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Daily Wordlist for IBPS/Other Bank Exam 2016

Daily Wordlist for IBPS/Other Bank Exam 2016 | Latest Hindi Banking jobs_3.1
Meaning: support
Synonym: adopt, maintain, defend
Antonym: attack, reject
Sentence: He was an optimist or he never would have espoused the American cause.

Meaning: on and off
Synonym: occasional, in frequent, irregular
Antonym: common, constant, frequent
Sentence:At first resistance to Western encroachment was sporadic and uncoordinated.

3. Recede
Meaning: Pull back or move away or backward
Synonym: subside, ebb, taper
Antonym: forge, ascend, prolong
Sentence: The unhappy memories of her childhood receded as she grew older

4. Soporific
Meaning: tending to induce drowsiness or sleep., a drug or other substance that induces drowsiness or sleep.
Synonym: sleeping pill, sleeping potion, sedative, tranquillizer, narcotic, opiate;
Antonym: invigorating,  stimulant
Sentence: “the motion of the train had a somewhat soporific effect”

5. Orthodox
Meaning: following or conforming to the traditional or generally accepted rules or beliefs of a religion, philosophy, or practice.
Synonym: conservative, traditional, observant, conformist
Antonym: unconventional, unorthodox, nonconformist
Sentence: “Burke’s views were orthodox in his time”

Meaning: childishly silly and immature
Synonym: jejune, infantile 
Antonym: mature, adult
Sentence: “a puerile argument”

7. Afflicting
Meaning: Cause or become hurt
Synonym: annoy, rack, grieve
Antonym: Aid, delight
Sentence: Not only does she afflict my children; but my cattle, my gun and myself have been bewitched by her.

8. Perturbed
Meaning: Trouble
Synonym: Bothered, Upset
Antonym: benefit , calm
Sentence:The more he loses, the more perturbed he gets

9. Amicable
Meaning: Friendly
Synonym: Cordial, Harmonious
Antonym: impolite, uncivil
Sentence:The business coach for the small company owner served as an amicable executive mentor

10. Abetment
Meaning: Assist or encourage, usually in some wrongdoing
Synonym: endorsement, succour, aid
Antonym: hindrance, obstruction, stoppage
Sentence:Did Herald aid and abet a crime?
  Daily Wordlist for IBPS/Other Bank Exam 2016 | Latest Hindi Banking jobs_4.1

  Daily Wordlist for IBPS/Other Bank Exam 2016 | Latest Hindi Banking jobs_5.1

  Daily Wordlist for IBPS/Other Bank Exam 2016 | Latest Hindi Banking jobs_6.1
Daily Wordlist for IBPS/Other Bank Exam 2016 | Latest Hindi Banking jobs_7.1
Daily Wordlist for IBPS/Other Bank Exam 2016 | Latest Hindi Banking jobs_8.1