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English Quizzes, Fillers for IBPS Clerk Pre 2021 – 16th July

English Quizzes, Fillers for IBPS Clerk Pre 2021 – 16th July | Latest Hindi Banking jobs_3.1

 Directions (1-15): In the Questions given below, there are two statements, each statement consists of a blank. You have to choose the option which provides the correct word that fits in the blanks in both the statements appropriately making them meaningful and grammatically correct.

Q1. A. In India too, the summit was seen to be a promising place to play a leadership role, and Prince Charles’s visit to Delhi to invite Prime Minister Narendra Modi …………………that belief.
B. She was feeling down, but his words …………………….. her decision.
(a) bolstered
(b) hindered
(c) discouraged
(d) weakened
(e) None of the above

Q2. A. The Green Revolution may have made Punjab the food bowl of India, but it has left behind other problems for the farmers to…………………. with.
B. Canadian media organizations have to ……………. with requests to ‘unpublish’ articles.
(a) disconnect
(b) dodge
(c) avoid
(d) grapple
(e) liberate

Q3. A. If untreated, kala-azar can kill within two years of the onset of the ailment, though the availability of a range of drugs for almost a century has meant that less than 1 in 1,000 now …………………… to the disease.
B. She suddenly felt foolish thinking that Guardian, a man trained to kill, wouldn’t kill in cold blood or wouldn’t ……………….. to any other vices.
(a) defend
(b) succumb
(c) create
(d) ascend
(e) comply

Q4. A. He squints into the distance to check if there is a government official …………….. around.
B. And the I found him ……………………… in the bushes beneath my window?
(a) presenting
(b) lurking
(c) scrolling
(d) drowning
(e) None of the Above

Q5. A. The avalanche of new data has been so ………………………. that many scientists who were either sceptical or neutral about significant Bronze Age migrations into India have changed their opinions.
B Not surprisingly, the ……………………….. feeling among the game’s greats and the larger cricketing community is that these measures are no more than a gentle slap on the wrist.
(a) meagre
(b) crucial
(c) keen
(d) overwhelming
(e) productive

Q6. A. However, sharing the same tariff rates within the EU would severely limit Britain’s room for ……………………. in negotiating trade agreements with non-EU nations.
B. The employees and other directors are trying to …………………..her into resigning.
(a) addict
(b) implement
(c) manoeuvre
(d) cascade
(e) persuade

Q7. A. The notification had set off a storm last year, with some Chief Ministers …………………… opposing it on the ground that regulating livestock trade was essentially a State subject.
B. It merely reinforces the idea that China is …………………nationalistic and unaccountable.
(a) silently
(b) softly
(c) acutely
(d) stridently
(e) brawling

Q8. A. The fear of a return to the days of Mr. Rajapaksa’s political dominance possibly …………………….. more members from joining the bandwagon.
B. The small farmers who occupied separated holdings were……………………from improving by the fear of a rise in rent.
(a) deterred
(b) persuaded
(c) pleased
(d) incited
(e) encouraged

Q9. A. In addition, the process of framing a new and inclusive constitution needs to be …………………….
B. The new officer has ordered a complete, thorough, but …………………. investigation.
(a) hindered
(b) delayed
(c) expedited
(d) ceased
(e) retarded

Q10. A. The company has used other ……………………. methods in projects worldwide — including honey traps to discredit clients’ opponents.
B. That their extent is limited, and their meaning, moreover, frequently ………………..or obscure.
(a) definite
(b) dubious
(c) probable
(d) determined
(e) aboveboard

Q11. A. While being liberal in its announcements for rural India, the Budget has been ……………….. in its giveaways to the middle class and the corporate sector.
B. He then advised her to be more ………………… with her expenses, and then she will not be in debt.
(a) lavish
(b) generous
(c) frugal
(d) spendthrift
(e) wasteful

Q12. A. With the Riyadh-Tehran rivalry in West Asia hotting up again, these developments are also bound to have……………………….. beyond Saudi Arabia.
B. Without ……………………., no one will understand the gravity of their mistakes.
(a) echo
(b) fallout
(c) imprint
(d) repercussions
(e) influence

Q13. A. The Commonwealth remains a great platform for development aid, democratic values and educational opportunities, but its relevance is unlikely to increase unless it adopts a more egalitarian and inclusive attitude to its next generation of Commonwealth citizens, to ………………….. in a prosperity their forefathers built.
B. No planning was made to…………………….. in such activities, it was completely impromptu.
(a) partake
(b) abstain
(c) gather
(d) shun
(e) refrain

Q14. A. The CJI has stuck to his position that as ‘master of the roster’ he has the …………………. to allot cases.
B. The signet rings were probably the ……………………….. of the rich, as they were often made of gold or silver.
(a) obligation
(b) repercussion
(c) immunity
(d) control
(e) prerogative

Q15. A. It has also ……………… the campaign, leaving little time for political parties to debate more pressing concerns, be it farm distress, the functioning of welfare schemes or jobs.
B. Her political opinions were ……………………… more towards Republican than Democratic ideals.
(a) straightened
(b) skewed
(c) enhanced
(d) surpassed
(e) None of the Above


S1. Ans.(a)
Sol. Bolster: support or strengthen.

S2. Ans.(d)
Sol. Grapple: engage in a close fight or struggle without weapons; wrestle.

S3. Ans.(b)
Sol. Succumb: fail to resist pressure, temptation, or some other negative force.

S4. Ans. (b)
Sol. Lurk: be or remain hidden so as to wait in ambush for someone or something.

S5. Ans.(d)
Sol. Overwhelming: very great in amount.

S6. Ans.(c)
Sol. Manoeuvre: a movement or series of moves requiring skill and care.

S7. Ans.(d)
Sol. Stridently: in an extremely forceful way.

S8. Ans.(a)
Sol. Deter: discourage (someone) from doing something by instilling doubt or fear of the consequences.

S9. Ans.(c)
Sol. Expedite: make (an action or process) happen sooner or be accomplished more quickly.

S10. Ans.(b)
Sol. dubious: hesitating or doubting.

S11. Ans.(c)
Sol. Frugal: sparing or economical as regards money or food.

S12. Ans.(d)
Sol. Repercussions: an unintended consequence of an event or action, especially an unwelcome one.

S13. Ans.(a)
Sol. Partake: join in (an activity).

S14. Ans.(e)
Sol. Prerogative: a right or privilege exclusive to a particular individual or class.

S15. Ans.(b)
Sol. Skew: suddenly change direction or position.

English Quizzes, Fillers for IBPS Clerk Pre 2021 – 16th July | Latest Hindi Banking jobs_4.1

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English Quizzes, Fillers for IBPS Clerk Pre 2021 – 16th July | Latest Hindi Banking jobs_5.1

English Quizzes, Fillers for IBPS Clerk Pre 2021 – 16th July | Latest Hindi Banking jobs_6.1