Word: Undermine : दुर्बल बना देना
Meaning: erode the base or foundation of (a rock formation)
अर्थ: (चट्टान का निर्माण) के आधार या नींव को नष्ट करना
Synonyms: weaken, impair, subvert
Antonyms: strengthen, encourage
Usage in a sentence: The scandal threatened to undermine the institution of the Presidency.
Word: Consolidate : संघटित करना
Meaning: make (something) physically stronger or more solid.
अर्थ: शारीरिक रूप से मजबूत या अधिक ठोस (कुछ) बनाना।
Synonyms: merge, unite, combine, strengthen
Antonyms: separate, weaken, divide
Usage in a sentence: The company is planning to consolidate its business activities at a new site in Arizona.
Word: Requisite : मांग/ अपेक्षित
Meaning: a thing that is necessary for the achievement of a specified end. [Noun]
अर्थ: एक ऐसी चीज़ जो एक निर्दिष्ट अंत की उपलब्धि के लिए आवश्यक है।
Synonyms: essential, necessary, required, indispensable
Antonyms: non-essential, optional
Usage in a sentence: She lacks the requisite experience for the job.
Word: Acumen : कुशाग्रता
Meaning: the ability to make good judgements and take quick decisions.
अर्थ: अच्छे निर्णय लेने और त्वरित निर्णय लेने की क्षमता।
Synonyms: shrewdness, sharpness, sharp-wittedness, cleverness, brightness
Antonyms: dullness, foolishness
Usage in a Sentence: He had demonstrated considerable business acumen.
Word: Charisma : प्रतिभा
Meaning: compelling attractiveness or charm that can inspire devotion in others.
अर्थ: आकर्षण जो दूसरों में भक्ति को प्रेरित कर सकता है।
Synonyms: magnetism, charm, allure, glamour, fascination
Antonyms: ugliness, unattractiveness, offensiveness
Usage in a Sentence: He has neither the policies nor the personal charisma to inspire people.
Word: Vest : अधिकृत करना
Meaning: confer or bestow (power, authority, property, etc.) on someone.
अर्थ: किसी पर शक्ति या अधिकार (शक्ति, अधिकार, संपत्ति इत्यादि) प्रदान करना या देना।
Synonyms: endow, lodge, entrust to
Antonyms: disapprove, divest
Usage in a sentence: The local planning authorities are vested with powers to regulate land use and development.
Word: Contest : संघर्ष करना
Meaning: an event in which people compete for supremacy in a sport or other activity, or in quality. (Noun)
अर्थ: एक घटना जिसमें लोग किसी खेल या अन्य गतिविधि में, या गुणवत्ता में वर्चस्व के लिए प्रतिस्पर्धा करते हैं।
Synonyms: competition, dispute, challenge, fight
Antonyms: collaborate, concord, support, compromise
Usage in a Sentence: She plans to contest a seat in Congress next year.
Word: Retrograde : प्रतिगामी
Meaning: directed or moving backwards. [Adjective]
अर्थ: पीछे की ओर निर्देशित या बढ़ना।
Synonyms: reverse, rearward, regressive, downhill,
Antonyms: progress, advance, modern
Usage in a Sentence: The closure of the factories is seen as a retrograde step.
Word: Embark : प्रारम्भ करना
Meaning: begin (a course of action).
अर्थ: शुरू (कार्रवाई का एक कोर्स)।
Synonyms: start, commence, launch
Antonyms: disembark, end, finish
Usage in a sentence: He is about to embark on a new business venture.
Word: Overturn : नष्ट करना
Meaning: abolish, invalidate, or reverse (a previous system, decision, situation, etc.) [Verb]
अर्थ: निरस्त, अमान्य या उल्टा (एक पूर्व प्रणाली, निर्णय, स्थिति, आदि)
Synonyms: overthrow, upset, reverse
Antonyms: build, allow, permit
Usage in a Sentence: He accused his opponents of wanting to overturn the government.