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English Language Quiz for ECGC PO 2021- 20th January

English Language Quiz for ECGC PO 2021- 20th January | Latest Hindi Banking jobs_3.1


the following seven sentences (A), (B), (C), (D) ,(E), (F) and (G) in the
proper sequence to form a meaningful paragraph and then answer the questions
given below.

 A. But despite the funding
crunch, it’s a bull market for academic economists.

B. Several Universities like
Washington State University announced it would eliminate the department of
theatre and dance, the department of community and rural sociology, and the
German major – the same year that the University of Louisiana at Lafayette
ended its philosophy major

C. While Emory University in
Atlanta did away with the visual arts department and its journalism programme.

D. According to a recent sociological
study, the median salary of economics teachers increased to $103,000 – nearly
$30,000 more than sociologists.

E. The cutbacks aren’t restricted
to the humanities: for example, in 2011, the state of Texas announced it would
eliminate nearly half of its public undergraduate physics programmes.

F. Since the 2008 financial
crisis, colleges and universities have faced increased pressure to identify
essential disciplines, and cut the rest. 

G. Even
when there’s no downsizing, faculty salaries have been frozen and departmental
budgets have shrunk.

Q1. Which of
the following would be the THIRD sentence after rearrangement?

(a) A                     (b)
B                     (c) C                     (d) D                     (e) E


Q2. Which of the following would be the
FIRST sentence after rearrangement?

(a) D                     (b)
F                     (c) A                     (d) G                     (e) E


Q3. Which of the following would be the
FOURTH sentence after rearrangement?

(a) C                     (b)
D                     (c) F                      (d) E                     (e) G


Q4. Which of the following would be the
SIXTH sentence after rearrangement?

(a) E                     (b)
G                     (c) A                     (d) C                     (e) B


Q5. Which of the following would be the
LAST (SEVENTH) sentence after rearrangement?

(a) F                     (b)
A                     (c) B                     (d) D                     (e) C


Directions (6-10): Pick
out the most effective word from the given words to fill in the blanks to make
the sentence meaningfully complete.

Q6. Just as a highway automobile
accident leaves lasting marks of spilled coolant, _________ and oil, the
smashing together of gigantic land masses releases and redirects fluids that
flow, heat, _________ and deposit, leaving an enduring record of their

(a) petrol … disappear

(b) fuel … evaporate

(c) paint … mark

(d) anti-freeze … drip

(e) gases … electric


Q7. Although publicity has been
__________ the film itself is intelligent, well-acted, handsomely produced and
altogether _________.

(a) tasteless … respectable

(b) extensive … moderate

(c) sophisticated … amateur

(d) perfect … spectacular

         (e) useless … entraneous


Britain, for the present, is deeply __________ economic troubles, and
the economic future, heavily __________, looks uncertain.

Engrossed, responsive

Ingrained, skeptical

Saturated, enveloped

Mired, mortgaged

Restrained, participative


Q9. Although the whole team acted in
unison, each member was ________ for a (n) _________ of the production process.

(a) reliable … source

(b) responsible … element

(c) appointed … article

(d) agreeable …. Felony

(e) agreeable … amount



Q10. The studies of the children were
__________ and ___________ was the result of it.

(a) neglected … ignorance

(b) interrupted … incongruence

(c) off tracked … alienation

(d) instructed … genius

(e) ignored … negligence


Directions (11-15):
In the following
there are blanks,
each of which has been numbered.
These numbers are printed
below the passage and
against each, five words are suggested, one of
fits the blank
appropriately. Find out the
appropriate word in each case.

America’s economy is ___(11)______ Unemployment is only 4.9%.Consumer confidence is strong
and sales of new homes are higher than at any time since 2008. Financial
markets have mostly shaken off their early-year _____(12)______ about Chinese growth and their summer blues over Brexit.
Second-quarter growth, due to be revealed after The Economist went to press,
was expected to ___(13)________
after an ____(14)______ start to
2016. Yet the Federal Reserve ___(15)____to
hold interest rates in the target range of 0.25%-0.5% for the fifth consecutive


Q11.  (a)
decreasing                     (b)
flourishing            (c) maturing           (d) multiplying    (e) Increasing


Q12.  (a)
business                       (b) predictions           (c) warnings           (d) worries           (e)Predicaments


Q13.  (a)
boom                            (b) revamp     (c) rebound            (d) improve          (e)impede


Q14.  (a)
underwhelming           (b)
incredible              (c)
improbable      (d) implausible    (e)preposterous


Q15. (a)choosing                         (b) decides     (c)
failed                  (d) set                     (e) opted




S1. Ans. (c)

Sol. The correct order to frame a
meaningful paragraph is FBCEGAD


S2. Ans. 

Sol. The correct order to frame a meaningful
paragraph is FBCEGAD

S3. Ans. (d)

Sol. The correct order to frame a
meaningful paragraph is FBCEGAD

S4. Ans. (c)

Sol. The correct order to frame a
meaningful paragraph is FBCEGAD

S5. Ans. (d)

Sol. The correct order to frame a
meaningful paragraph is FBCEGAD

S6. Ans. (b)

Sol. In this sentence there are two series of
words. In the first series you are asked to pick words that will fit with coolant and oil.
In the second series you are asked to pick words that fit with heat and deposit.

(a) Although the word gasoline fits in well with the first series, if
it disappears, it cannot leave an “enduring record.” (b) This is the
answer. Although liquids evaporate, they leave a record from the solid deposits
that remain. (c) Paint is not usually spilled in an automobile crash.

(d) Water does not produce a wave motion or
undulate in an automobile wreck. (e) 
Although anti-freeze fits well in the first series, the
word drip does not fit well in the second
series. It is quite different from the words heat and deposit.

S7. Ans. (a)

Sol. The second blank is the part of the list
that includes “intelligent, well-acted, handsomely produced, and altogether
______” The word and indicates that the last word in the list (i.e., the
blank) should be a positive word, in general agreement with the others where
‘respectable’ word goes best with the second blank.  

S8. Ans. (d)

Sol. Mired, mortgaged

Miredinvolve someone or something in (a difficult

Mortgaged– convey (a property) to a creditor as
security on a loan.

S9. Ans. (b)

Sol. ‘responsible … element’ is the
right answer.

S10. Ans. (a)

Sol. ‘Neglected….ignorance’ is the right

Ans. (b)

Ans. (d)

Ans. (c)

Ans. (a)

S15. Ans. (e)


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English Language Quiz for ECGC PO 2021- 20th January | Latest Hindi Banking jobs_4.1

English Language Quiz for ECGC PO 2021- 20th January | Latest Hindi Banking jobs_5.1