groups and migrants.

(B)The Aadhar-led purification process is not going to
serve this purpose.

(C) Any exclusion caused by linking voter IDs with
Aadhar would be legally impermissible.

(E) The exclusion will also be predominantly
detrimental to minorities and marginalized groups since Articles 325 and 326 of
the Constitution promise universal, adult suffrage.

Hence, option (e) is the right answer choice.


S6. Ans. (a)

Sol. The correct sequence is CADEB.

(C) According to a study published in Jama Oncology,
the global count of people who were diagnosed with cancer went up from 18.7
million in 2010 to 23.6 million in 2019.

(A)In the past few decades, India, too, has witnessed
a steep rise in its cancer burden.

(D)Approximately 11.5 lakh new cases are registered
every year in this country.

(E)But in spite of the worrying rise in disease
incidence, cancer literacy and access to treatment continue to be woefully low.

(B) Poor screening modalities leading to delay in
diagnosis as well as the prohibitive costs of cancer treatment — health
insurance covering cancer treatment eludes most people — are some of the
primary problems plaguing cancer care in India.

Hence, option (a) is the right answer choice.

S7. Ans. (e)

Sol. The
correct sequence is CADEB.

(C) According
to a study published in Jama Oncology, the global count of people who were
diagnosed with cancer went up from 18.7 million in 2010 to 23.6 million in

(A)In the past
few decades, India, too, has witnessed a steep rise in its cancer burden.

11.5 lakh new cases are registered every year in this country.

(E)But in spite
of the worrying rise in disease incidence, cancer literacy and access to
treatment continue to be woefully low.

(B) Poor
screening modalities leading to delay in diagnosis as well as the prohibitive
costs of cancer treatment — health insurance covering cancer treatment eludes
most people — are some of the primary problems plaguing cancer care in India.

Hence, option (e)
is the right answer choice.


S8. Ans. (e)

Sol. The correct sequence is CADEB.

(C) According to a study published in Jama Oncology,
the global count of people who were diagnosed with cancer went up from 18.7
million in 2010 to 23.6 million in 2019.

(A)In the past few decades, India, too, has witnessed
a steep rise in its cancer burden.

(D)Approximately 11.5 lakh new cases are registered
every year in this country.

(E)But in spite of the worrying rise in disease
incidence, cancer literacy and access to treatment continue to be woefully low.

(B) Poor screening modalities leading to delay in
diagnosis as well as the prohibitive costs of cancer treatment — health
insurance covering cancer treatment eludes most people — are some of the
primary problems plaguing cancer care in India.

Hence, option (e) is the right answer choice.


S9. Ans. (c)

Sol. The correct sequence is CADEB.

(C) According to a study published in Jama Oncology,
the global count of people who were diagnosed with cancer went up from 18.7
million in 2010 to 23.6 million in 2019.

(A)In the past few decades, India, too, has witnessed
a steep rise in its cancer burden.


(D)Approximately 11.5 lakh new cases are registered
every year in this country.

(E)But in spite of the worrying rise in disease
incidence, cancer literacy and access to treatment continue to be woefully low.

(B) Poor screening modalities leading to delay in
diagnosis as well as the prohibitive costs of cancer treatment — health
insurance covering cancer treatment eludes most people — are some of the
primary problems plaguing cancer care in India.

Hence, option (c) is the right answer choice.


S10. Ans. (b)

Sol. The correct sequence is CADEB.

(C) According to a study published in Jama Oncology,
the global count of people who were diagnosed with cancer went up from 18.7
million in 2010 to 23.6 million in 2019.

(A)In the past few decades, India, too, has witnessed
a steep rise in its cancer burden.

(D)Approximately 11.5 lakh new cases are registered
every year in this country.

(E)But in spite of the worrying rise in disease
incidence, cancer literacy and access to treatment continue to be woefully low.

(B) Poor screening modalities leading to delay in
diagnosis as well as the prohibitive costs of cancer treatment — health
insurance covering cancer treatment eludes most people — are some of the
primary problems plaguing cancer care in India.

Hence, option (b) is the right answer choice.


S11. Ans. (d)

Sol. The correct sequence is ABDEC.

(A) The policy moves come against a 9.2% GDP growth
rebound in 2021-22 that marks India as the world’s ‘fastest-growing’ economy, a
sobriquet repeated untiringly.

(B) A misleading distinction, as it was, given a -6.6%
fall the previous year.

(D) And now, it is further proven by the desperation
to grow through a borrowings-fuelled fiscal expansion and ‘looser-for-longer’
monetary policy.

(E)The central bank, although, didn’t spell out how
the resources to fund budgeted spending will be managed.

(C)But benign inflation outlook moderated yields on
government securities that are sold to borrow market funds.

Hence, option (d) is the right answer choice.


S12. Ans. (b)

Sol. The correct sequence is ABDEC.

(A) The policy moves come against a 9.2% GDP growth
rebound in 2021-22 that marks India as the world’s ‘fastest-growing’ economy, a
sobriquet repeated untiringly.

(B) A misleading distinction, as it was, given a -6.6%
fall the previous year.

(D) And now, it is further proven by the desperation
to grow through a borrowings-fuelled fiscal expansion and ‘looser-for-longer’
monetary policy.

(E)The central bank, although, didn’t spell out how
the resources to fund budgeted spending will be managed.

(C)But benign inflation outlook moderated yields on
government securities that are sold to borrow market funds.

Hence, option (b) is the right answer


S13. Ans. (d)

Sol. The correct sequence is ABDEC.

(A) The policy moves come against a 9.2% GDP growth
rebound in 2021-22 that marks India as the world’s ‘fastest-growing’ economy, a
sobriquet repeated untiringly.

(B) A misleading distinction, as it was, given a -6.6%
fall the previous year.

(D) And now, it is further proven by the desperation
to grow through a borrowings-fuelled fiscal expansion and ‘looser-for-longer’
monetary policy.

(E)The central bank, although, didn’t spell out how
the resources to fund budgeted spending will be managed.

(C)But benign inflation outlook moderated yields on
government securities that are sold to borrow market funds.

Hence, option (d) is the right answer choice.


S14. Ans. (c)

Sol. The correct sequence is ABDEC.

(A) The policy moves come against a 9.2% GDP growth
rebound in 2021-22 that marks India as the world’s ‘fastest-growing’ economy, a
sobriquet repeated untiringly.

(B) A misleading distinction, as it was, given a -6.6%
fall the previous year.

(D) And now, it is further proven by the desperation
to grow through a borrowings-fuelled fiscal expansion and ‘looser-for-longer’
monetary policy.

(E)The central bank, although, didn’t spell out how
the resources to fund budgeted spending will be managed.

(C)But benign inflation outlook moderated yields on
government securities that are sold to borrow market funds.

Hence, option (c) is the right answer choice.


S15. Ans. (d)

Sol. The correct sequence is ABDEC.

(A) The policy moves come against a 9.2% GDP growth
rebound in 2021-22 that marks India as the world’s ‘fastest-growing’ economy, a
sobriquet repeated untiringly.

(B) A misleading distinction, as it was, given a -6.6%
fall the previous year.

(D) And now, it is further proven by the desperation
to grow through a borrowings-fuelled fiscal expansion and ‘looser-for-longer’
monetary policy.

(E)The central bank, although, didn’t spell out how
the resources to fund budgeted spending will be managed.

(C)But benign inflation outlook moderated yields on
government securities that are sold to borrow market funds.

Hence, option (d) is the right answer choice.


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RBI Assistant Prelims English Quiz : 26th February – SENTENCE REARRANGEMENT | Latest Hindi Banking jobs_6.1