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English Quizzes, for SBI/IBPS PO Prelims 2021 – 17th October – Word Replacement, Sentence Completion, Idioms and Phrases

English Quizzes, for SBI/IBPS PO Prelims 2021 – 17th October – Word Replacement, Sentence Completion, Idioms and Phrases | Latest Hindi Banking jobs_3.1

TOPIC: Word Replacement, Sentence Completion, Idioms and Phrases

Directions (1-5): In each of the following questions four words are given in bold. Which of the following words must replace each other so that the sentence becomes contextually correct and meaningful. If the sentence is correct as it is, choose option (e) as your answer

Q1. The word ‘holistic’ has (1)/ into its way (2)/ made common vocabulary, (3)/especially in the health and (4)/wellness industry.

(a) 1-2

(b) 2-3

(c) 3-4

(d) 2-4

(e) No change required

Q2. The (1)/advent of modern lifestyle with (2)/ coincided dependence on automation and reduced physical labour has (3)/ increasing with the rapid (4)/growth of several illnesses.

(a) 1-2

(b) 2-3

(c) 3-4

(d) 2-4

(e) No change required

Q3. It was heartbreaking to (1)/witness my (2)/ailing grandmother’s (3)/delusion that her (4)/deceased husband was alive.

(a) 1-2

(b) 2-3

(c) 3-4

(d) 2-4

(e) No change required

Q4. (1)/ Keeping active interest in the world around us, solving puzzles, (2)/engaging in mentally (3)/stimulating challenges and brain teasers are some ways of (4)/ taking the brain activated.

(a) 1-4

(b) 2-3

(c) 3-4

(d) 2-4

(e) No change required

Q5.  Let’s admit it, even if you don’t live to eat, eating is a (1)/vital part of living. It is an (2)/important act of nourishing your body, a wholesome (3)/pleasure you get to (4)/indulge in at least twice or thrice a day.

(a) 1-2

(b) 2-3

(c) 3-4

(d) 2-4

(e) No change required

Directions (6-10): In each of the questions given below an incomplete sentence which must be filled/completed with one of the sentences/phrases given below i.e. one of the sentences/phrases can be fit into the given blanks. Choose the correct option and complete the given sentences.

Q6.  Mindful eating is about being aware of the food we eat, giving it all of our attention and building a deep connect……………………………………….

(a) with what goes into our bodies

(b) with what go into our bodies

(c) with what going into our bodies

(d) with what goes on our bodies

(e) None of the Above

Q7.  Physical activity is an important aspect of health and one should target at least 30 minutes of meaningful, challenging activity every day and follow a progressive approach …………………………………………………………………..

(a) since the body keeps get used to regular efforts.

(b) since the body keeps getting used to regular efforts.

(c) since the body keeps getting use to regular efforts.

(d) since the body keeps getting used to regularly efforts.

(e) None of the Above

Q8. When new year resolutions are exchanged one of the things we might reconsider is the list of ……………………………………………….. about life and people.

(a) some of our long holding notions

(b) some off our long held notions

(c) some of our long held notions

(d) some of our long held notion

(e) None of the Above

Q9. Most of the conflicts in life arise from the belief that one is always right and this strong belief is ……………………………………………………… true.

(a) root in opinions which may not always

(b) rooted in opinions when may not always

(c) rooted opinions which may not always

(d) rooted in opinions which may not always

(e) None of the Above

Q10. One of the motives of modern education was to equip huge sections of population ……………………………………………..

(a) to play their role in an industrialised world.

(b) to play there role in an industrialised world.

(c) to play their role of an industrialised world.

(d) to play their rolling in an industrialised world.

(e) None of the Above

Directions (11-15): In each of the questions given below a/an idiom/phrase is given in bold which is then followed by five options which then try to decipher its meaning. Choose the option which gives the correct meaning of the phrases.

Q11.  A hot potato

(a) an angry person

(b) a controversial group

(c) a useless person

(d) A situation that is easy to deal with

(e) A controversial situation that is awkward to deal with

Q12.  Zip your lip

(a) to be ignorant

(b) to be harsh

(c) to stop talking

(d) to remain foolish

(e) to get hurt

Q13. Fit of anger

(a) to beat someone(badly)to dead

(b) to display a very bad temper, often by screaming a lot

(c) to control the anger

(d) to cover up the damage caused

(e) to not to talk anyone because of anger

Q14.  Caught between two stools

(a) to be very fat

(b) caught between two major problems

(c) to be partial

(d) caught between two alternatives to choose

(e) to have no solution to the problem

Q15. Drastic times call for drastic measures

(a) to take extreme steps at extremely hard times

(b) to be rude when exhausted

(c) to take help of strong people

(d) to be violent when at job

(e) to kill people in the war



S1. Ans.(a)
Sol. Replace ‘into-made’ with each other to make a grammatically correct and meaningful sentence.

S2. Ans.(b)
Sol. Replace ‘coincided-increasing’ with each other to make a grammatically correct and meaningful sentence.

S3. Ans.(e)
Sol. No change required

S4. Ans.(a)
Sol. Replace ‘keeping-taking’ with each other to make a grammatically correct and meaningful sentence.

S5. Ans.(e)
Sol. No change required

S6. Ans.(a)
Sol. “with what goes into our bodies ” is grammatically and contextually correct..

S7. Ans.(b)
Sol. “since the body keeps getting used to regular efforts” is grammatically and contextually correct.

S8. Ans.(c)
Sol. “some of our long held notions ” is grammatically and contextually correct.

S9. Ans.(d)
Sol. “rooted in opinions which may not always ” is grammatically and contextually correct.

S10. Ans.(a)
Sol. “to play their role in an industrialised world” is grammatically and contextually correct.

S11. Ans.(e)
Sol. A hot potato: A controversial situation that is awkward to deal with

S12. Ans.(c)
Sol. Zip your lip: To stop talking

S13. Ans.(b)
Sol. Fit of anger: to display a very bad temper, often by screaming a lot

S14. Ans.(d)
Sol. Caught between two stools: caught between two alternatives to choose

S15. Ans.(a)
Sol. Drastic times call for drastic measures: to take extreme steps at extremely hard times

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English Quizzes, for SBI/IBPS PO Prelims 2021 – 17th October – Word Replacement, Sentence Completion, Idioms and Phrases | Latest Hindi Banking jobs_6.1