Precedent : उदाहरण/ अग्रगामी
Meaning: an earlier event or action that is regarded as an example or guide to be considered in subsequent similar circumstances.
अर्थ: पहले की घटना या क्रिया जिसे बाद की समान परिस्थितियों में एक उदाहरण या मार्गदर्शक माना जाता है।
Synonyms: model, example, preceding
Antonyms: after, following, later
Usage in a sentence: The judgment on pension rights has established a precedent.
Apex : चोटी
Meaning: the top or highest part of something, especially one forming a point.
अर्थ: किसी चीज़ का ऊपरी या उच्चतम भाग, विशेष रूप से एक बिंदु।
Synonyms: peak, acme, zenith
Antonyms: nadir, bottom, base
Usage in a sentence: He was at the apex of his career.
Resolution : समाधान
Meaning: a firm decision to do or not to do something.
अर्थ: कुछ करने या न करने का दृढ़ निश्चय।
Synonyms: resolve, decision, solution, settlement
Antonyms: hesitation, uncertainty, cowardice
Usage in a sentence: We found a resolution to the dispute.
Landmark : ऐतिहासिक घटना
Meaning: an object or feature of a landscape or town that is easily seen and recognized from a distance, especially one that enables someone to establish their location.
अर्थ: एक परिदृश्य या शहर की एक वस्तु या विशेषता जिसे दूर से आसानी से देखा और पहचाना जाता है, विशेष रूप से वह जो किसी को अपना स्थान स्थापित करने में सक्षम बनाता है।
Synonyms: milestone, breakthrough, historic, momentous
Antonyms: less important, less important, dull, modest
Usage in a sentence: The Golden Gate Bridge is a famous landmark in San Francisco.
Word: Insolvency : दिवालियापन
Meaning: The state of being insolvent.
अर्थ: दिवालिया होने की स्थिति।
Synonyms: bankruptcy, poverty, failure
Antonyms: solvency, affluence
Usage in a sentence: The company is close to insolvency.
Word: Enterprise : उद्योग
Meaning: a project or undertaking, especially a bold or complex one.
अर्थ: एक परियोजना या उपक्रम, विशेष रूप से एक साहसिक या जटिल।
Synonyms: business, undertaking, company, venture, initiative
Antonyms: idleness, lethargy, laziness, inactivity
Usage in a sentence: Agriculture is the main economic enterprise among the people.
Word: Collateral : ज़मानत
Meaning: something pledged as security for repayment of a loan, to be forfeited in the event of a default. (Noun)
अर्थ: किसी ऋण की अदायगी के लिए सुरक्षा के रूप में प्रतिज्ञा की गई, डिफ़ॉल्ट की स्थिति में ज़ब्त कर ली जाए।
Synonyms: security, deposit, warranty, subordinate
Antonyms: primary, chief, principal
Usage in a sentence: We had put our house up as collateral for our bank loan.
Word: Sacrosanct : पवित्र
Meaning: (especially of a principle, place, or routine) regarded as too important or valuable to be interfered with.
अर्थ: (विशेषकर किसी सिद्धांत, स्थान या दिनचर्या के) को बहुत महत्वपूर्ण या मूल्यवान माना जाता है।
Synonyms: sacred, divine, holy, inviolable
Antonyms: nonreligious, irreligious, profane, irreverent
Usage in a sentence: The tradition is regarded as sacrosanct.
Word: Paucity : अभाव
Meaning: the presence of something in only small or insufficient quantities or amounts.
अर्थ: केवल छोटी या अपर्याप्त मात्रा या मात्रा में किसी चीज की उपस्थिति।
Synonyms: lack, dearth, insufficiency, scarcity, shortage, deficiency, inadequacy
Antonyms: plethora, abundance, opulence, plenty
Usage in a Sentence: This paucity of animal life seems inconsistent with the theory that the islands were once connected with the mainland.
Word: Entrenched : आरोपित
Meaning: to establish an attitude, habit, or belief so strongly that it is not likely to change
अर्थ: एक दृष्टिकोण, आदत, या विश्वास को इतनी दृढ़ता से स्थापित करने के लिए कि इसे बदलने की संभावना नहीं है
Synonyms: fixed, inflexible, instilled
Antonyms: vulnerable, adjustable, unestablished
Usage in Sentence: Our soldiers have entrenched themselves behind the battle lines.