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English Quiz for IBPS Exam 2016: TWISTED ONE

English Quiz for IBPS Exam 2016: TWISTED ONE | Latest Hindi Banking jobs_3.1
Directions (1-15): The following sentences contain an error part. Each sentence is following by five different ways of wording the part that contains the error. Answer choice (A) always repeats the original; the other four choices are different. If you think that the original sentence displays the best way of wording the incorrect part, choose answer (A); otherwise, select the best alternative.
Q1. Puritan fanatics brought to civil and military affairs a coolness of judgment and mutability of purpose that some writers have thought inconsistent with their religious zeal, but which was in fact a natural outgrowth of it.
(a) but which was in fact natural outgrowth of it
(b) but which were in fact a natural outgrowth of it
(c) but which were in fact natural outcomes of it
(d) but it was in fact a natural outgrowth of them
(e) which was in fact a natural outgrowth of it

Q2. In the past few years, significant changes have taken place in the organization of our economy that will profoundly affect the character of our labour unions as well as influencing consumer and industrial life.
(a) economy that will profoundly affect the character of our labour union as well as influencing
(b) economy that will profoundly affect the character of our labour unions as well as influence
(c) economy; these changes will profoundly affect the character of our labour unions and influence
(d) economy, and that will profoundly affect the character of our labour unions as well as influence
(e) economy, changes that will profoundly affect the character of our labour unions as well as influence
Q3. They favour individual librty and consider the infliction of suffering on the innocent as unintelligible.
(a) infliction of suffering on the innocent is unintelligible
(b) infliction of unintelligible suffering of innocence
(c) unintelligible suffrage that is inflicted
(d) the suffering, unintelligible, the innocence thus inflicted 
(e) unintelligibly afflicting and suffarage of innocence
Q4. Curfews, which were initially enacted as a precaution against fire, were common in towns and cities throughout Europe in the Middle Ages.
(a) which were initially enacted as a precaution against fire 
(b) which were enacted as an initial precaution against fire 
(c) which were a precaution initially enacted against fire
(d) enacted as a precaution initially against fire
(e) enacted initially against fire
Q5. The nuclear accident at Chernobyl released clouds of radioactive particles into the atmosphere, contaminating agricultural products grown within much of the USSR, as well as products grown in countries as far away as Italy.
(a) atmosphere, contaminating agricultural products grown within much of the USSR, as well as products grown in countries as far away as
(b) atmosphere to contaminate agricultural products growing within much of the USSR, as well as products growing in countries as far away as
(c) atmosphere, while contaminating agricultural products growing within within much of the USSR, as well as products growing in countries as far away than
(d) atmosphere, contaminating agricultural products grown within much of the USSR, as well as far away as
(e) atmosphere, contaminating products grown within much of the USSR, as well as
Q6. Unlike soprano and tenor opera singers, whose high notes are a source of fame and notoriety, the lowest notes of the contralto and bass voices are the ones that serve to distinguish those singers.
(a) the lowest notes of the contralto and bass voices are the ones that serve to distinguish those singers
(b) the lowest notes of the contralto and bass voices are the ones serving to distinguish those singers
(c) the lowest notes of the contralto and bass voices are the ones serving to distinguish them
(d) it is the lowest notes of the contralto and bass voices that serve to distinguish those singers
(e) contralto and bass singers are distinguished by the lowest notes of their voices
Q7. During the late Middle Ages a controversy arose regarding the ability of the soul in heaven to experience beatific visions.
(a) a controversy arose regarding the ability of the soul in heaven to experience the beatific visions
(b) a controversy arose as to the soul in heaven’s ability to experience the beatific vision
(c) there arose a controversy surrounding the soul’s ability in heaven to experience the beatific vision
(d) there arose a controversy as to the soul’s capability in heaven to experience the beatific vision
(e) there arose a controversy regarding the soul’s capability of experiencing the beatific vision in heaven
Q8. The possibility of contracting AIDS at the job site through daily contact with an infected individual is remote; no one to date is known to contract the disease from casual contact.
(a) no one to date is known to contract the disease from casual contact
(b) there is no one who is known to date to have contracted the disease through casual contact
(c) to date, no one is known to have contracted the disease through casual contact
(d) to date, contracting the disease through casual contact is unknown
(e) to date, there is no one known who contracted the disease through casual contact
Q9. More than any other single factor, increases in the price of imported oil that has been responsible for the inflation experienced by the United States in the last ten years
(a) More than any other single factor, increases in the price of imported oil that has been responsible for
(b) More than any other single factor, increases in the price of imported oil have been responsible for
(c) More than any single factor, increases in the price of imported oil have been responsible for
(d) Increases in the price of imported oil, more than any single factor, has been responsible
(e) Increased in the price of imported oil, more than any single factor, has been responsible for
Q10. Assigning additional work to an already overburdened worker, one made often by inept managers, it increases the risk that the worker will become totally alienated and ceasing being productive altogether.
(a) one made often by incept managers, it increase the risk
(b) one often made by inept managers, increase the risk
(c) a mistake often made by inept managers, the risk rises
(d) a mistake often made by inept managers, increase the risk of the worker becoming
(e) which is often done by inept managers, the risk is increased that
Q11. Most department stores offer customers the option that you may exchange your purchases within ten days.
(a) that you may exchange your
(b) to exchange your
(c) of exchanging your
(d) that exchanges their
(e) of exchanging their
Q12. The Russian music of the nineteenth century is richer and more varied than France.
(a) is richer and more varied than France
(b) is richer and more varied than the music of France
(c) is more rich and varied than France
(d) is more rich and more varied than is the music of France
(e) is more rich and varied in comparison to France
Q13. Many physicists think that at some time in the next century we will not only discover life in other galaxies, but will also communicate with them.
(a) we will not only discover life in other galaxies
(b) we will discover not only life in other galaxies, but be able to communicate with it
(c) we will not only discover life in other galaxies, but we will be able to communicate with them
(d) that not only will we be able to discover life in other galaxies but be able to communicate to them as well
(e) not only to find life in other galaxies but to communicate with it as well
Q14. The most chance of being an insomniac is not the overworked executive or the student overwhelmed by studies but the bored housewife who feels unfilled
(a) The most chance of being an insomniac is not the overworked executive or the student overwhelmed by studies but the bored housewife who feels unfilled.
(b) The highest degree of insomnia is not experienced by the overworked executive nor by the student overwhelmed by studies, but by the bored housewife who feels unfulfilled.
(c) Most insomniacs are not overworked executives or students overwhelmed by studies, yet they are bored housewives who feel unfulfilled
(d) The greater degree of insomniacs are bored housewifes who feel unfulfilled and not overworked executives nor are they students overwhelmed by their studies.
(e) Insomniacs are, for the most part, bored housewives who feel unfulfilled not overworked executives or students overwhelmed by their studies.
Q15. According to a recent study by the Mayor’s Task Force, the amount of homeless people in the city has tripled since 1980.
(a) the amount of homeless people in the city has
(b) the number of homeless people in the city has
(c) the amount of homeless people in the city have
(d) the number of homeless people in the city having 
(e) the number of those people who are homeless in the city has
S1. Ans.(c) 

Sol. but which were in fact natural outcomes of it

S2. Ans.(c) 

Sol. economy; these changes will profoundly affect the character of our labour unions and influence

S3. Ans.(a) 

Sol. infliction of suffering on the innocent is unintelligible

S4. Ans.(a) 

Sol. which were initially enacted as a precaution against fire

S5. Ans.(a) 

Sol. atmosphere, contaminating agricultural products grown within much of the USSR, as well as products grown in countries as far away as

S6. Ans.(e) 

Sol. contralto and bass singers are distinguished by the lowest notes of their voices

S7. Ans.(a) 

Sol.  a controversy arose regarding the ability of the soul in heaven to experience the beatific visions

S8. Ans.(c) 

Sol. to date, no one is known to have contracted the disease through casual contact

S9. Ans.(b) 

Sol. More than any other single factor, increases in the price of imported oil have been responsible for

S10. Ans.(d) 

Sol.  a mistake often made by inept managers, increase the risk of the worker becoming

S11. Ans.(e) 

Sol.  of exchanging their

S12. Ans.(b) 

Sol.  is richer and more varied than the music of France

S13. Ans.(c) 

Sol.  we will not only discover life in other galaxies, but we will be able to communicate with them

S14. Ans.(e) 

Sol.  Insomniacs are, for the most part, bored housewives who feel unfulfilled not overworked executives or students overwhelmed by their studies.

S15. Ans.(b) 

Sol.  the number of homeless people in the city has

 English Quiz for IBPS Exam 2016: TWISTED ONE | Latest Hindi Banking jobs_4.1

English Quiz for IBPS Exam 2016: TWISTED ONE | Latest Hindi Banking jobs_5.1

English Quiz for IBPS Exam 2016: TWISTED ONE | Latest Hindi Banking jobs_6.1
English Quiz for IBPS Exam 2016: TWISTED ONE | Latest Hindi Banking jobs_7.1

English Quiz for IBPS Exam 2016: TWISTED ONE | Latest Hindi Banking jobs_8.1