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HINDU Newspaper Vocabulary for IPPB and IBPS Exams 2016

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Meaning: shameless boldness
Synonym: cockiness, cheekiness, pertness
Sentence: “the little squirt had the effrontery to deny eating any cookies, even with the crumbs still on his lips”

Meaning: foolish words or ideas
Synonym: applesauce, balderdash
Sentence: He thinks everything politicians say is just a bunch of malarkey

Meaning: speech or writing that is meant to sound important or impressive but is not sincere or meaningful
Synonym: exaggeration
Sentence: you need less bombast and more substance in this speech on human rights

Meaning: ostentatiously costly and luxurious.
Synonym: luxurious, sumptuous, palatial
Antonym: penniless, poor, impoverished, penurious
Sentence: “the opulent comfort of a limousine”

Meaning: contrary to reason or common sense; utterly absurd or ridiculous.
Synonym: absurd, ridiculous, foolish, stupid, ludicrous
Antonym: reasonable, sensible
Sentence: “a preposterous suggestion”

Meaning: a right or privilege exclusive to a particular individual or class.
Synonym: entitlement, right, privilege, advantage
Sentence: “in some countries, higher education is predominantly the prerogative of the rich”

Meaning: occurring, awarded, or appearing after the death of the originator., (of a child) born after the death of its father.
Synonym: postmortem
Antonym: antemortem
Sentence: “he was awarded a posthumous Military Cross”

Meaning: safe to drink; drinkable.
Synonym: drinkable
Antonym: contaminated, dirty, foul, polluted;
Sentence: “there is no supply of potable water available”

Meaning: a mixture of dried petals and spices placed in a bowl to perfume a room.
a mixture or medley of things.
Synonym: mixture, assortment, collection, selection
Sentence: “he played a potpourri of tunes from Gilbert and Sullivan”

10. Pernicious
Meaning: having a harmful effect, especially in a gradual or subtle way.
Synonym: harmful, damaging, destructive, injurious
Antonym: beneficial, benign, favourable
Sentence: “the pernicious influences of the mass media”

HINDU Newspaper Vocabulary for IPPB and IBPS Exams 2016 | Latest Hindi Banking jobs_4.1
HINDU Newspaper Vocabulary for IPPB and IBPS Exams 2016 | Latest Hindi Banking jobs_5.1

HINDU Newspaper Vocabulary for IPPB and IBPS Exams 2016 | Latest Hindi Banking jobs_6.1
HINDU Newspaper Vocabulary for IPPB and IBPS Exams 2016 | Latest Hindi Banking jobs_7.1
HINDU Newspaper Vocabulary for IPPB and IBPS Exams 2016 | Latest Hindi Banking jobs_8.1