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English Quizzes For RBI Grade B/ ECGC PO Pre/SIDBI GRADE A 2022 : 27th April – Cloze Test

English Quizzes For RBI Grade B/ ECGC PO Pre/SIDBI GRADE A 2022 : 27th April – Cloze Test | Latest Hindi Banking jobs_3.1

TOPIC: Cloze Test

 Directions (1-5) There are certain words missing in the passage given below. The options given contain an answer that will fit in those given blanks. Choose the correct word to be used to make the sentence coherent and grammatically correct.

According to the India Meteorological Department (IMD), it has been predicted that heatwave conditions are 1) _________________ in Delhi for the next three days, but has issued a ‘yellow alert’ for a spell starting from April 28. A heat wave occurs when the maximum temperature is 4.5-6.4º above normal and at least 40º C in the plains or 37º C in coastal areas.

The city has already 2) ________________ eight heatwave days in April this year – the maximum for the month since 2010, when 11 such days were recorded. Meanwhile, Odisha continued to 3) _________________ in the grip of a severe heatwave on April 25, 4) _________________ the state government to suspend classes in all schools for five days from Tuesday. Several districts bore the 5) ________________, including Cuttack, Khurda, Angul, Subarnapur, Boudh and Nayagarh, the state weather department’s office said.

(a) abstract
(b) satiated
(c) unlikely
(d) nonchalant
(e) reclusive

(a) recorded
(b) abdicated
(c) duped
(d) venerated
(e) committed

(a) provoke
(b) contrive
(c) Undermine
(d) swelter
(e) warrant

(a) prompting
(b) exalting
(c) empowering
(d) nationalising
(e) substantiating

(a) inertia
(b) nuance
(c) immunity
(d) juncture
(e) brunt

Directions (6-10): There are certain words missing in the passage given below. The options given contain an answer that will fit in those given blanks. Choose the correct word to be used to make the sentence coherent and grammatically correct.

November 26, 1922, marks what is 6) _______________ the most famous discovery in the history of archaeology. On that day, the British Egyptologist Howard Carter made a small hole through which he could insert a candle in the 7) ________________ doorway of Tutankhamun’s burial chamber and thus light up the interior. As his eyes slowly 8) ________________ to the darkness, he was able to make out a chamber that had not been disturbed for over 3,000 years.

Tutankhamun was just a/an 9) ________________ pharaoh during his lifetime, and there is evidence that he was 10) _______________ buried; the second of the three nested coffins seems to have originally belonged to someone else. And yet the inner coffin, in which his mummy was discovered, is made of solid gold, weighing almost 114 kg.

(a) freshly
(b) arguably
(c) fearlessly
(d) legally
(e) needlessly

(a) collaborated
(b) placated
(c) sealed
(d) kindled
(e) impelled

(a) vacated
(b) procured
(c) fostered
(d) adapted
(e) abated

(a) frugal
(b) parched
(c) superfluous
(d) ephemeral
(e) obscure

(a) hastily
(b) jubilantly
(c) foolishly
(d) vivaciously
(e) triumphantly

Directions (11-15): There are certain words missing in the passage given below. The options given contain an answer that will fit in those given blanks. Choose the correct word to be used to make the sentence coherent and grammatically correct.

On January 1, 1999, one of the largest steps toward European 11) __________________ took place with the introduction of the euro as the official currency in 12 countries (Austria, Belgium, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Ireland, Italy, Luxembourg, the Netherlands, Portugal, and Spain).

The 12) ____________________ of a common currency had the aims of greater economic integration of Europe as a common market. It also would enable easier 13) ___________________ between people of different countries by having fewer 14) _________________ from currency to currency. Creating the euro was also seen as a way to keep the 15) _________________ due to the economic integration of the countries.

(a) manifestation
(b) unification
(c) preoccupation
(d) retaliation
(e) exploitation

(a) puzzlement
(b) defacement
(c) adornment
(d) establishment
(e) amendment

(a) transactions
(b) altercations
(c) inversions
(d) correlations
(e) remediations

(a) prosecutions
(b) successions
(c) tenures
(d) reservations
(e) conversions

(a) fallacy
(b) divergence
(c) peace
(d) impulse
(e) promotion


S1. Ans (c)
Sol. The only word which will fit the blank to make the sentence coherent is unlikely.
It means not likely to happen, be done, or be true; improbable.
Abstract- existing in thought or as an idea but not having a physical or concrete existence.
Satiated- satisfied (usu. in hunger).
Nonchalant- (of a person or manner) feeling or appearing casually calm and relaxed; not displaying anxiety, interest, or enthusiasm.
Reclusive- avoiding the company of other people; solitary.

S2. Ans (a)
Sol. The only word which will fit the blank to make the sentence coherent is recorded.
It means to set down in writing or some other permanent form for later reference.
Abdicate- give up a position.
Dupe- deceive; trick.
Venerate- regard with great respect; revere.
Commit- perpetrate or carry out (a mistake, crime, or immoral act).

S3. Ans (d)
Sol. The only word which will fit the blank to make the sentence coherent is swelter.
It means to be uncomfortably hot.
Provoke- stimulate or give rise to (a reaction or emotion, typically a strong or unwelcome one) in someone.
Contrive- create or bring about (an object or a situation) by deliberate use of skill and artifice.
Undermine- lessen the effectiveness, power, or ability of, especially gradually or insidiously.
Warrant- justify or necessitate (a course of action).

S4. Ans (a)
Sol. The only word which will fit the blank to make the sentence coherent is prompting.
It means the action of saying something to persuade, encourage, or remind someone to do or say something.
Exalt- think or speak very highly of (someone or something).
Empower- give (someone) the authority or power to do something.
Nationalise- transfer (a major branch of industry or commerce) from private to state ownership or control.
Substantiate- to strengthen with new evidence or facts.

S5. Ans (e)
Sol. The only word which will fit the blank to make the sentence coherent is brunt.
It means the worst part or chief impact of a specified action.
Inertia- a tendency to do nothing or to remain unchanged.
Nuance- a subtle difference in or shade of meaning, expression, or sound.
Immunity- the ability of an organism to resist a particular infection or toxin by the action of specific antibodies or sensitized white blood cells.
Juncture- a particular point in events or time.

S6. Ans (b)
Sol. The only word which will fit the blank to make the sentence coherent is arguably.
It means it may be argued (used to qualify the statement of an opinion or belief).
Freshly- newly; recently.
Fearlessly- with a lack of fear.
Legally- in a way that conforms to or is permitted or required by the law.
Needlessly- in a way that is unnecessary because it is avoidable.

S7. Ans (c)
Sol. The only word which will fit the blank to make the sentence coherent is sealed.
It means fasten or close securely.
Collaborate- work jointly on an activity or project.
Placate- make (someone) less angry or hostile.
Kindle- set (something) on fire.
Impel- drive, force, or urge (someone) to do something.

S8. Ans (d)
Sol. The only word which will fit the blank to make the sentence coherent is adapted.
It means make (something) suitable for a new use or purpose; modify.
Vacate- leave behind empty; move out of.
Procure- obtain (something), especially with care or effort.
Foster- encourage the development of (something, especially something desirable).
Abate- (of something unpleasant or severe) become less intense or widespread.

S9. Ans (e)
Sol. The only word which will fit the blank to make the sentence coherent is obscure.
It means not discovered or known about; uncertain.
Frugal- sparing or economical as regards money or food.
Parched- dried out with heat.
Superfluous- unnecessary, especially through being more than enough.
Ephemeral- lasting for a very short time.

S10. Ans (a)
Sol. The only word which will fit the blank to make the sentence coherent is hastily.
It means with excessive speed or urgency; hurriedly.
Jubilantly- feeling or expressing great joy.
Foolishly- in an unwise manner; stupidly.
Vivaciously- in a way that is attractively energetic and enthusiastic
Triumphantly- in a way that shows great happiness or joy at a victory or achievement.

S11. Ans (b)
Sol. The only word which will fit the blank to make the sentence coherent is unification.
It means the process of being united or made into a whole.
Manifestation- an event, action, or object that clearly shows or embodies something abstract or theoretical.
Preoccupation- the state or condition of being preoccupied or engrossed with something.
Retaliation- the action of harming someone because they have harmed oneself; revenge.
Exploitation- the action or fact of treating someone unfairly in order to benefit from their work.

S12. Ans (d)
Sol. The only word which will fit the blank to make the sentence coherent is establishment.
It means the action of establishing something or being established.
Puzzlement-a feeling of confusion through lack of understanding.
Defacement- the action or process of spoiling the surface or appearance of something.
Adornment- a thing which adorns or decorates; an ornament.
Amendment- a minor change or addition designed to improve a text, piece of legislation, etc.

S13. Ans (a)
Sol. The only word which will fit the blank to make the sentence coherent is transactions.
It means an instance of buying or selling something.
Altercation- a noisy argument or disagreement, especially in public.
Inversion- a reversal of position, order, form, or relationship.
Correlation- a mutual relationship or connection between two or more things.
Remediation- the action of remedying something, in particular of reversing or stopping environmental damage.

S14. Ans (e)
Sol. The only word which will fit the blank to make the sentence coherent is conversions.
It means the process of changing or causing something to change from one form to another.
Prosecutions- the institution and conducting of legal proceedings against someone in respect of a criminal charge.
Successions- the action or process of inheriting a title, office, property, etc.
Tenures- the conditions under which land or buildings are held or occupied.
Reservations- the action of reserving something.

S15. Ans (c)
Sol. The only word which will fit the blank to make the sentence coherent is peace.
It means freedom from disturbance; tranquillity.
Fallacy- a mistaken belief, especially one based on unsound arguments.
Divergence- the situation in which two things become different.
Impulse- a sudden strong and unreflective urge or desire to act.
Promotion- activity that supports or encourages a cause, venture, or aim.

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English Quizzes For RBI Grade B/ ECGC PO Pre/SIDBI GRADE A 2022 : 27th April – Cloze Test | Latest Hindi Banking jobs_6.1