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English Quizzes For IDBI AM/Executive Prelims 2022 : 2nd June – Vocabulary

English Quizzes For IDBI AM/Executive Prelims 2022 : 2nd June – Vocabulary | Latest Hindi Banking jobs_3.1

TOPIC: Vocabulary


(1-5): Choose the antonyms for the words given in bold from the given options.


Q1. Preceding

(a) Talkative

(b) Repulsive

(d) Consequent

None of these


Q2. Kind

(a) Inconsiderate

(b) Pandemonium

(c) Slender

(d) Eclipse

None of these


Q3. Confident

(a) Fabricate

(b) Unforgiving

(c) Wavering

(d) Perennial

None of these


Q4. Optimistic

(a) Comply

(b) Dejected

(c) Impute

(d) Linger

None of these


Q5. Lazy

(a) Ungodly

(b) Dispersion

(c) Industrious

(d) Naivety

None of these


(6-10): Choose the synonyms for the words given in bold from the given options.


Q6. Knotty

(a) Complicated

(b) Fraud

(c) Ignite

(d) Persuade

None of these


Q7. Alleviate

(a) Generosity

(b) Undaunted

(c) Adoration

(d) Relieve

None of these


Q8. Contaminate

(a) Sycophant

(b) Assembly

(c) Defile

(d) Compliant

None of these


Q9. Assuage

(a) Mollify

(b) Vigilance

(c) Pamper

(d) Destitute

None of these


Q10. Subdue

(a) Modesty

(b) Predicament

(c) Suave

(d) Quell

None of these



(11-15): Certain words are highlighted in the following sentences. It is
possible that one of them has incorrect spelling. Select the word which has
been incorrectly spelled. If all of them are correct, choose (e) All are


Q11. Defamation occurs when a written
or spoken statement injures the repuetation of a third party.

(a) Defamation

(b) written
(c) injures

(d) repuetation

(e) All are correct


Q12. China’s Foriegn Minister Wang Yi on
Monday urged the Pacific region not to be “too anxious” about
his country’s aims after a meeting in Fiji with his counterparts from 10
island nations was unable to agree to a sweeping trade and security

(a) Foriegn

(b) anxious

(c) counterparts

(d) security

(e) All are correct


Q13. In a first in India, the Indira Gandhi International
Airport in Delhi introduced radio-frequency identification (RFID)
enabled baggage tags which will give passengers real-time
information about the location of their luggage.

(a) International

(b) frequency

(c) baggage

(d) passengers

(e) All are correct


Q14. A team of researchers and
seismologists have found that the complex tectonics of the North Eastern
fringe of the Indian Plate in the Eastern Himalaya and the Indo-Burma
Ranges (IBR) could be building up stress for a future earthquacke.

(a) researchers

(b) tectonics

(c) Eastern

(d) earthquacke

(e) All are correct


Q15. While the World Health Organization (WHO)
says that monkeypox constitutes a “moderate risk” to overall
public health, experts have advised people daignosed with the infection
to avoid contact with pets.

(a) constitutes

(b) overall

(c) daignosed

(d) infection

(e) All are correct


Ans (d)

Sol. Consequent- following
as a result or effect.

Talkative- fond of
or given to talking.

Repulsive- arousing
intense distaste or disgust.

the action or state of keeping careful watch for possible danger or difficulties.

Ans (a)

Sol. Inconsiderate- thoughtlessly
causing hurt or inconvenience to others.

Pandemonium- wild and
noisy disorder or confusion; uproar.

Slender- (of a
person or part of the body) gracefully thin.

Eclipse- deprive
(someone or something) of significance or power.

Ans (c)

Sol. Wavering- becoming
weaker; faltering.

Fabricate- invent or
concoct (something), typically with deceitful intent.

Perennial- lasting
or existing for a long or apparently infinite time; enduring or continually

Unforgiving- not
willing to forgive or excuse people’s faults or wrongdoings.

Ans (b)

Sol. Dejected- sad and
depressed; dispirited.

Comply- (of a
person or group) act in accordance with a wish or command.

stay in a place longer than necessary because of a reluctance to leave

Impute- someone
or something has done or is guilty of something

Ans (c)

Sol. Industrious-
diligent and hard-working.

Ungodly- irreligious
or immoral.

Dispersion- the
action or process of distributing things or people over a wide area.

Naivety- lack of
experience, wisdom, or judgment.

Ans (a)

Sol. Complicated-
consisting of many interconnecting parts or elements; intricate.

Fraud- wrongful
or criminal deception intended to result in financial or personal gain.

Ignite- catch
fire or cause to catch fire.

Persuade- cause
(someone) to do something through reasoning or argument.

Ans (d)

Sol. Relieve- cause
(pain, distress, or difficulty) to become less severe or serious.

Generosity- the
quality of being kind and generous.

Undaunted- not
intimidated or discouraged by difficulty, danger, or disappointment.

deep love and respect.

Ans (c)

Sol. Defile- sully,
mar, or spoil.

Sycophant- a person
who acts obsequiously toward someone important in order to gain advantage.

Assembly- a group
of people gathered together in one place for a common purpose.

inclined to agree with others or obey rules, especially to an excessive degree;

S9. Ans

Sol. Mollify- appease
the anger or anxiety of (someone).

Pamper- indulge
with every attention, comfort, and kindness; spoil.

Vigilance- the
action or state of keeping careful watch for possible danger or difficulties.

Destitute- without
the basic necessities of life.

Ans (d)

Sol. Quell-
put an end to (a rebellion or other disorder), typically by the use of force

Suave- charming,
confident, and elegant (typically used of a man).

Predicament- difficult,
unpleasant, or embarrassing situation.

Modesty- the
quality or state of being unassuming or moderate in the estimation of one’s

S11. Ans (d)

Sol. The word with incorrect spelling is:

The correct spelling: reputation.

S12. Ans (a)

Sol. The word with incorrect spelling is: Foriegn.

The correct spelling: Foreign.

S13. Ans (e)

Sol. All the highlighted words are correctly

S14. Ans (d)

Sol. The word with incorrect spelling is:

The correct spelling: earthquake.

S15. Ans (c)

Sol. The word with incorrect spelling is:

The correct spelling: diagnosed.


English Quizzes For IDBI AM/Executive Prelims 2022 : 2nd June – Vocabulary | Latest Hindi Banking jobs_4.1