BENEVOLENT(adjective) भलाई करनेवाला
Meaning: kind, generous
Synonyms: caring, benign
Antonyms: cruel, hateful
Usage: Many cultures believe in benevolent spirits.
COUNTERACT(verb) रोक-थाम करना
Meaning: to work in opposition to
Synonyms: halt, negate
Antonyms: allow, aid
Usage: This ingredient seems to counteract the other ones.
OUST(verb) बाहर निकालना
Meaning: to remove
Synonyms: eject, evict
Antonyms: give, allow
Usage: Sick and tired of putting up with his bad moods, the pirates ousted their captain.
REGNANT (adjective) प्रबल होनेवाला
Meaning: reigning; ruling.
Synonyms: dominant, governing, rampant, influential.
Antonyms: powerless, ineffectual, inadequate, ineffective.
Usage: After all, a queen regnant sits on the throne and the monarchy must be feeling pressure from its seemingly more progressive neighbors.
BENIGNANT (adjective) कृपालु
Meaning: having or marked by sympathy and consideration for others.
Synonyms: benevolent, compassionate, humane, kindhearted.
Antonyms: atrocious, brutal, callous, fiendish.
Usage: The queen had a benignant reputation and was loved for her caring treatment of others.
STENTORIAN (adjective) बुलंद
Meaning: (of a person’s voice) loud and powerful.
Synonyms: booming, clangorous, piercing, roaring.
Antonyms: soothing, muffled, muted, softened.
Usage: When my father speaks in a stentorian voice, I know I’m in trouble.
Placate (Verb): सांत्वना देना
Meaning: make (someone) less angry or hostile.
Synonym: appease, assuage, conciliate, pacify
Antonym: aggravate, annoy, antagonize, bother, provoke
Usage: The police officer tried to placate the two scared drivers at the scene of the accident.
Contrite (Adjective): मनोव्यथित
Meaning: feeling or expressing remorse at the recognition that one has done wrong.
Synonym: remorseful, repentant, penitent, regretful
Antonym: unrepentant, defiant
Usage: She must be humble and contrite.
Abdicate (Verb): त्यागना
Meaning: (of a monarch) renounce one’s throne.
Synonyms: resign, retire
Usage: Because the mother chose to abdicate her role as a parent, her children have become the terrors of the neighborhood.
Copious (Adjective): प्रचुर
Meaning: abundant in supply or quantity.
Synonym: abundant, ample, extensive
Antonym: lacking, meager, rare
Usage: The storm produced a copious amount of rain.