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English Quizzes, for SBI/IBPS PO Prelims 2021 – 8th November – Miscellaneous

English Quizzes, for SBI/IBPS PO Prelims 2021 – 8th November – Miscellaneous | Latest Hindi Banking jobs_3.1

TOPIC: Miscellaneous

 Directions (1-5): Each question below has two blanks, each blank indicating that something has been omitted. Choose the set of words for each blank that best fits the meaning of the sentence as a whole.

Q1. The business management institute focuses on a well-rounded development, _________ that it believes cannot be _________ without public engagement.
(a) anything, stopped
(b) everything, possessed
(c) nothing, conveyed
(d) all things, criticized
(e) something, nurtured

Q2. The disproportionate __________ by the Indian forces against firing by the Pakistani forces has shown that Narendra Modi regime will not take truce _________ lightly.
(a) revolution, breach
(b) attack, contravention
(c) ambush, offence
(d) retaliation, violations
(e) counter, infringement

Q3. You never realise that even the most nutritious diet cannot give you the _______ results if your digestive system is not fit enough to digest or absorb its nutrients _________.
(a) aspired, competently
(b) desired, efficiently
(c) considerate, dexterously
(d) wished, comfortably
(e) longed, freely

Q4. It is the old story of an anatomy professor in a medical college asking his students a trick question: which part of the human body can expand _________ times its size _________ excitement?
(a) most, in
(b) many, of
(c) several, under
(d) numerous, for
(e) single, while

Q5. When the CAG offered different figures of _________ loss in 2G spectrum everybody, from Modi to the media, _________ for the highest amount.
(a) notional, jumped
(b) national, dived
(c) conceptual, bounced
(d) fabulous, plummeted
(e) hypothetical, upsurged

Directions (6-15): Read each sentence to find out whether there is any grammatical error in it. The error, if any, will be in one part of the sentence. The number of that part is the answer. If there is no error, the answer will be (e) i.e., ‘No Error. (Ignore errors of punctuations, if any).

Q6. Mangal Pandey was well known (a)/because he was involved (b)/in the initial stages (c)/ of the Indian rebellion. (d)/No error (e)
(a) a
(b) b
(c) c
(d) d
(e) e

Q7.(a) In fact, the human civilisation is / (b) the history of man’s growth / (c) control over / (d) the sources of energy. / (e) No error
(a) a
(b) b
(c) c
(d) d
(e) e

Q8. Her doctor was (a)/ annoyed because she (b)/ ignore her health (c)/ even after being hospitalized twice. (d)/ No Error (e)
(a) a
(b) b
(c) c
(d) d
(e) e

Q9. Raghav was worry (a)/ about telling his parents (b)/ that he wanted to move out (c)/ and live independently./ (d) No Error (e)
(a) a
(b) b
(c) c
(d) d
(e) e

Q10. The company’s decision to issue (a)/ bonus- shares clearly indicates (b)/ the management’s confident (c)/ about the future. (d)/ No error (e).
(a) a
(b) b
(c) c
(d) d
(e) e

Q11. (a)A lots of real estate companies may come up / (b) with tempting offers and discounts but buyers should / (c)always keep their eyes open and must check / (d)whether all approvals are in place or not. / (e)No error
(a) a
(b) b
(c) c
(d) d
(e) e

Q12. (a)Before investing, / (b)you should look after the / (c)overall business dynamics of the company / (d)along with efficient management and good corporate governance. / (e)No error
(a) a
(b) b
(c) c
(d) d
(e) e

Q13. Unless (a)/ he will not understand (b)/ the concept he will not be (c)/ able to solve the questions. (d)/ No error (e)
(a) a
(b) b
(c) c
(d) d
(e) e

Q14. The objective of facebook might (a)/be fair but there are (b)/certain unintended consequences (c)/of what are disguised as freebies. (d)/ No error (e)
(a) a
(b) b
(c) c
(d) d
(e) e

Q15. (a) This is a strange world (a)/ where each one pursues their (b)/ own golden bubble (c)/ and laughs at others for doing the same.(d)/ No error (e)
(a) a
(b) b
(c) c
(d) d
(e) e



S1. Ans.(e)
Sol.  ‘something, nurtured’ is the correct use.
Nurtured– to help or encourage the development of.

S2. Ans.(d)
Sol.  ‘retaliation, violations’ is the correct use.
Retaliation- action taken in return for an injury or offense.
Violation- the action of violating someone or something. 

S3. Ans.(b)
Sol.  ‘desired, efficiently’ is the correct use.
Desired– strongly wish for or want (something).
Efficiently- performing or functioning in the best possible manner.

S4. Ans.(c)
Sol.  ‘several, under’ is the correct use.

S5. Ans.(a)
Sol.  ‘notional, jumped’ is the correct use.
Notional– existing as or based on a suggestion, estimate, or theory.

S6. Ans.(a)
Sol. Replace ‘is’ with ‘was’ because present indefinite tense is used to denote general truth.

S7. Ans.(b)
Sol. Replace ‘growth’ with ‘growing’

S8. Ans.(c)
Sol. ‘Ignore’ will be replaced by ‘ignored’ as sentence structure is in past tense.

S9. Ans.(a)
Sol. ‘worried’ will come in place of ‘worry’ as sentence structure is in past tense.

S10. Ans.(c)
Sol. Here, Noun not an adjective should be used. Hence, the management’s confidence….. should be used.

Sol. Replace ‘lots’ into ‘lot’

Sol. Replace ‘after’ with ‘at’

Sol. Change ‘he will not understand’ with ‘he understands’. ‘Not’ and ‘will’ do not come after ‘unless’.

Sol. No error.

Sol. ‘Each one’ is singular and hence will take singular pronoun ‘his’.

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English Quizzes, for SBI/IBPS PO Prelims 2021 – 8th November – Miscellaneous | Latest Hindi Banking jobs_6.1