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English Quizzes For SBI Clerk Prelims 2022 : 10th May – Word Swap

English Quizzes For SBI Clerk Prelims 2022 : 10th May – Word Swap | Latest Hindi Banking jobs_3.1

TOPIC: Word Swap

Directions (1-15): In each of the questions given below four words are given in bold. These four words may or may not be in their correct position. The sentence is then followed by options with the correct combination of words that should replace each other in order to make the sentence grammatically and contextually correct. Find the correct combination of the words that replace each other. If the sentence is correct as it is then select option ‘No correction required’ as your choice.

Q1. Water is laundry (1) for the safe provision of medical (2) care as it is needed for hand-washing, sterilising (3) wards and surgical tools, cleaning equipment and essential (4).
(a) Only 1 and 4
(b) 3-4 and 1-2
(c) No correction required
(d) 1-3 and 2-4
(e) Only 2 and 3

Q2. Cooking gas (1) on Saturday became costlier by ₹50 per cylinder with the second-rate hike (2) in less than two months pushing the price (3) for about 289 million households to over ₹1,000 per 14.2 kg refill (4) in many places.
(a) Both 2-4 and 1-3
(b) Only 2-3
(c) Only 1-4
(d) Both 1-4 and 2-3
(e) No correction required

Q3. After a return (1) respite from the scorching (2) heat, heatwave conditions are set to brief (3) in some parts (4) of the country from Saturday, the India Meteorological Department (IMD) has said.
(a) Only 1-4
(b) Only 2-3
(c) Only 1-3
(d) Both 1-2 and 4-3
(e) No correction required

Q4. Clean (1) is the time to start with a morning (2) slate and set the day (3) for the entire tone (4).
(a) No correction required
(b) Only 2-4
(c) Only 3-4
(d) Both 1-2 and 3-4
(e) Both 1-4 and 2-3

Q5. One (1) and international trade (2) require countries and their economies (3) to compete with globalization (4) another.
(a) Only 1-4
(b) No correction required
(c) Only 2-3
(d) Both 2-3 and 1-4
(e) Both 1-2 and 3-4

Q6. Human rights (1) activists and international excuse (2) first warned in April 2020 that countries could use the COVID-19 pandemic as a/an leaders (3) to crack down on human (4) rights.
(a) Only 1-4
(b) Both 2-4 and 1-3
(c) No correction required
(d) Only 2-3
(e) Both 1-2 and 3-4

Q7. Nearly 80 per cent (1) of Indian states (2) are prone (3) to heatwaves, according to an Indian government (4) official.
(a) No correction required
(b) Both 2-4 and 1-3
(c) Only 2-3
(d) Only 1-2
(e) Both 1-4 and 2-3

Q8. Researchers at the Indian Institute (1) of Technology Mandi have identified a molecule (2) that can be used to diabetes (3) Type 1 and Type 2 treat (4).
(a) Both 2-4 and 1-3
(b) Only 1-2
(c) Only 3-4
(d) No correction required
(e) Both 1-2 and 3-4

Q9. The tourist (1) across North India have crossed 46 hovering (2) while the temperature in Kashmir is degrees (3) around 20 degrees, one of the reasons behind the increase in temperatures (4) arrivals.

(a) Only 1-3
(b) Both 1-4 and 2-3
(c) Both 1-3 and 2-4
(d) Only 2-4
(e) No correction required

Q10. Doctors (1) in Canada are instructing their patients (2) to wander park trails, breathe (3) the crunch of leaves beneath their feet and feel (4) in fresh air.
(a) Only 3-4
(b) Both 1-4 and 2-3
(c) No correction required
(d) Both 1-3 and 2-4
(e) Only 2-3

Q11. Sunburns (1) are the most immediately annoying unprotected (2) of too much time spent evidence (3) in the sun, but what we often don’t see right away is the accelerated (4) skin aging and risk of skin cancer that can go along with them.
(a) Only 1-4
(b) Only 2-3
(c) Both 2-4 and 1-3
(d) No correction required
(e) Both 1-4 and 2-3

Q12. Women (1) of all ages and younger men with certain mood (2) disorders are more likely (3) to develop certain chronic (4) illnesses, according to new research.
(a) Only 1-3
(b) Both 1-3 and 2-4
(c) Only 2-3
(d) No correction required
(e) Only 1-4

Q13. After spacecraft (1) missions to the Moon and Mars, the Indian Space Research Organisation (ISRO) is now readying a sending (2) to orbit Venus to study what lies below the mysteries (3) of the hottest planet in the Solar System and also unravel the surface (4) under the sulphuric acid clouds enveloping it.
(a) Both 1-3 & 2-4
(b) Only 2-4
(c) Both 1-2 & 3-4
(d) Both 1-4 & 2-3
(e) No correction required

Q14. Human rights (1) refer to a political (2) range of wide (3) and social rights recognized (4) by international law.
(a) Only 2-3
(b) Only 3-4
(c) Only 1-2
(d) No correction required
(e) Both 1-2 and 4-3

Q15. Indoor air grave (1) is as quality (2) a health concern (3) as outdoor (4) air quality.
(a) No correction required
(b) Both 2-3 and 1-4
(c) Only 2-3
(d) Only 3-4
(e) Only 1-2


S1. Ans (a)
Sol. Here, 1-4 i.e., ‘laundry – essential’ will be replaced to make the sentence grammatically and contextually correct.
The sentence thus formed is: Water is essential (4) for the safe provision of medical (2) care as it is needed for hand-washing, sterilising (3) wards and surgical tools, cleaning equipment and laundry (1).

S2. Ans (e)
Sol. There are no corrections required in the given sentence. It is correct as it is.

S3. Ans (c)
Sol. Here, 1-3 i.e., ‘return – scorching’ will be replaced to make the sentence grammatically and contextually correct.
The sentence thus formed is: After a brief (3) respite from the scorching (2) heat, heatwave conditions are set to return (1) in some parts (4) of the country from Saturday, the India Meteorological Department (IMD) has said.

S4. Ans (d)
Sol. Here, 1-2 (Clean – morning) and 3-4 (day – tone) will be replaced to make the sentence grammatically and contextually correct.
The sentence thus formed is: Morning (2) is the time to start with a clean (1) slate and set the tone (4) for the entire day (3).

S5. Ans (a)
Sol. Here, 1-4 i.e., ‘one – Globalization’ will be replaced to make the sentence grammatically and contextually correct.
The sentence thus formed is: Globalization (4) and international trade (2) require countries and their economies (3) to compete with one (1) another.

S6. Ans (d)
Sol. Here, 2-3 i.e., ‘excuse – leaders’ will be replaced to make the sentence grammatically and contextually correct.
The sentence thus formed is: Human rights (1) activists and international leaders (3) first warned in April 2020 that countries could use the COVID-19 pandemic as an excuse (2) to crack down on human (4) rights.

S7. Ans (a)
Sol. There are no corrections required in the given sentence. It is correct as it is.

S8. Ans (c)
Sol. Here, 3-4 i.e., ‘diabetes – treat’ will be replaced to make the sentence grammatically and contextually correct.
The sentence thus formed is: Researchers at the Indian Institute (1) of Technology Mandi have identified a molecule (2) that can be used to treat (4) Type 1 and Type 2 diabetes (3).

S9. Ans (b)
Sol. Here, 1-4 (tourist – temperatures) and 2-3 (hovering – degrees) will be replaced to make the sentence grammatically and contextually correct.
The sentence thus formed is: The temperatures (4) across North India have crossed 46 degrees (3) while the temperature in Kashmir is hovering (2) around 20 degrees, one of the reasons behind the increase in tourist (1) arrivals.

S10. Ans (a)
Sol. Here, 3-4 i.e., ‘breathe – feel’ will be replaced to make the sentence grammatically and contextually correct.
The sentence thus formed is: Doctors (1) in Canada are instructing their patients (2) to wander park trails, feel (4) the crunch of leaves beneath their feet and breathe (3) in fresh air.

S11. Ans (b)
Sol. Here, 2-3 i.e., ‘unprotected – evidence’ will be replaced to make the sentence grammatically and contextually correct.
The sentence thus formed is: Sunburns (1) are the most immediately annoying evidence (3) of too much time spent unprotected (2) in the sun, but what we often don’t see right away is the accelerated (4) skin aging and risk of skin cancer that can go along with them.

S12. Ans (d)
Sol. There are no corrections required in the given sentence. It is correct as it is.

S13. Ans (c)
Sol. Here, 1-2 (spacecraft – sending) and 3-4 (mysteries – surface) will be replaced to make the sentence grammatically and contextually correct.
The sentence thus formed is: After sending (2) missions to the Moon and Mars, the Indian Space Research Organisation (ISRO) is now readying a spacecraft (1) to orbit Venus to study what lies below the surface (4) of the hottest planet in the Solar System and also unravel the mysteries (3) under the sulphuric acid clouds enveloping it.

S14. Ans (a)
Sol. Here, 2-3 (political – wide) will be replaced to make the sentence grammatically and contextually correct.
The sentence thus formed is: Human rights (1) refer to a wide (3) range of political (2) and social rights recognized (4) by international law.

S15. Ans (e)
Sol. Here, 1-2 i.e., ‘grave – quality’ will be replaced to make the sentence grammatically and contextually correct.
The sentence thus formed is: Indoor air quality (2) is as grave (1) a health concern (3) as outdoor (4) air quality.

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English Quizzes For SBI Clerk Prelims 2022 : 10th May – Word Swap | Latest Hindi Banking jobs_6.1