1. Rhetoric [ret-er-ik]=वाक्पटुता
Noun/संज्ञा: the undue use of exaggeration or display; bombast; the art or science of all specialized literary uses of language in prose or verse, including the figures of speech; the study of the effective use of language; the ability to use language effectively.
Synonyms/समानार्थी: hyperbole, oratory, address, balderdash, bombast, composition, discourse.
Antonyms/विलोम: quiet, conciseness.
Example/उदहारण : We hope (the) particular person in the Indian Army could learn from historical lessons and stop such clamoring for war.
2. Clamor [klam-er]=कोलाहल
Noun/संज्ञा: a loud uproar, as from a crowd of people; a vehement expression of desire or dissatisfaction; popular outcry; any loud and continued noise.
Verb/क्रिया: to make a clamor; raise an outcry.
Synonyms/समानार्थी: agitation, brouhaha, buzz, ferment, hubbub, noise, outcry, ruckus, tumult, upheaval.
Antonyms/विलोम: calm, order, peace, silence, agreement, harmony.
Example/उदहारण : It also alluded to India’s defeat in the 1962 war, as part of escalating “mind games.”
3. Allude [uh-lood]=संकेत करना
Verb/क्रिया: to refer casually or indirectly; make an allusion; to contain a casual or indirect reference.
Synonyms/समानार्थी: advert, imply, insinuate, intimate, point, refer, suggest.
Example/उदहारण : A tool to muzzle.
4. Muzzle [muhz-uh l]=मुखरोधनी
Noun/संज्ञा: the mouth, or end for discharge, of the barrel of a gun, pistol, etc; the projecting part of the head of an animal, including jaws, mouth, and nose; a device, usually an arrangement of straps or wires, placed over an animal’s mouth to prevent the animal from biting, eating, etc.
Verb/क्रिया: to put a muzzle on (an animal or its mouth) so as to prevent biting, eating, etc; to restrain from speech, the expression of opinion, etc.
Synonyms/समानार्थी: cage, cover, envelope, gag, guard, sheath.
Example/उदहारण : The sedition law was incorporated into the Indian Penal Code (IPC) in 1870 as fears of a possible uprising plagued the colonial the colonial authorities.
5. Incorporated [in-kawr-puh-rey-tid]=निगमित
Adjective/विशेषण: formed or constituted as a legal corporation; combined in one body; made part of.
Synonyms/समानार्थी: integrated, assimilated, fused, joined.
6. Plague [pleyg]=महामारी
Noun/संज्ञा: an epidemic disease that causes high mortality; pestilence; an infectious, epidemic disease caused by a bacterium, Yersinia pestis, characterized by fever, chills, and prostration, transmitted to humans from rats by means of the bites of fleas.
Verb/क्रिया: to trouble, annoy, or torment in any manner; to annoy, bother, or pester; to smite with a plague, pestilence, death, etc.; scourge.
Synonyms/समानार्थी: contagion, curse, epidemic, infection, infestation, influenza, invasion, outbreak, pandemic.
Antonyms/विलोम: advantage, good fortune, good luck.
7. Colonial [kuh-loh-nee-uh l]=उपनिवेश बसानेवाला
Adjective/विशेषण: of, concerning, or pertaining to a colony or colonies; of, concerning, or pertaining to colonialism; colonialistic.
Noun/संज्ञा: an inhabitant of a colony; a house in or imitative of the Colonial style.
Synonyms/समानार्थी: crude, dependent, dominion, emigrant, frontier, immigrant, pilgrim.
Antonyms/विलोम: gentle, modern, sophisticated.
Example/उदहारण : The urge amongst our present-day rulers is akin to the urge of the colonial administrators — total domination over its citizens.
8. Akin [uh-kin]=संबंधी
Adjective/विशेषण: of kin; related by blood (usually used predicatively; allied by nature; having the same properties; having or showing an affinity; kindred.
Example/उदहारण : Pakistan denies consular access to Jadhav yet again, says equating him with other prisoners is ‘travesty of logic’.
9. Consul [kon-suh l]=राजदूत
Noun/संज्ञा: an official appointed by the government of one country to look after its commercial interests and the welfare of its citizens in another country; either of the two chief magistrates of the ancient Roman republic.
Related forms: consular (adjective).
Synonyms/समानार्थी: diplomatic, valid.
10. Travesty [trav-uh-stee]=प्रहसन
Noun/संज्ञा: a grotesque or debased likeness or imitation; a literary or artistic burlesque of a serious work or subject, characterised by grotesque or ludicrous incongruity of style, treatment, or subject matter.
Synonyms/समानार्थी: burlesque, distortion, exaggeration, farce, mockery, perversion.
Antonyms/विलोम: seriousness, solemnity.