Vocabulary अब हर Competitive Exam का महत्वपूर्ण हिस्सा बन चुकी हैं. चाहे बात बैंकिंग की हो या SSC की या किसी अन्य प्रतियोगी परीक्षा की सभी परीक्षाओं में vocabulary एक important part होती है. Reading comprehension को Solve करने से लेकर किसी भी को Solve करने के लिए Vocabulary अच्छी होना ज़रूरी है. इसलिए, Hindi Bankersadda आपको Daily Vocabulary प्रदान करता है जिससे आप आगामी परीक्षाओं की तैयारी को और बेहतर बना सकते हो. हम आपको यहाँ Daily Use Words with Hindi Meanings 22nd October, 2021 की Vocabulary दे रहे हैं.
BERATE (verb) : गाली देना
- Meaning: cold or criticize
(someone) angrily. - अर्थ: ठंड
या आलोचना (किसी को) गुस्से से। - Synonyms: castigate,
chastise, lambaste, reprimand. - Antonyms: approve,
extol, laud, praise. - Usage: Every time the referee
made a questionable call, the fans would berate him and throw beans on the
ARCHETYPAL (adjective) : मूल आदर्श-विषयक
- Meaning: very typical of a
certain kind of person or thing. - अर्थ: एक
निश्चित प्रकार के व्यक्ति या बात का बहुत विशिष्ट। - Synonyms: conventional,
exemplary, stereotypical, prototypical. - Antonyms: atypical,
unorthodox, unusual, odd. - Usage: The teacher who
won educator of the year is a role model for other teachers and is viewed as
the archetype of educators.
FAWNING (adjective) : चापलूस
- Meaning: displaying
exaggerated flattery or affection; obsequious. - अर्थ: अतिरंजित
चापलूसी या स्नेह प्रदर्शित करना; चापलूस। - Synonyms: sycophantic,
ingratiating, subservient, cajoling. - Antonyms: imperious,
domineering, peremptory, opinionated. - Usage: Because Larry
really wants a promotion, he spends a great deal of time fawning over his boss.
PERJURY (Noun) : मिथ्या शपथ
- Meaning: the offence of
wilfully telling an untruth or making a misrepresentation under oath. - अर्थ: शपथ
के तहत जानबूझकर असत्य बताने या गलत बयानी करने का अपराध। - Synonym: violation of an
oath, giving false evidence/testimony, bearing false witness/testimony,
forswearing oneself, making false statements, wilful falsehood - Usage: The mother who
lied about her son’s whereabouts will soon face trial for perjury.
CHRONIC (Adjective) : पुरानी
- Meaning: continuing or
occurring again and again for a long time, happening or existing
frequently or most of the time, always or often doing something specified - अर्थ: लंबे
समय तक बार-बार जारी रहना या घटित होना, लगातार या अधिकतर समय, हमेशा या अक्सर कुछ किया जाना - Synonym: natural;
persistent, regular, - Antonym: unaccustomed,
unused; intermittent, occasional - Usage: He suffers from
chronic arthritis.
ADJUDICATE (Verb) : निर्णय करना
- Meaning: to make an
official decision about who is right in a dispute - अर्थ: किसी
विवाद में कौन सही है, इस
बारे में आधिकारिक निर्णय लेना - Synonym: adjudge, judge,
arbitrate, decide, determine - Usage: You should never
adjudicate a major decision when you are under the influence of alcohol.
WHINE (Noun) : कराहना
- Meaning:to make a long, high,
sad sound - अर्थ: लम्बी,
ऊँची, उदास ध्वनि करना - Synonyms:gripe, moan
- Antonyms:happiness, pleasure
- Usage:Leon’s dog was sitting
by the door whining, so I thought I’d better take it for a walk.
LOATHE (Verb) : घृणा करना
- Meaning:to hate someone or
something - अर्थ: किसी
से या किसी चीज़ से घृणा करना - Synonyms:despise, detest
- Antonyms:admire, adore
- Usage:From an early age the
brothers have loathed each other.
ABLUTION (Noun) : स्नान
- Meaning:a cleansing with water
or other liquid, especially as a religious ritual. - अर्थ: पानी
या अन्य तरल के साथ सफाई, विशेष
रूप से एक धार्मिक अनुष्ठान के रूप में। - Synonyms:purification,
cleansing - Antonyms: impure
- Usage: While the
bandaging no longer takes place, the ritual ablutions are still performed.
SUBVERT (verb) : गिराना
- Meaning: undermine the power and authority of (an established system or institution).
- अर्थ: (एक स्थापित प्रणाली या संस्था) की शक्ति और अधिकार को कमजोर करना।
- Synonyms: destabilize, unsettle, overthrow, overturn.
- Antonyms: elevate, ennoble, uplift, exalt.
- Usage: Please reject this underhanded attempt to subvert democracy in Illinois.
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