वोकैब एक उम्मीदवार के लिए केवल आगामी परीक्षाओं में ही नहीं बल्कि आपकी अंग्रेजी शब्द ज्ञान को भी बेहतर करने में मदद करता है, साथ ही उन परीक्षाओं के इंटरव्यू के दौर से गुजरने में आपकी मदद करेगा जिनकी आप तैयारी कर रहे हैं। हम आशा करते हैं कि आप Daily Vocabulary के माध्यम से परीक्षाओं में अपना प्रदर्शन बेहतर कर सकेंगे. Adda247 आपके इस उद्देश्य की पूर्ति करता है। हम आपको यहाँ 19 फरवरी 2020 की वोकेबलरी प्रदान कर रहे हैं.
Meaning: Friendly
Synonym: Cordial, Harmonious, amiable, polite.
Antonym: impolite, uncivil, rude, unfriendly.
Sentence: Most customer service agents are amicable people who are good at settling disagreements.
Meaning: the playful and friendly exchange of teasing remarks.
Synonym: wisecracks, crosstalk, wordplay, ribbing.
Antonym: flattery, praise, work
Sentence: If the banter between the award presenters is not exciting, no one will watch the show.
Meaning: in a strange and frightening manner.
Synonyms: hauntingly, creepily, scarily, spookily.
Antonyms: dulcetly, pleasingly, pleasantly, agreeably.
Usage: In front of him stood a masked man clutching a knife in one hand, grinning eerily at him.
Meaning: of the nature of a miracle or having the power to work miracles.
Synonyms: supernatural, preternatural, superhuman, inexplicable, unaccountable
Antonyms: average, believable, credible, common
Example: It was a miraculous talk with a stranger that stopped Jim from ending his life.
Meaning: cover or decorate (something) with a hard surface layer.
Synonyms: cover, fill, stuff
Antonyms: strip
Example: The mussels encrust navigation buoys.
Meaning: an extremely strong reaction of anger, shock, or indignation.
Synonyms: indignation, fury, anger, rage
Antonyms: kindness, honor, praise, respect
Example: They were horrified by the outrage before their eyes.
Meaning: offending against moral principles; repugnant.
Synonyms: shocking, scandalous, vile, foul, atrocious, outrageous
Antonyms: clean, decent, gentle, magnificent
Example: The salaries some company directors earn are obscene.
Meaning: an instance of successfully achieving something difficult.
Synonyms: success, triumph, feat,
Antonyms: failure
Example: There have been seven coup attempts against the beleaguered government.
अर्थ: छल
Meaning: Secretly involved in immoral or illegal activity.
अर्थ: अनैतिक या अवैध गतिविधि में गुप्त रूप से शामिल।
Synonym: Involvement, assistance, conspiracy, intrigue
Antonym: Disapprobation, rejection, dislike
Usage: With the connivance of the government, the Indian army planned a surgical strike.