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IBPS Reasoning Quiz (Machine Input-Output) for 2019 Exams: 18th February 2019 | IN HINDI

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IBPS Reasoning Quiz (Machine Input-Output) for 2019 Exams: 18th February 2019 | IN HINDI | Latest Hindi Banking jobs_2.1

Reasoning Questions for IBPS Exam 2019:

तार्किक क्षमता (रिजिनिंग) एक बड़ा अनुभाग है। प्रश्नों की बढ़ती जटिलता के साथ, इसे आसानी से पास करना  मुश्किल हो जाता है। परीक्षाओं में इस विशेष अनुभाग में ग्रेड बनाने का एकमात्र तरीका अपने पूरे दिल और आत्मा के साथ लगातार अभ्यास करना है और आपको नवीनतम पैटर्न प्रश्नों के साथ अभ्यास करने प्रदान करने के लिए, यहां परीक्षाओं में पूछे जाने वाले प्रश्नों के सटीक समान पैटर्न के आधार पर Adda247 रीज़निंग क्विज दी गयी है।


Directions (1-5): निम्नलिखित जानकारी का ध्यानपूर्वक अध्ययन कीजिये और नीचे दिए गये प्रश्नों के उत्तर दीजिये:

एक शब्द और संख्या व्यवस्था मशीन को जब शब्दों और संख्याओं का एक इनपुट दिया जाता है, तो वह प्रत्येक चरण में एक निश्चित नियम का अनुसरण करते हुए उन्हें व्यवस्थित करती है। निम्नलिखित इनपुट और पुनर्व्यवस्था का एक उदाहरण है:

इनपुट: 97 never 21 shout cry 32 arise 46 65 vital 83 hear 
चरण I: 21 97 never shout cry arise 46 65 vital 83 hear 32
चरण II: arise 21 97 never shout 46 65 vital 83 hear 32 cry
चरण III: 46 arise 21 97 never shout vital 83 hear 32 cry 65
चरण IV: hear 46 arise 21 97 shout vital 83 32 cry 65 never
चरण V: 83 hear 46 arise 21 shout vital 32 cry 65 never 97
चरण VI: shout 83 hear 46 arise 21 32 cry 65 never 97 vital
चरण VI उपरोक्त व्यवस्था का अंतिम चरण है।
उपरोक्त चरण में अनुसरण किये गए नियमों के अनुसार, निम्नलिखित में से प्रत्येक प्रश्न में दिए गये इनपुट के लिए उचित चरण ज्ञात कीजिये।
प्रश्नों के लिए इनपुट। 
इनपुट: pound 18 under 76 eat 27 brown 37 51 victory 86 knight 

Q1. व्यवस्था को पूरा करने के लिए कितने चरणों की आवश्यकता है? 

इनमें से कोई नहीं
In this question two words and two numbers are arranged in each step alternatively. In the first step, the smallest number is arranged at the left most end and the second smallest number is placed at the rightmost end. In the second step, the words are arranged in alphabetically starting with the word which comes first in the dictionary at the left most end and the word which comes next is placed at the rightmost end. And this process is followed till no word or number is left unarranged.
Input: pound 18 under 76 eat 27 brown 37 51 victory 86 knight
Step I: 18 pound under 76 eat brown 37 51 victory 86 knight 27
Step II: brown 18 pound under 76 37 51 victory 86 knight 27 eat
Step III: 37 brown 18 pound under 76 victory 86 knight 27 eat 51
Step IV: knight 37 brown18 under 76 victory 86 27 eat 51 pound
Step V: 76 knight 37 brown18 under victory 27 eat 51 pound 86
Step VI: under 76 knight 37 brown18 27 eat 51 pound 86 victory
Q2. चरण IV में दाएं छोर से पांचवीं संख्या और चरण III में बाएं छोर से तीसरी संख्या का योग क्या होगा?
इनमें से कोई नहीं 
In this question two words and two numbers are arranged in each step alternatively. In the first step, the smallest number is arranged at the left most end and the second smallest number is placed at the rightmost end. In the second step, the words are arranged in alphabetically starting with the word which comes first in the dictionary at the left most end and the word which comes next is placed at the rightmost end. And this process is followed till no word or number is left unarranged.
Input: pound 18 under 76 eat 27 brown 37 51 victory 86 knight
Step I: 18 pound under 76 eat brown 37 51 victory 86 knight 27
Step II: brown 18 pound under 76 37 51 victory 86 knight 27 eat
Step III: 37 brown 18 pound under 76 victory 86 knight 27 eat 51
Step IV: knight 37 brown18 under 76 victory 86 27 eat 51 pound
Step V: 76 knight 37 brown18 under victory 27 eat 51 pound 86
Step VI: under 76 knight 37 brown18 27 eat 51 pound 86 victory
Q3. निम्नलिखित में से चरण IV में बाएं छोर से दूसरी संख्या और चरण II में दाएं छोर से दूसरी संख्या के मध्य अंतर कौन सा होगा?
इनमें से कोई नहीं 
In this question two words and two numbers are arranged in each step alternatively. In the first step, the smallest number is arranged at the left most end and the second smallest number is placed at the rightmost end. In the second step, the words are arranged in alphabetically starting with the word which comes first in the dictionary at the left most end and the word which comes next is placed at the rightmost end. And this process is followed till no word or number is left unarranged.
Input: pound 18 under 76 eat 27 brown 37 51 victory 86 knight
Step I: 18 pound under 76 eat brown 37 51 victory 86 knight 27
Step II: brown 18 pound under 76 37 51 victory 86 knight 27 eat
Step III: 37 brown 18 pound under 76 victory 86 knight 27 eat 51
Step IV: knight 37 brown18 under 76 victory 86 27 eat 51 pound
Step V: 76 knight 37 brown18 under victory 27 eat 51 pound 86
Step VI: under 76 knight 37 brown18 27 eat 51 pound 86 victory
Q4. निम्नलिखित में से चरण V में बाएं छोर से चौथा तत्व कौन सा होगा?
इनमें से कोई नहीं
In this question two words and two numbers are arranged in each step alternatively. In the first step, the smallest number is arranged at the left most end and the second smallest number is placed at the rightmost end. In the second step, the words are arranged in alphabetically starting with the word which comes first in the dictionary at the left most end and the word which comes next is placed at the rightmost end. And this process is followed till no word or number is left unarranged.
Input: pound 18 under 76 eat 27 brown 37 51 victory 86 knight
Step I: 18 pound under 76 eat brown 37 51 victory 86 knight 27
Step II: brown 18 pound under 76 37 51 victory 86 knight 27 eat
Step III: 37 brown 18 pound under 76 victory 86 knight 27 eat 51
Step IV: knight 37 brown18 under 76 victory 86 27 eat 51 pound
Step V: 76 knight 37 brown18 under victory 27 eat 51 pound 86
Step VI: under 76 knight 37 brown18 27 eat 51 pound 86 victory
Q5. चरण IV में, निम्नलिखित में से कौन सा शब्द/संख्या चौथे स्थान पर होगा (बाएं से)?
इनमें से कोई नहीं
In this question two words and two numbers are arranged in each step alternatively. In the first step, the smallest number is arranged at the left most end and the second smallest number is placed at the rightmost end. In the second step, the words are arranged in alphabetically starting with the word which comes first in the dictionary at the left most end and the word which comes next is placed at the rightmost end. And this process is followed till no word or number is left unarranged.
Input: pound 18 under 76 eat 27 brown 37 51 victory 86 knight
Step I: 18 pound under 76 eat brown 37 51 victory 86 knight 27
Step II: brown 18 pound under 76 37 51 victory 86 knight 27 eat
Step III: 37 brown 18 pound under 76 victory 86 knight 27 eat 51
Step IV: knight 37 brown18 under 76 victory 86 27 eat 51 pound
Step V: 76 knight 37 brown18 under victory 27 eat 51 pound 86
Step VI: under 76 knight 37 brown18 27 eat 51 pound 86 victory
Directions (6-10): निम्नलिखित जानकारी का ध्यानपूर्वक अध्ययन कीजिये और नीचे दिए गये प्रश्नों के उत्तर दीजिये:

एक शब्द और संख्या व्यवस्था मशीन को जब शब्दों और संख्याओं का एक इनपुट दिया जाता है, तो वह प्रत्येक चरण में एक निश्चित नियम का अनुसरण करते हुए उन्हें व्यवस्थित करती है। निम्नलिखित इनपुट और पुनर्व्यवस्था का एक उदाहरण है। (सभी संख्याएँ दो-अंकीय संख्याएँ हैं और सभी संख्या के मान के आधार पर कुछ तर्क के अनुसार व्यवस्थित हैं।)

इनपुट: tend 54 court 61 to 71 late 41 grip 24 
चरण I: 41 54 court 61 to 71 late grip 24 tend
चरण II: 24 41 54 court 61 to 71 grip tend late
चरण III: 61 24 41 54 court 71 grip tend late to
चरण IV: 71 61 24 41 54 court tend late to grip
चरण V: 54 71 61 24 41 tend late to grip court
चरण V उपरोक्त व्यवस्था का अंतिम चरण है।
उपरोक्त चरण में अनुसरण किये गए नियमों के अनुसार, निम्नलिखित में से प्रत्येक प्रश्न में दिए गये इनपुट के लिए उचित चरण ज्ञात कीजिये।  
इनपुट: our 18 has 71 been 51 no 41 interest 25 

Q6. किस चरण में तत्व ’71 interest been’ समान क्रम में पाया जाएगा?

चरण III
चरण V
चरण I
चरण II
इनमें से कोई नहीं
Students let us understand the Logic behind this Question and let’s understand how to solve it.
For words → Word are arranged according to last letter of each word. So, we have to see the last letter of each word. In the given input series last letter of given words are- R, S, N, O and T. And then each last letter is arranged in alphabetical order(according to English dictionary) from right to left. In given input series N is least among all last letters so word “been” is arranged first.
For numbers→ for the number arrangement we have to add the digits of given number. And then each sum is arranged in ascending order from left to right.
Input: our 18 has 71 been 51 no 41 interest 25
Step I: 41 our 18 has 71 51 no interest 25 been
Step II: 51 41 our 18 has 71 interest 25 been no
Step III: 25 51 41 18 has 71 interest been no our
Step IV: 71 25 51 41 18 interest been no our has
Step V: 18 71 25 51 41 been no our has interest
Q7. चरण IV में कौन सा तत्व “41” और “interest” के ठीक मध्य में है?
इनमें से कोई नहीं
Students let us understand the Logic behind this Question and let’s understand how to solve it.
For words → Word are arranged according to last letter of each word. So, we have to see the last letter of each word. In the given input series last letter of given words are- R, S, N, O and T. And then each last letter is arranged in alphabetical order(according to English dictionary) from right to left. In given input series N is least among all last letters so word “been” is arranged first.
For numbers→ for the number arrangement we have to add the digits of given number. And then each sum is arranged in ascending order from left to right.
Input: our 18 has 71 been 51 no 41 interest 25
Step I: 41 our 18 has 71 51 no interest 25 been
Step II: 51 41 our 18 has 71 interest 25 been no
Step III: 25 51 41 18 has 71 interest been no our
Step IV: 71 25 51 41 18 interest been no our has
Step V: 18 71 25 51 41 been no our has interest
Q8. चरण II में, निम्नलिखित में से कौन सा तत्व बाएं स्थान से चौथे के दाएं से दूसरा तत्व होगा?
इनमें से कोई नहीं
Students let us understand the Logic behind this Question and let’s understand how to solve it.
For words → Word are arranged according to last letter of each word. So, we have to see the last letter of each word. In the given input series last letter of given words are- R, S, N, O and T. And then each last letter is arranged in alphabetical order(according to English dictionary) from right to left. In given input series N is least among all last letters so word “been” is arranged first.
For numbers→ for the number arrangement we have to add the digits of given number. And then each sum is arranged in ascending order from left to right.
Input: our 18 has 71 been 51 no 41 interest 25
Step I: 41 our 18 has 71 51 no interest 25 been
Step II: 51 41 our 18 has 71 interest 25 been no
Step III: 25 51 41 18 has 71 interest been no our
Step IV: 71 25 51 41 18 interest been no our has
Step V: 18 71 25 51 41 been no our has interest
Q9. उपर्युक्त व्यवस्थाओं को पूरा करने के लिए कितने चरणों की आवश्यकता है?
इनमें से कोई नहीं
Students let us understand the Logic behind this Question and let’s understand how to solve it.
For words → Word are arranged according to last letter of each word. So, we have to see the last letter of each word. In the given input series last letter of given words are- R, S, N, O and T. And then each last letter is arranged in alphabetical order(according to English dictionary) from right to left. In given input series N is least among all last letters so word “been” is arranged first.
For numbers→ for the number arrangement we have to add the digits of given number. And then each sum is arranged in ascending order from left to right.
Input: our 18 has 71 been 51 no 41 interest 25
Step I: 41 our 18 has 71 51 no interest 25 been
Step II: 51 41 our 18 has 71 interest 25 been no
Step III: 25 51 41 18 has 71 interest been no our
Step IV: 71 25 51 41 18 interest been no our has
Step V: 18 71 25 51 41 been no our has interest
Q10. निम्नलिखित में से व्यवस्था के बाद चरण III कौन सा है?
25 51 41 18 has 71 interest been no our
25 51 41 18 has 71 interest been our no
51 25 41 18 has 71 interest been no our
25 41 51 18 has 71 interest been no our
इनमें से कोई नहीं
Students let us understand the Logic behind this Question and let’s understand how to solve it.
For words → Word are arranged according to last letter of each word. So, we have to see the last letter of each word. In the given input series last letter of given words are- R, S, N, O and T. And then each last letter is arranged in alphabetical order(according to English dictionary) from right to left. In given input series N is least among all last letters so word “been” is arranged first.
For numbers→ for the number arrangement we have to add the digits of given number. And then each sum is arranged in ascending order from left to right.
Input: our 18 has 71 been 51 no 41 interest 25
Step I: 41 our 18 has 71 51 no interest 25 been
Step II: 51 41 our 18 has 71 interest 25 been no
Step III: 25 51 41 18 has 71 interest been no our
Step IV: 71 25 51 41 18 interest been no our has
Step V: 18 71 25 51 41 been no our has interest
Directions (11-15): एक शब्द और संख्या व्यवस्था मशीन को जब शब्दों और संख्याओं का एक इनपुट दिया जाता है, तो वह प्रत्येक चरण में एक निश्चित नियम का अनुसरण करते हुए उन्हें व्यवस्थित करती है। निम्नलिखित इनपुट और पुनर्व्यवस्था का एक उदाहरण है।
इनपुट: Problem 58 solve 48 78 49 man time fly 26 87 what
चरण I: 26 problem 58 solve 48 78 49 man time 87 what fly
चरण II:26 87 problem 58 solve 48 78 49 time what man fly
चरण III:26 87 48 58 solve 78 49 time what problem man fly
चरण IV:26 87 48 78 58 49 time what solve problem man fly
चरण V:26 87 48 78 49 58 what time solve problem man fly
और चरण V उपरोक्त व्यवस्था का अंतिम चरण है।
उपरोक्त चरण में अनुसरण किये गए नियमों के अनुसार, निम्नलिखित में से प्रत्येक प्रश्न में दिए गये इनपुट के लिए उचित चरण ज्ञात कीजिये।
प्रश्नों के लिए इनपुट:
इनपुट: why 16 29 not 47 tall 58 violet orange 91 32 small 67 51 boy you

Q11. निम्नलिखित में कौन अंतिम व्यवस्था होगी?

16 91 29 67 32 why 47 58 violet 51 you tall small orange not boy
16 91 29 67 why 47 tall 58 violet 32 51 you small orange not boy
16 91 29 67 32 58 why 47 51 you violet tall small orange not boy
16 91 29 67 32 58 47 51you why violet tall small orange not boy
इनमें से कोई नहीं
From the given input and final step it is understood that words are arranged in the alphabetical order. Numbers are arranged alternately in the increasing order and alternatively in decreasing order i.e. least number followed by highest number, second least number followed by second highest number and so on….
Input: why 16 29 not 47 tall 58 violet orange 91 32 small 67 51 you boy
Step I: 16 why 29 not 47 tall 58 violet orange 91 32 small 67 51 you boy
Step II:16 91 why 29 47 tall 58 violet orange 32 small 67 51 you not boy
Step III:16 91 29 why 47 tall 58 violet 32 small 67 51 you orange not boy
Step IV:16 91 29 67 why 47 tall 58 violet 32 51 you small orange not boy
Step V: 16 91 29 67 32 why 47 58 violet 51 you tall small orange not boy
Step VI: 16 91 29 67 32 58 why 47 51 you violet tall small orange not boy
Step VII: 16 91 29 67 32 58 47 51you why violet tall small orange not boy
Q12.चरण III में, निम्नलिखित में से बाएं से छठे स्थान पर कौन सा तत्व होगा?
इनमें से कोई नहीं
From the given input and final step it is understood that words are arranged in the alphabetical order. Numbers are arranged alternately in the increasing order and alternatively in decreasing order i.e. least number followed by highest number, second least number followed by second highest number and so on….
Input: why 16 29 not 47 tall 58 violet orange 91 32 small 67 51 you boy
Step I: 16 why 29 not 47 tall 58 violet orange 91 32 small 67 51 you boy
Step II:16 91 why 29 47 tall 58 violet orange 32 small 67 51 you not boy
Step III:16 91 29 why 47 tall 58 violet 32 small 67 51 you orange not boy
Step IV:16 91 29 67 why 47 tall 58 violet 32 51 you small orange not boy
Step V: 16 91 29 67 32 why 47 58 violet 51 you tall small orange not boy
Step VI: 16 91 29 67 32 58 why 47 51 you violet tall small orange not boy
Step VII: 16 91 29 67 32 58 47 51you why violet tall small orange not boy
Q13. चरण V में, बाएं तत्व से आठवें के दाएं से छठे स्थान पर निम्नलिखित में से कौन सा शब्द होगा?
From the given input and final step it is understood that words are arranged in the alphabetical order. Numbers are arranged alternately in the increasing order and alternatively in decreasing order i.e. least number followed by highest number, second least number followed by second highest number and so on….
Input: why 16 29 not 47 tall 58 violet orange 91 32 small 67 51 you boy
Step I: 16 why 29 not 47 tall 58 violet orange 91 32 small 67 51 you boy
Step II:16 91 why 29 47 tall 58 violet orange 32 small 67 51 you not boy
Step III:16 91 29 why 47 tall 58 violet 32 small 67 51 you orange not boy
Step IV:16 91 29 67 why 47 tall 58 violet 32 51 you small orange not boy
Step V: 16 91 29 67 32 why 47 58 violet 51 you tall small orange not boy
Step VI: 16 91 29 67 32 58 why 47 51 you violet tall small orange not boy
Step VII: 16 91 29 67 32 58 47 51you why violet tall small orange not boy
Q14. व्यवस्था के चरण IV में, यदि एक निश्चित प्रकार से 16 का सम्बंध 29 से है और 67 का सम्बंध 47 से है, तो इसी पैटर्न का अनुसरण करते हुए 58 से किसका सम्बंध होगा? 
इनमें से कोई नहीं
From the given input and final step it is understood that words are arranged in the alphabetical order. Numbers are arranged alternately in the increasing order and alternatively in decreasing order i.e. least number followed by highest number, second least number followed by second highest number and so on….
Input: why 16 29 not 47 tall 58 violet orange 91 32 small 67 51 you boy
Step I: 16 why 29 not 47 tall 58 violet orange 91 32 small 67 51 you boy
Step II:16 91 why 29 47 tall 58 violet orange 32 small 67 51 you not boy
Step III:16 91 29 why 47 tall 58 violet 32 small 67 51 you orange not boy
Step IV:16 91 29 67 why 47 tall 58 violet 32 51 you small orange not boy
Step V: 16 91 29 67 32 why 47 58 violet 51 you tall small orange not boy
Step VI: 16 91 29 67 32 58 why 47 51 you violet tall small orange not boy
Step VII: 16 91 29 67 32 58 47 51you why violet tall small orange not boy
Q15. निम्नलिखित में से कौन सा अंतिम से दूसरा चरण है?
इनमें से कोई नहीं
From the given input and final step it is understood that words are arranged in the alphabetical order. Numbers are arranged alternately in the increasing order and alternatively in decreasing order i.e. least number followed by highest number, second least number followed by second highest number and so on….
Input: why 16 29 not 47 tall 58 violet orange 91 32 small 67 51 you boy
Step I: 16 why 29 not 47 tall 58 violet orange 91 32 small 67 51 you boy
Step II:16 91 why 29 47 tall 58 violet orange 32 small 67 51 you not boy
Step III:16 91 29 why 47 tall 58 violet 32 small 67 51 you orange not boy
Step IV:16 91 29 67 why 47 tall 58 violet 32 51 you small orange not boy
Step V: 16 91 29 67 32 why 47 58 violet 51 you tall small orange not boy
Step VI: 16 91 29 67 32 58 why 47 51 you violet tall small orange not boy
Step VII: 16 91 29 67 32 58 47 51you why violet tall small orange not boy

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