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idioms and phrases questions


Directions (1-7): In each of the following questions, a sentence is given with the highlighted phrase. There are five words given below each sentence. Choose the word among the five options illustrating the meaning of the phrase. If no word illustrates the correct meaning then choose option (e), i.e. ‘None of These’ as your option.

Q1. We will no longer have to worry about forgetting our chargers and having to ask around to find one that is compatible
(a) Ask or talk to
(b) Order to
(c) Rewarding
(d) Relinquishing
(e) None of these
Q2. My sister and I had a fall out a few years ago and we haven’t spoken in years.
(a) Dismantling
(b) Disagreement
(c) Disdain
(d) Conformity
(e) None of these
Q3. The hospital orderlies took Christina and the nurse handed him a stack of papers to fill out.
(a) Putting
(b) Preventing
(c) Writing information
(d) Encouraging
(e) None of these
Q4. The band could get away with it 30 years ago, but today’s demanding listener expects a bit more.
(a) Bring something with
(b)Stealing something
(c) Navigating
(d) To do without being noticed
(e) None of these
Q5. Huey, excited by Robert’s ideas on deceit and self-deception, was eager for the three of us to get together.
(a) Gathering
(b) Bringing together something
(c) Collecting Pieces
(d) Complaining about
(e) None of these
Q6. Republicans are willing to go over the fiscal cliff in a doomed effort to keep tax rates low for the highest income earners.
(a) Going somewhere
(b) Checking or examining
(c) Finding
(d) Intending
(e) None of these
Q7. I’ll hand in my membership card and become a monk, take the vow and never return.
(a) Sustain
(b) Submit
(c) Supply
(d) Soothing
(e) None of these
Directions (8-15): In each of the following questions, a sentence is given with a blank. There are five phrasal verbs given below each sentence, one out of which can be used in the blank to form a meaningful sentence. Choose the most appropriate idiom among the five options that makes the sentence contextually meaningful. (
Q8. As coronavirus closes businesses, health-care facilities ___________ elective surgery.
(a) Grow up
(b) break down
(c) go ahead
(d) Cut Back on
(e) come apart
Q9. Whether traveling to work or stocking up on groceries, most Angelenos still need to ___________ the city.
(a) Get back into
(b) Get around
(c) Get away
(d) Find out
(e) Get on
Q10. After fans ___________on Riverdale, they’ll be looking for something to watch next.
(a) Break out
(b) Look into
(c) Fill in
(d) Catch up
(e) Eat out
Q11. Most newspaper owners in our country have no way to ___________the government as they have to protect their businesses.
(a) Get away with
(b) Go over
(c) Go against
(d) Give in
(e) Go after
Q12. Churchill Show losses ___________millions as recording done without audience.
(a) Check out
(b) Drop out
(c) Fill in
(d) Get together
(e) Run into
Q13. The chemical coating helps repel fingerprints and other grubby paw marks, but it can ___________quite quickly.
(a) Catch up
(b) Get over
(c) Use up
(d) Warm up
(e) Wear off
Q14. The way you approach someone and ___________for a date makes for an important aspect of the entire dating world.
(a) Ask out
(b) Blow up
(c) Work out
(d) Break into
(e) Break in
Q15. If you ___________, in the year 2000 the company announced everyday free shipping to the industry and it was considered ridiculous and unsustainable.
(a) Think back
(b) Bring up
(c) Tear up
(d) Calm down
(e) Take off
Directions (15-30): In each of the following questions, a sentence is given with a blank. There are five phrasal verbs given below each sentence, one out of which can be used in the blank to form a meaningful sentence. Choose the most appropriate idiom among the five options that makes the sentence contextually meaningful.
Q16. The SIS called on the foreign media to _______________the professional codes and report only what they witness themselves, checking facts from their authentic and reliable sources.
(a) Abide by
(b) Ask around
(c) Back up
(d) Back off
(e) None of these
Q17. Donald Trump and Hassan Rouhani _______________ from talks as US is ‘locked and loaded’ after Saudi oil attack
(a) Blow up
(b) Back Away
(c) Back into
(d) Add up
(e) None of these
Q18. Neighbours ___________________ London Fields street, protesting rat run traffic and ‘dangerous levels’ of air pollution
(a) Break into
(b) Break in
(c) Block off
(d) Break down
(e) None of these
Q19. Individuals who are accused of something decide to ______________, often under the advice of their attorney.
(a) Bring up
(b) Bring down
(c) Break out
(d) Clam up
(e) None of these
Q20. Growing trade tensions between South Korea and Japan may look like a local dispute — but if they ______________, they could disrupt the high-end tech industries on a global scale.
(a) Drag on
(b) Cheer up
(c) Chip in
(d) Come across
(e) None of these
Q21. The most inefficient gadgets are gas-fired heaters which can ____________ the equivalent energy of 140 lightbulbs burning simultaneously.
(a) Catch up
(b) Get over
(c) Use up
(d) Warm up
(e) Wear off
Q22. Look at the brightness of what lies ahead and ___________ a way to make it come to you.
(a) Ask out
(b) Blow up
(c) Work out
(d) Break into
(e) Break in
Q23. Many pension experts believe most companies will have to _____________ their existing final salary arrangements before the year is up.
(a) Think back
(b) Bring up
(c) Tear up
(d) Calm down
(e) Take off
Q24. A high level meeting of BJP and Shiv Sena was expected to _____________ issues between the two parties over government formation in the state.
(a) Make fun of
(b) Looking for
(c) Let down
(d) Iron out
(e) Keep on
Q25. The survey found that 49% of people have had to _____________ medical or dental care as a result of their finances.
(a) Set off
(b) Put off
(c) Pass away
(d) Move in
(e) Mix up


S1. Ans.(a)
Sol. The phrase “Ask around” means “Asking or talking to people to get or learn something”.
S2. Ans.(b)
Sol. The phrase “fall out” refers to disagreement or get into disputes.
S3. Ans.(c)
Sol. Phrasal verb “fill out” refers “to write information (On papers)”.
S4. Ans.(d)
Sol. Here, phrasal verb “get away with” means “to do without being noticed or punished”
S5. Ans.(a)
Sol. “get together” means to “gather or assemble “.
S6. Ans.(b)
Sol. “Go over” means “to examine, check or consider something”
S7. Ans.(b)
Sol. “Hand in” means “to submit or give something”
S8. Ans.(d)
Sol. Cut back on means an act or instance of reducing something, especially expenditure.
Grow up- Become an adult
Hand in- Submit
Count on- Rely on
Call on- demand that (someone) do something. Hence, option (c) is the right answer choice.
Hence, option (d) is the right answer choice.
S9. Ans.(b)
Sol. Get around means Have mobility or you visit a lot of different places as part of your way of life.
Get on- Step onto a vehicle
Get away- Go on a vacation
Find out- Discover
Get back into-start doing something again.
Hence, option (b) is the right answer choice.
S10. Ans.(d)
Sol. Catch up means an act of catching up or matching someone or something in a particular activity.
Break out- Escape
Catch up- Get to the same point as somebody else
Eat out- Eat at a restaurant
Fill in- to do the work of someone else for a short time
Look into-to try to discover the facts about something such as a problem or a crime.
Hence, option (d) is the right answer choice.
S11. Ans.(c)
Sol. Go against means oppose or resist.
Get away with- do without being noticed or punished
Go over- Review or visit somebody nearby
Go after- Try to achieve something
Give in- to yield under insistence or entreaty: surrender.
Hence, option (c) is the right answer choice.
S12. Ans.(e)
Sol. Run into means reach (a level or amount).
Check out- Leave a hotel
Drop out- Quit a class
Fill in- to write information on blanks
Get together- Meet
Hence, option (e) is the right answer choice.
S13. Ans.(e)
Sol. Wear off means lose effectiveness or intensity.
Warm up- Increase the temperature
Catch up- Get to the same point as somebody else
Get over- Overcome a problem or Recover from an illness
Use up- to use all of a supply of something
Hence, option (e) is the right answer choice.
S14. Ans.(a)
Sol. Ask out means to invite someone to go with you to a cinema, restaurant etc because you want to start a romantic or sexual relationship with them.
Blow up- Add air, or explode
Break into- Enter forcibly
Break in- Interrupt or
Work out-manage to do something.
Hence, option (a) is the right answer choice.
S15. Ans.(a)
Sol. Think back means recall a past event or time.
Bring up- Start talking about a subject
Calm down- Relax after being angry
Take off- Remove something or Start to fly
Tear up-To destroy or severely damage something.
Hence, option (a) is the right answer choice.
S16. Ans.(a)
Sol. ‘Abide by’ means ‘To respect or obey a decision, a law or a rule’.
S17. Ans.(b)
Sol. ‘Back Away’ means ‘to move backward away from something or someone, usually, because you are frightened’.
S18. Ans.(c)
Sol. ‘Block off’ means ‘to cover or close something completely so that nothing can move through it’ or ‘to completely stop something from happening or progressing’.
S19. Ans.(d)
Sol. ‘Clam up’ means ‘to refuse to speak’.
S20. Ans.(a)
Sol. ‘Drag on’ means ‘To last longer than expected’.
S21. Ans.(c)
Sol. Use up means to use all of a supply of something. Hence, option (c) is the right answer choice.
Wear off- Fade away
Warm up- Increase the temperature
Catch up- Get to the same point as somebody else
Get over- Overcome a problem or Recover from an illness
S22. Ans.(c)
Sol. Work out means manage to do something. Hence, option (c) is the right answer choice.
Ask out- Invite on a date
Blow up- Add air, or explode
Break into- Enter forcibly
Break in- Interrupt or
S23. Ans.(c)
Sol. Tear up means To destroy or severely damage something. Hence, option (c) is the right answer choice.
Think Back- Remember
Bring up- Start talking about a subject
Calm down- Relax after being angry
Take off- Remove something or Start to fly
S24. Ans.(d)
Sol. ‘Iron out’ means ‘to resolve by discussion’ or ‘to eliminate differences’
S25. Ans.(b)
Sol. ‘Put off’ means ‘to postpone or arrange a later date’