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English Quizzes For SBI PO Mains 2023- 25th January

Directions (1-3): Some statements are given below in jumbled fashion. Arrange the parts of the statement. Also, one of the parts may or may not contain grammatical error after the arrangement. Based on these six statements, answer the questions following the statements.

[I] to measure consumer attention on mobile (A)/ even no less than half of marketers (B)/ claim to be confident in their current mobile (C)/ KPIs, and even fewer consider themselves able (D)/

[II] also enable SEBI to form policies and regulations encouraging them (A)/ SEBI has considered regulatory sandbox (B)/ there fintech solutions in isolation from live market, but (C)/which will not only allow companies to test (D)

[III] there was absolutely no proposal (A)/ and all such rumours floating (B)/to merge LICHFL with no other entity (C)/ in the market are not based on facts (D)

Q1. Identify the correct rearrangement of the phrases given in statement [I].Also identify the phrase which contains grammatical error.

(a) ACBD; B
(b) CABD; D
(c) BCDA; B
(d) CABD; A
(e) BCDA; No error

Q2. Identify the correct rearrangement of the phrases given in statement [II].Also identify the phrase which contains grammatical error.

(a) CABD; D
(b) CABD; C
(c) DBCA; B
(d) BDCA; C

Q3. Identify the correct rearrangement of the phrases given in statement [III].Also identify the phrase which contains grammatical error.

(a) ACBD; C
(b) CDAB; B
(c) ACBD; A
(d) DBAC; D
(e) None of these

Directions (4-8): In the following questions, some sentences are given which are divided into four parts. Based on these, questions are framed. Answer them accordingly.

(I) (A)The Geocast system works by automatically / (B) flipping between/(C) the two network tiers/ (D) depending their availability.

(II) (A) She abandoned her/(B) to the delicacy of the/(C) dessert which her/(D) husband had prepared for her.

(III)(A)I watched my/(B) colleagues abasing/(C) themselves before the/(D) boarding of the trustees.

(IV)(A) Reports suggest Flipkart is not the/(B) only company from e-commerce/ (C)and related sectors to have deferred/(D) the joining dates from their campus hires.

(V)(A) Asian users are /(B) most engaged with /(C) the social web than /(D) users in the West.

Q4. In which part of the sentence (I) has grammatical or contextual error in it?
(a) C
(b) D
(c) No error
(d) B
(e) A

Q5. In which part of the sentence (II) has grammatical or contextual error in it?
(a) C
(b) D
(c) No error
(d) B
(e) A

Q6. In which part of the sentence (III) has grammatical or contextual error in it?
(a) C
(b) D
(c) No error
(d) B
(e) A

Q7. In which part of the sentence (IV)has grammatical or contextual error in it?
(a) C
(b) D
(c) No error
(d) B
(e) A

Q8. In which part of the sentence (V) has grammatical or contextual error in it?
(a) C
(b) D
(c) No error
(d) B
(e) A

Directions (9-15): In each of the following questions given below, a sentence is given with some bold words which may contain errors. Below each of the sentences, a table is given with two columns in which column ‘A’ contains the list of bold words, and in column ‘B’ the suggested corrections are listed. You have to choose the best alternate among the four given options. If no correction is required against the given bold words, mark (e) .i.e. “None of the above” as your answer.

The fishing and current account deficits had been compressed, and GDP growing was slowly picking up momentum year after year.
Column A
(1) Fishing
(2) Deficits
(3) Growing
(4) Momentum
Column B
(5) Fiscal
(6) Deficient
(7) Growth
(8) Momentarily
(a) Only 2-6
(b) Both 1-5 and 4-8
(c) Both 1-5 and 2-6
(d) Both 1-5 and 3-7
(e) None of the above

Economist Subramanian Swamy has consistently drawn attention to the dire consequences to be expected as a result of the Modi government’s approach to the economy.
Column A
(1) Consistently
(2) Consequences
(3) Result
(4) Approach
Column B
(5) Dependability
(6) Substantial
(7) Occasioning
(8) Loomed
(a) Only 2-6
(b) Both 1-5 and 4-8
(c) Both 1-5 and 2-6
(d) Both 1-5 and 3-7
(e) None of the above

Q11. Prescriptions about global oil have flipped dramatically over the last six weeks, from fears of shortcoming to apprehension of a glut. Brent futures of oil for delivery in January 2019, which had risen to a four-year high of $86.30 per barrel on October 3, is now $66.60.
(1) prescriptions
(2) flipped
(3) shortcoming
(4) risen

(5) perceptions
(6) flip
(7) shortage
(8) arise

(a) Both (1) – (5) and (3) – (7)
(b) (2) – (6)
(c) (1) – (5)
(d) (3) – (7)
(e) None of the above

Q12. In 1770, long before computers were discovered, Wolfgang von Kempelen built what was widely believed to be the world’s first intelligent machine—a device so smart that it consistently beat some of the best minds of the day at chess.
(1) discovered
(2) believed
(3) intelligent
(4) consistently

(5) invented
(6) bewildered
(7) intelligently
(8) consistent

(a) Both (1) – (5) and (3) – (7)
(b) (2) – (6)
(c) (1) – (5)
(d) (3) – (7)
(e) None of the above

Q13. The Aspiring Principals Leadership program is designed for people who are likely to become principals soon. It focuses on educational leadership over than school administration, and emphasis curriculum planning, student progressive and teaching quality.
(1) designed
(2) over
(3) emphasis
(4) progressive

(5) designing
(6) rather
(7) emphasises
(8) progress

(a) (1) – (5)
(b) (2) – (6)
(c) (1) – (5)
(d) (2) – (6), (3) – (7) and (4) – (8)
(e) None of the above

Q14. Anganwadicentres (AWCs) are the focal point of distribution of health and nutrition services for pregnant women, lactating mothers and children. There have been improvements in the quantity, quality and coverage of services provided to the beneficiaries.

(1) distribution
(2) improvements
(3) coverage
(4) beneficiaries

(5) delivery
(6) improvement
(7) covering
(8) benefits

(a) (1) – (5)
(b) (2) – (6)
(c) (1) – (5)
(d) (2) – (6), (3) – (7) and (4) – (8)
(e) None of the above

Q15. Tamil Nadu has been in the limelight for long for its child labour problems. Children were falling pray to the exploitative labour in firecracker and matchsticks-producing industries. In 2012-13, a major fire accident occurred in Sivakasi, where both — children and adults — lost their lives.

(1) limelight
(2) pray
(3) industries
(4) occured

(5) highlighted
(6) prey
(7) establishment
(8) happening

(a) (1) – (5)
(b) (2) – (6)
(c) (1) – (5)
(d) (2) – (6), (3) – (7) and (4) – (8)
(e) None of the above


S1. Ans. (c)
Sol. The correct rearrangement of the given parts of the sentence will be BCDA. Also, the error lies in phrase given in part (B), where ‘even no less than’ will be replaced with ‘fewer than’. Fewer means “not as many”, therefore, we use fewer with countable nouns like cookies. ‘Less’ means “not as much.” We use ‘less’ with uncountable nouns like milk. Hence, option (c) is the most suitable answer choice.

S2. Ans. (d)
Sol. The correct rearrangement of the given parts of the sentence will be BDCA. Also, the error lies in phrase given in part (C), where ‘there’ will be replaced with ‘their’. Hence, option (d) is the most suitable answer choice.

S3. Ans. (a)
Sol. The correct rearrangement of the given parts of the sentence will be ACBD. Also, the error lies in phrase given in part (C), where use of ‘No’ is superfluous and needs to be replaced with ‘any’ as two negations can’t be used together in a single sentence.

S4. Ans. (b)
Sol. Add ‘on’ before ‘their’ as ‘depend’ is followed by the preposition ‘on’.

S5. Ans. (e)
Sol. use ‘herself’ in place of ‘her’.

S6. Ans. (b)
Sol. ‘the noun of noun’ is correct usage. Hence, ‘the board of trustees’ is correct usage

S7. Ans. (b)
Sol. Joining dates ‘for’ is correct usage.

S8. Ans. (d)
Sol. A comparison should be employed by the use of ‘more’ instead of ‘most’ when it is for two persons or things.

S9. Ans. (d)
Sol. Both 1-5 and 3-7 i.e, ‘Fishing-fiscal’ and ‘growing-growth’ will be replaced thus making the sentence contextually meaningful and grammatically correct.

S10. Ans. (e)
Sol. Here, the sentence is contextually meaningful and grammatically correct thus doesn’t require any replacements. The right answer choice is option (e).

S11. Ans. (a)
Sol. The sentence is describing about the fluctuations in the price of oil barrel. Therefore, the words ‘prescriptions’ and ‘shortcomings’ are incorrect in the context of the paragraph. Hence, they should be replaced by ‘perceptions’ and ‘shortage’. ‘Perceptions’ means the way in which something is regarded, understood, or interpreted. ‘Shortage’ means a state or situation in which something needed cannot be obtained in sufficient amounts. Hence, option (a) is the most suitable answer choice.

S12. Ans. (c)
Sol. The sentence is describing about a smart device which was invented before computers, which was built by Wolfgang von Kempelen. Therefore, the word “discovered” which means be the first to find or observe (a place, substance, or scientific phenomenon) is incorrect and should be replaced by “invented” which means create or design (something that has not existed before); be the originator of. All the other highlighted words are grammatically and contextually correct. Hence, option (c) is the correct answer choice.

S13. Ans. (d)
Sol. The sentence is describing about a leadership program for the Aspiring Principals. It has also mentioned its areas of interests to work on. To frame a grammatically correct sentence, replace “over” with “rather” as “rather than” indicates that something is done in place of something else. “emphasis” should be replaced by “emphasizes” as the subject [The Aspiring Principals Leadership program] of the verb is singular. Moreover, “progressive” should be replaced by “progress” as progressive is an adjective which means happening or developing gradually or in stages while ‘progress’ is a noun which means forward or onward movement towards a destination. Hence, option (d) is the most suitable answer choice.

S14. Ans. (a)
Sol. The sentence is describing about the services provided by the Anganwadicentres. Services are rendered or delivered but cannot be distributed. To frame a grammatically correct and contextually meaningful paragraph, replace “distribution” which means the action of sharing something out among a number of recipients by “delivery” which means the supply or provision of something. All the other highlighted words are correct, hence, option (a) is the most suitable answer choice.

S15. Ans. (b)
Sol. The word “pray” which means address a prayer to God or another deity is incorrect and must be replaced by “prey” to form a contextually meaningful sentence. “prey” means someone who can be easily deceived or harmed. All the other highlighted words are correct, hence, option (b) is the most suitable answer choice.

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English Quizzes For SBI PO Mains 2023- 25th January